What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do regarding the management of a patients pain?


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What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do regarding the management of a patients pain?

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The nurse is describing effects of pain to a patient who is getting ready for surgery. Which statement made by the nurse indicates proper understanding of the effects of pain? You may experience increased blood pressure.
A patient with diabetes is being seen in the emergency department for a broken arm. He states that he is in a lot of pain. The nurse understands that pain could have which effect on the patient’s blood sugar? Increased blood sugar
A nurse is caring for a patient on the oncology floor. The nurse understands that which observation indicates the patient is in pain? The patient’s urine output has decreaseS?"d from its normal baseline.
The nurse is teaching a patient’s family about the effects of pain. Which statement made by the nurse indicates proper teaching? “When a patient is in chronic pain, the parasympathetic nervous system responds
A nurse is caring for a patient with a burn. When conducting the pain assessment, which action should the nurse perform first? Take the patient’s vital signs.
A nurse is performing a pain assessment for a trauma patient. Which questions should the nurse include in the pain assessment? =Where is the pain located?” =“Does the pain radiate anywhere? =What makes the pain worse or better?
A new nurse is trying to do a pain assessment. The charge nurse reminds the new nurse to use SOCRATES. The new nurse understands that the “T” in SOCRATES stands for what? Time course
A nurse is talking with a patient regarding the patient’s pain. The nurse performed the SOCRATES set of questions. The nurse understands that which additional question would be relevant to the pain assessment? “What are your past pain experienceS?"
The nurse is working in an urgent care office. A patient comes in with a possible broken ankle, experiencing a lot of pain. The nurse obtains his vital signs and watches him grimace every time his foot is moved. The ankle is edematous. When asked, the pat Pain scale 9 out of 10
A nurse is performing a pain assessment on a patient who is complaining of chest pain. The nurse understands that which question is appropriate to ask the patient? Where is the pain located?”
The nurse is talking to a 50-year-old patient about his chronic back pain. Which questions would be appropriate for the nurse to ask? =“Have you had similar pain in the past? =What are your past experiences with pain? =“What effect does the pain have on your activities of daily living?” -What do you use to deal with your discomfort?
A nurse is taking care of a 3-month-old infant who recently had abdominal surgery. The nurse is concerned that the patient may be in pain. Which action made by the nurse indicates proper knowledge of pain assessment? Using the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale
A nurse is caring for a patient with kidney stones. The nurse asks the patient to describe the pain on a scale of 0-10.The patient rates the pain a 5. How would the nurse classify this pain? Moderate pain
A nurse is assessing pain in a 4-year-old patient who has a femur fracture. Which pain assessment tool would be recommended for this patient? Universal Pain Assessment Tool
The nurse completed a pain assessment on a 16-year-old teen that was hospitalized post-op for open-heart surgery. The patient describes the pain as “constant aching” and is rated 8 on the 0-10 pain scale. Which action made by the nurse indicates proper un Looking in the patient’s chart for pain medication that was ordered, and obtaining an order for pain medication from the provider if none has been prescribed
A nurse is caring for a patient who has just had major abdominal surgery to resect a portion of his colon. What is the most reliable sign that the patient has significant postoperative pain? The patient rates his pain a 7 on a scale of 0 to 10.
What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to do regarding the management of a patient's pain? Let me know at least 30 minutes before you transport her so I can administer her pain medication.
Which observation indicates that a patient's pain medication has been effective in managing pain that she rated a 6 out of 10 on a pain rating scale before the intervention? The patient rates her current pain as 3 out of 10 on the pain rating scale.
A patient with a herniated disk is scheduled for surgery to fuse two vertebrae in her cervical spine. Which activity is most likely to be a palliative factor for this patient? Performing neck, back, and shoulder exercises prescribed by a physical therapist
The nurse notices that his patient has none of the signs and symptoms normally associated with pain, such as diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hypertension. The patient does, however, seem moody and a bit uncooperative. What conclusion does the nurse draw? The absence of physiological signs and symptoms is associated with chronic pain

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do regarding the management?

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to do regarding the management of a patient's pain? "Let me know at least 30 minutes before you transport her so I can administer her pain medication." "Be sure to keep the room temperature high and the TV on at all times."

Which instruction might the nurse give to the nursing assistive personnel that is applicable only to temporal artery temperature assessment?

1. Which instruction might the nurse give to nursing assistive personnel (NAP) that is applicable only to temporal artery temperature assessment? An accurate temperature reading is obtained with moisture on the forehead. Put on a disposable sensor cover before taking the temporal artery temperature.

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do when measuring an adult patient's radial pulse?

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personal (NAP) to do when measuring an adult patient's radial pulse? Place the patient in the lateral (side-lying) position before measuring the pulse. Apply gloves with each patient before measuring the pulse.

What instruction should the nurse give nursing assistive personnel NAP regarding the appropriate technique when measuring the adult patient's apical pulse?

What instruction should the nurse give nursing assistive personnel (NAP) regarding the appropriate technique when measuring the adult patient's apical pulse? Document the patient's pulse rate and rhythm. Place the patient in the right lateral position before measuring the apical pulse.