What was the most apparent reciprocal impact of the foreign economic assistance given by the United States?

What was the most apparent reciprocal impact of the foreign economic assistance given by the United States following World War II? Purchases of U.S. agricultural products, manufactured goods, and services by the recipient countries increased. the rise of new global marketing opportunities.

What factor was primarily responsible for the excess in production capacity in the United States after World War II?

What factor was primarily responsible for the excess in production capacity in the United States after World War II? The returning military after World War II increased the labor supply in the United States.

Which were the two major challenges faced by US multinational corporations at the close of the 1960s quizlet?

Which were the two major challenges faced by U.S. multinational corporations at the close of the 1960s? Question options: The creation of the Soviet Union and the higher tariffs on imports. Growing jingoistic nationalism and a negative population growth rate in major international markets.

What is the major reason behind the failure of American MNCs to completely dominate the European markets as predicted by Servan Schreiber quizlet?

Which of the following is the major reason behind the failure of American MNCs to completely dominate the European markets as predicted by Servan-Schreiber? The resurgence of competition worldwide.

What was the outcome for the GATT after the ratification of the Uruguay Round Agreements?

What was the outcome for the GATT after the ratification of the Uruguay Round agreements? A. With the ratification of the Uruguay Round agreements, the GATT became part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, and its 117 original members moved into a new era of free trade.

What strategy was employed by the United States to regain its lost market share for capital goods by the late 1990s? negotiating bilateral trade agreements. You just studied 68 terms!

How has globalization impacted domestic markets in the United States?

How has globalization impacted domestic markets in the United States? … Multinational companies are making more profits from their domestic operations compared to their earnings from the foreign markets.

Which of the following was the most significant move of the 1980s that contributed to international cooperation among trading nations?

Which of the following was the most significant move of the 1980s that contributed toward international cooperation among trading nations? Negotiation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

What is the crucial question facing international marketers today?

What are the most efficient ways to segment markets? What is the crucial question facing international marketers today? It deals with a company’s products, capital, and research. What statement relates to strategic planning?

What is an accurate description regarding balance of payments records quizlet?

tariff. What is an accurate description regarding balance-of-payments records? They are maintained on a double-entry bookkeeping system.

Which of the following are unintended consequences of globalization?

Sadly, the unintended consequences of globalization include social and political upheaval, civil unrest and, eventually, revolt. In the best case, the foreseeable future holds greater, more widespread and increasingly severe economic and political volatility.

What is most likely a problem associated with the use of secondary data?

Which of the following is most likely a problem associated with the use of secondary data? … lack of adequate demographic data from which meaningful samples can be drawn. In many rural areas, there are no street maps, some streets are not identified, and some houses are not numbered.

What is one of the main political causes of instability in international markets?

There are five main political causes of instability in international markets: (1) some forms of government seem to be inherently unstable, (2) changes in political parties during elections can have major effects on trade conditions, (3) nationalism, (4) animosity targeted toward specific countries, and (5) trade …

What were the major outcomes of the Uruguay Round?

The Uruguay Round reduced tariffs by 40 percent for developed countries on about $787 billion worth of trade in industrial goods. The percent of industrial goods traded by developed countries with zero tariffs rose from 20 percent to 44 percent.

Does GATT still exist?

What happened to GATT? The WTO replaced GATT as an international organization, but the General Agreement still exists as the WTO’s umbrella treaty for trade in goods, updated as a result of the Uruguay Round negotiations.

What was not accomplished in the Uruguay Round but later negotiated by the WTO?

What was NOT accomplished in the Uruguay Round, but later negotiated by the WTO? Subsidies; TRIP revised and market access.

What were two major challenges faced by the US multinational?

Which were the two major challenges faced by U.S. multinational corporations at the close of the 1960s? Question options: The creation of the Soviet Union and the higher tariffs on imports. Growing jingoistic nationalism and a negative population growth rate in major international markets.

What factor was primarily responsible for the excess in production capacity in the United States after World War II?

What factor was primarily responsible for the excess in production capacity in the United States after World War II? The returning military after World War II increased the labor supply in the United States.

Which were the two major challenges faced by US multinational corporations at the close of the 1960s quizlet?

According to the text, which were the two major challenges U.S. multinational corporations were facing at the close of the 1960s? The challenges were resistance to direct investment and increasing competition in export markets.

How has globalization impacted domestic markets in the United States quizlet?

How has globalization impacted domestic markets in the United States? Multinational manufacturing companies in all industries and sizes have outperformed their domestic counterparts.


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