What type of qualitative research that make you understand the connection of past events to the present time?

4.Content and Discourse AnalysisContent analysis is a method of quantitative research that requires an analysis orexamination of the substance or content of the mode of communication (letters, books,journals, photos, video recordings, SMS, online messages, emails, audio-visualmaterials, etc.) used by a person, group, organization, or any institution incommunicating. A study of language structures used in the medium of communicationto discover the effects of sociological, cultural, institutional, and ideological factors onthe content makes it a discourse analysis. In studying the content or structures of thematerial, you need a question or a set of questions to guide you inyour analysis.5.Historical AnalysisCentral to this qualitative research method is the examination of primarydocuments to make you understand the connection of past events to the present time.The results of your content analysis will help you specify phenomenological changes inunchanged aspects of society through theyears.6.Grounded TheoryGrounded theory takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie yourstudy at the time of data collection and analysis. Through your observation on yoursubjects, you will happen to find a theory that applies to your current study. Interview,observation, and documentary analysis are the data gathering techniques for this type ofqualitative research.PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1Advantages or Strengths of Qualitative Research1.It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter, which means that thoseinvolve in the research understand things based on what they find meaningful.2.It promotes a full understanding of human behavior or personality traits in theirnatural setting.3.It is instrumental for positive societal changes.4.It engenders respect for people’s individuality as it demands the researcher’scareful and attentive stand toward people’s world views.5.It is a way of understanding and interpreting social interactions.6.It increases the researcher’s interest in the study as it includes the researcher’sexperience or background knowledge in interpreting verbal and visual data.

Grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative research, historical, case studies, and phenomenology are several types of qualitative research designs.  The proceeding paragraphs give a brief over view several of these qualitative methods.

Grounded theory is a systematic procedure of data analysis, typically associated with qualitative research, that allows researchers to develop a theory that explains a specific phenomenon.  Grounded theory was developed by Glaser and Strauss and is used to conceptualize phenomenon using research; grounded theory is not seen as a descriptive method and originates from sociology.  The unit of analysis in grounded theory is a specific phenomenon or incident, not individual behaviors.   The primary data collection method is through interviews of approximately 20 – 30 participants or until data achieves saturation.

What type of qualitative research that make you understand the connection of past events to the present time?

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Ethnographic studies are qualitative procedures utilized to describe, analyze and interpret a culture’s characteristics.  Ethnography was developed in the 19thand 20th centuries and used by anthropologists to explore primitive cultures different from their own; it originated from Anthropology.  Ethnography is used when a researcher wants to study a group of people to gain a larger understanding of their lives or specific aspects of their lives.  The primary data collection method is through observation over an extended period of time.  It would also be appropriate to interview others who have studied the same cultures.

Phenomenology is used to identify phenomena and focus on subjective experiences and understanding the structure of those lived experiences.  It was founded in the early 20th century by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heideggar and originated from philosophy.  Phenomenology is used to describe, in depth, the common characteristics of the phenomena that has occurred.   The primary data collection method is through in-depth interviews.

Case studies are believed to have originated in 1829 by Frederic Le Play.  Case studies are rooted in several disciplines, including science, education, medicine, and law.  Case studies are to be used when (1) the researcher wants to focus on how and why, (2) the behavior is to be observed, not manipulated, (3) to further understand a given phenomenon, and (4) if the boundaries between the context and phenomena are not clear.  Multiple methods can be used to gather data, including interviews, observation, and historical documentation.

What type of qualitative research focuses on past events?

Types of Qualitative Research.
Historical research describes past events, problems, issues and facts. ... .
Ethnographic research develops in-depth analytical descriptions of current systems, processes, and phenomena and/or understandings of the shared beliefs and practices of a particular group or culture..

What qualitative research method is the examination of primary documents to make you understand the connection of past events to the present time?

Document analysis is a form of qualitative research that uses a systematic procedure to analyze documentary evidence and answer specific research questions.

Which type of qualitative research deals with the examination of past events to draw conclusions and make predictions about the future?

One type of qualitative research is historical research, which involves examining past events to draw conclusions and make predictions about the future.

What types of qualitative research refers to the study of lived experiences from the perspective of participants?

Phenomenological studies examine human experiences through the descriptions provided by the people involved. These experiences are called lived experiences. The goal of phenomenological studies is to describe the meaning that experiences hold for each subject.