What term refers to a general tendency of an individual to experience a particular mood or to react to things in a particular way or with certain emotions?

Chapter 5
affective commitment Positive emotional attachment to the organization and strong identification with its values and goals
affectivity A general tendency of an individual to experience a particular mood or to react to things in a particular way or with certain emotions
attitude Expresses our values, beliefs, and feelings toward something, and inclines us to act or react in a certain way toward it
behavioral intentions Reflect your motivation to do something with respect to the object of the attitude
beliefs Your judgments about the object of the attitude that result from your values, past experiences, and reasoning
burnout Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration
cognitive dissonance An incompatibility between behavior and an attitude or between two different attitudes
continuance commitment Staying with an organization because of perceived high economic and/or social costs involved with leaving
display rules Shared expectations about which emotions ought to be expressed and which ought to be disguised
dysfunctional stress An overload of stress from a situation of either under- or overarousal that continues for too long
emotional contagion One person’s expressed emotion causes others to express the same emotion
emotional labor Displaying the appropriate emotion regardless of the emotion actually felt
emotions Transient physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that prepare us to respond to it
employee engagement A heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for his/her job, organization, manager, or coworkers that, in turn, influences him/her to apply additional discretionary effort to his/her work
extrinsic work values Values related to the outcomes of the work
feelings Reflect your evaluations and overall liking of the object of the attitude, and can be positive or negative
functional stress Manageable levels of stress for reasonable periods of time that generate positive emotions including satisfaction, excitement, and enjoyment
individual-organization value conflict When an employee’s values conflict with the values of the organization
instrumental values Our preferred means of achieving our terminal values or our preferred ways of behaving
interpersonal value conflicts When two different people hold conflicting values
intrapersonal value conflict When highly ranked instrumental and terminal values conflict
intrinsic work values Values related to the work itself
job satisfaction Reflects our attitudes and feelings about our job
moods Short-term emotional states not directed toward anything in particular
negative affect Comprises feelings of being upset, fearful, and distressed
normative commitment Feeling obliged to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons
organizational citizenship behaviors Discretionary behaviors (e.g., helping others) that benefit the organization but that are not formally rewarded or required
organizational commitment The degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and its goals and wants to stay with the organization
positive affect Reflects a combination of high energy and positive evaluation characterized in such emotions as elation
terminal values Long-term personal life goals
values Ways of behaving or end-states desirable to a person or to a group

What term refers to drawing a general impression that the outcomes of promotions hiring firing and raises fair and equitable?

Terms in this set (10) What term refers to drawing a general impression that the outcomes of promotions, hiring, firing, and raises were fair and equitable? distributive fairness.

What term refers to the match between an individual and her supervisor and coworkers?

Terms in this set (15) What term refers to the match between an individual and her supervisor and coworkers? Person-group fit.

Which stress stage is triggered we first encounter a stressor?

There are three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Alarm – This occurs when we first perceive something as stressful, and then the body initiates the fight-or-flight response (as discussed earlier).

Which approach to performance management identifies financial and nonfinancial performance measures and organizes them into a single model?

What is the second step in the performance appraisal process? Which approach to performance management identifies financial and nonfinancial performance measures and organizes them into a single model? group-based.


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