When a teacher asks a question like: “can you elaborate?” or “tell me more about that…” they are:

Which of the following teachers has provided students with specific and timely feedback?

Teacher A gave a math test two weeks ago. She returns the tests with percentage grades and tells students to ask her at the end of class if they have any questions on their grade.

Teacher B has listened to student speeches in her class. She grades the speeches in class using a rubric and the day after all speeches have been delivered she returns the graded rubrics with notes to students.

Teacher C has asked his history students to write a research paper during the first six weeks of the school year. He returns the graded research papers back to students at the end of the semester with check marks on the sections that he found interesting or meaningful and question marks on the sections he found confusing.

Teacher D has created a student response quiz online. At the end of class, he projects the questions on the board and asks students to answer them using their devices. Immediately after all students have responded to the questions he projects the correct answers on the board. Students can view and compare their answers with the correct answers.

Is it important that your students like you please elaborate?

It matters why you want your students to like you… If they like you because you genuinely like them and show a real interest in their growth, then they will also respect you and work hard for you. Students do not learn because of teachers, they learn for teachers.”

What are the three most important things your teacher should know about you?

What Good Teachers Know About Their Students.
Native language..
Critical medical needs..
IEP/504s/Giftedness, and other services..
Living Situation”, including religious beliefs, safety, food, family, access to books, technology, etc..
Grade Point Average & academic strengths..
Favorite subjects..
Reading levels & reading habits..

What questions you would like to ask your teacher?

10 Questions to Ask Your Professor.
What are your office hours? ... .
What can I expect from your class? ... .
How can I do well in your class? ... .
What is your teaching style like? ... .
I'm having trouble understanding the material. ... .
Are there any JJC scholarships that you think would be a good fit for me?.

Do you agree that experience is the best teacher elaborate your answer?

"Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is". There is no better teaching practice than experience. Sharing an experience within the context of the lecture consolidates learning, fosters better understanding and impresses longer in the minds of students. It simply puts theories to practice first hand.