When caring for a client in late hypovolemic shock which complication with the nurse anticipate

Hypovolemic Shock also known as hemorrhagic shock is a medical condition resulting from a decreased blood volume caused by blood loss, which leads to reduced cardiac output and inadequate tissue perfusion. Common causes include internal or external bleeding, extensive burns, vomiting, profuse sweating, and diarrhea. Hypovolemic Shock also often occurs after trauma, GI bleeding, or rupture of organs or aneurysms. The symptoms is dependent on the severity of fluid or blood loss. However, all symptoms of shock are life-threatening and must be given medical treatment immediately. The prognosis is dependent on the degree of volume loss.

Nursing care for patients with Hypovolemic Shock focuses on assisting with treatment aimed at the cause of the shock and restoring intravascular volume.

Here are four nursing care plans and nursing diagnosis for hypovolemic shock: 

  1. Decreased Cardiac Output
  2. Deficient Fluid Volume
  3. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion
  4. Anxiety

1. Decreased Cardiac Output

Decreased Cardiac Output

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Decreased Cardiac Output

May be related to

  • Alterations in heart rate and rhythm.
  • Decreased ventricular filling (preload).
  • Fluid volume loss of 30% or more.
  • Late uncompensated hypovolemic shock.

Possibly evidenced by

  • Abnormal arterial blood gasses (ABGs); hypoxemia and acidosis.
  • Capillary refill greater than 3 seconds.
  • Cardiac dysrhythmias.
  • Change in level of consciousness.
  • Cold, clammy skin.
  • Decreased urinary output (less than 30 ml per hour).
  • Decreased peripheral pulses.
  • Decreased pulse pressure.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Tachycardia.

Desired Outcomes

  • Client will maintain adequate cardiac output, as evidenced by strong peripheral pulses, systolic BP within 20 mm Hg of baseline, HR 60 to 100 beats per minute with regular rhythm, urinary output 30 ml/hr or greater, warm and dry skin, and normal level of consciousness.
Nursing InterventionsRationale
Assess the client’s HR and BP, including peripheral pulses. Use direct intra-arterial monitoring as ordered. Sinus tachycardia and increased arterial BP are seen in the early stages to maintain an adequate cardiac output. Hypotension happens as condition deteriorates. Vasoconstriction may lead to unreliable blood pressure. Pulse pressure (systolic minus diastolic) decreases in shock. Older client have reduced response to catecholamines; thus their response to decreased cardiac output may be blunted, with less increase in HR.
Assess the client’s ECG for dysrhythmias. Cardiac dysrhythmias may occur from the low perfusion state, acidosis, or hypoxia, as well as from side effects of cardiac medications used to treat this condition.
Assess the central and peripheral pulses. Pulses are weak, with reduced stroke volume and cardiac output.
Assess capillary refill time. Capillary refill is slow and sometimes absent.
Assess the respiratory rate, rhythm and auscultate breath sounds. Characteristics of a shock include rapid, shallow respirations and adventitious breath sounds such as crackles and wheezes.
Monitor oxygen saturation and arterial blood gasses. Pulse oximetry is used in measuring oxygen saturation. The normal oxygen saturation should be maintained at 90% or higher. As shock progresses, aerobic metabolism stops and lactic acidosis occurs, resulting in the increased level of carbon dioxide and decreasing pH.
Monitor the client’s central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary artery diastolic pressure (PADP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and cardiac output/cardiac index. CVP provides information on filling pressures of the right side of the heart; pulmonary artery diastolic pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure reflect left-sided fluid volumes. Cardiac output provides an objective number to guide therapy.
Assess for any changes in the level of consciousness. Restlessness and anxiety are early signs of cerebral hypoxia while confusion and loss of consciousness occur in the later stages. Older clients are especially susceptible to reduced perfusion to vital organs.
Assess urine output. The renal system compensates for low BP by retaining water. Oliguria is a classic sign of inadequate renal perfusion from reduced cardiac output.
Assess skin color, temperature, and moisture. Cool, pale, clammy skin is secondary to a compensatory increase in sympathetic nervous system stimulation and low cardiac output and desaturation.
Provide electrolyte replacement as prescribed. Electrolyte imbalance may cause dysrhythmias or other pathological states.
Administer fluid and blood replacement therapy as prescribed. Maintaining an adequate circulating blood volume is a priority.
If possible, use a fluid warmer or rapid fluid infuser. Fluid warmers keep core temperature. Infusing cold blood is associated with myocardial dysrhythmias and paradoxical hypotension. Macropore filtering IV devices should also be used to remove small clothes and debris.
If the client’s condition progressively deteriorates, initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation or other lifesaving measures according to Advanced Cardiac Life Support guidelines, as indicated. Shock unresponsive to fluid replacement can worsen to cardiogenic shock. Depending on etiological factors, vasopressors, inotropic agents, antidysrhythmics, or other medications can be used.

1. Decreased Cardiac Output

Recommended Resources

Recommended nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan books and resources.

Disclosure: Included below are affiliate links from Amazon at no additional cost from you. We may earn a small commission from your purchase. For more information, check out our privacy policy.

  • Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention (10th Edition)
    An awesome book to help you create and customize effective nursing care plans. We highly recommend this book for its completeness and ease of use.
  • Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales
    A quick-reference tool to easily select the appropriate nursing diagnosis to plan your patient’s care effectively.
  • NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2021-2023 (12th Edition)
    The official and definitive guide to nursing diagnoses as reviewed and approved by the NANDA-I. This book focuses on the nursing diagnostic labels, their defining characteristics, and risk factors – this does not include nursing interventions and rationales.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I® Updates
    Another great nursing care plan resource that is updated to include the recent NANDA-I updates.
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5(TM))
    Useful for creating nursing care plans related to mental health and psychiatric nursing.
  • Ulrich & Canale’s Nursing Care Planning Guides, 8th Edition
    Claims to have the most in-depth care plans of any nursing care planning book. Includes 31 detailed nursing diagnosis care plans and 63 disease/disorder care plans.
  • Maternal Newborn Nursing Care Plans (3rd Edition)
    If you’re looking for specific care plans related to maternal and newborn nursing care, this book is for you.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care (7th Edition)
    An easy-to-use nursing care plan book that is updated with the latest diagnosis from NANDA-I 2021-2023.
  • All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health (5th Edition)
    Definitely an all-in-one resources for nursing care planning. It has over 100 care plans for different nursing topics.

See also

Other recommended site resources for this nursing care plan:

  • Nursing Care Plans (NCP): Ultimate Guide and Database MUST READ!
    Over 150+ nursing care plans for different diseases and conditions. Includes our easy-to-follow guide on how to create nursing care plans from scratch.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Guide and List: All You Need to Know to Master Diagnosing
    Our comprehensive guide on how to create and write diagnostic labels. Includes detailed nursing care plan guides for common nursing diagnostic labels.

Other care plans for hematologic and lymphatic system disorders:

  • Anaphylactic Shock | 4 Care Plans
  • Anemia | 4 Care Plans
  • Aortic Aneurysm | 4 Care Plans
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis | 5 Care Plans
  • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation | 4 Care Plans
  • Hemophilia | 5 Care Plans
  • Leukemia | 5 Care Plans
  • Lymphoma | 3 Care Plans
  • Sepsis and Septicemia | 6 Care Plans
  • Sickle Cell Anemia Crisis | 6 Care Plans

Paul Martin is a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing since 2007. Having worked as a medical-surgical nurse for five years, he handled different kinds of patients and learned how to provide individualized care to them. Now, his experiences working in the hospital is carried over to his writings to help aspiring students achieve their goals. He is currently working as a nursing instructor and have a particular interest in nursing management, emergency care, critical care, infection control, and public health. As a writer at Nurseslabs, his goal is to impart his clinical knowledge and skills to students and nurses helping them become the best version of themselves and ultimately make an impact in uplifting the nursing profession.

Which physical characteristics would the client display when experiencing hypovolemic shock?

Patients with volume depletion may complain of thirst, muscle cramps, and/or orthostatic hypotension. Severe hypovolemic shock can result in mesenteric and coronary ischemia that can cause abdominal or chest pain. Agitation, lethargy, or confusion may result from brain malperfusion.

Which clinical findings are indicators of impending hypovolemic shock?

Symptoms may include:.
Anxiety or agitation..
Cool, clammy skin..
Decreased or no urine output..
Generalized weakness..
Pale skin color (pallor).
Rapid breathing..
Sweating, moist skin..

Which clinical findings would the nurse expect when assessing a client who has cardiogenic shock?

Cardiogenic shock signs and symptoms include: Rapid breathing. Severe shortness of breath. Sudden, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)

What are the 4 stages of shock?

It covers the four stages of shock. They include the initial stage, the compensatory stage, the progressive stage, and the refractory stage.


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