When a researcher gives a subject full and complete information about the purpose of a study this is an example of?

Research is the most widely used tool to increase and brush-up the stock of knowledge about something and someone. In the field of marketing, business, sociology, psychology, science & technology, economics, etc. there are two standard ways of conducting research, i.e. qualitative research or quantitative research. While the qualitative research relies on verbal narrative like spoken or written data, the quantitative research uses logical or statistical observations to draw conclusions.

In a qualitative research, there are only a few non-representative cases are used as a sample to develop an initial understanding. Unlike, quantitative research in which a sufficient number of representative cases are taken to consideration to recommend a final course of action.

There is a never-ending debate on, which research is better than the other, so in this article, we are going to shed light on the difference between qualitative and quantitative research.

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Video
  5. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonQualitative ResearchQuantitative Research
Meaning Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops understanding on human and social sciences, to find the way people think and feel. Quantitative research is a research method that is used to generate numerical data and hard facts, by employing statistical, logical and mathematical technique.
Nature Holistic Particularistic
Approach Subjective Objective
Research type Exploratory Conclusive
Reasoning Inductive Deductive
Sampling Purposive Random
Data Verbal Measurable
Inquiry Process-oriented Result-oriented
Hypothesis Generated Tested
Elements of analysis Words, pictures and objects Numerical data
Objective To explore and discover ideas used in the ongoing processes. To examine cause and effect relationship between variables.
Methods Non-structured techniques like In-depth interviews, group discussions etc. Structured techniques such as surveys, questionnaires and observations.
Result Develops initial understanding Recommends final course of action

Definition of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is one which provides insights and understanding of the problem setting. It is an unstructured, exploratory research method that studies highly complex phenomena that are impossible to elucidate with the quantitative research. Although, it generates ideas or hypothesis for later quantitative research.

Qualitative research is used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behaviour, experience, attitudes, intentions, and motivations, on the basis of observation and interpretation, to find out the way people think and feel. It is a form of research in which the researcher gives more weight to the views of the participants. Case study, grounded theory, ethnography, historical and phenomenology are the types of qualitative research.

Definition of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a form of research that relies on the methods of natural sciences, which produces numerical data and hard facts. It aims at establishing cause and effect relationship between two variables by using mathematical, computational and statistical methods. The research is also known as empirical research as it can be accurately and precisely measured.

The data collected by the researcher can be divided into categories or put into rank, or it can be measured in terms of units of measurement. Graphs and tables of raw data can be constructed with the help quantitative research, making it easier for the researcher to analyse the results.

Key Differences Between Qualitative And Quantitative Research

The differences between qualitative and quantitative research are provided can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  1. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops understanding on human and social sciences, to find the way people think and feel. A scientific and empirical research method that is used to generate numerical data, by employing statistical, logical and mathematical technique is called quantitative research.
  2. Qualitative research is holistic in nature while quantitative research is particularistic.
  3. The qualitative research follows a subjective approach as the researcher is intimately involved, whereas the approach of quantitative research is objective, as the researcher is uninvolved and attempts to precise the observations and analysis on the topic to answer the inquiry.
  4. Qualitative research is exploratory. As opposed to quantitative research which is conclusive.
  5. The reasoning used to synthesise data in qualitative research is inductive whereas in the case of quantitative research the reasoning is deductive.
  6. Qualitative research is based on purposive sampling, where a small sample size is selected with a view to get a thorough understanding of the target concept. On the other hand, quantitative research relies on random sampling; wherein a large representative sample is chosen in order to extrapolate the results to the whole population.
  7. Verbal data are collected in qualitative research. Conversely, in quantitative research measurable data is gathered.
  8. Inquiry in qualitative research is a process-oriented, which is not in the case of quantitative research.
  9. Elements used in the analysis of qualitative research are words, pictures, and objects while that of quantitative research is numerical data.
  10. Qualitative Research is conducted with the aim of exploring and discovering ideas used in the ongoing processes. As opposed to quantitative research the purpose is to examine cause and effect relationship between variables.
  11. Lastly, the methods used in qualitative research are in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc. In contrast, the methods of conducting quantitative research are structured interviews and observations.
  12. Qualitative Research develops the initial understanding whereas quantitative research recommends a final course of action.

Video: Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research


An ideal research is one, which is conducted by considering both the methods, together. Although, there are some particular areas which require, only one type of research which mainly depends on the information required by the researcher.  While qualitative research tends to be interpretative, quantitative research is concrete.

When preparing a research project which level of evidence is highest for a scientific study?

RCTs are given the highest level because they are designed to be unbiased and have less risk of systematic errors. For example, by randomly allocating subjects to two or more treatment groups, these types of studies also randomize confounding factors that may bias results.

Which of the following are steps in the evidence based research process?

5 steps of Evidence Based Practice.
Ask a question. ... .
Find information/evidence to answer question. ... .
Critically appraise the information/evidence. ... .
Integrate appraised evidence with own clinical expertise and patient's preferences. ... .

What are the 6 steps of evidence based practice?

Steps in the Process.
ASSESS the patient. Start with the patient; determine a clinical problem or question that arises from the care of the patient..
ASK a focused clinical question. ... .
ACQUIRE evidence to answer the question. ... .
APPRAISE the quality of the evidence. ... .
APPLY the evidence to patient care. ... .

What is the first step in implementing evidence informed?

The first step in implementing and evidence-based practice (EBP) is to select the students, the environment and the teacher characteristics. You need to know the students that will be receiving the EBP, their grade, age, etc. All of these factors will impact the EBP that you choose.


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