When developing the plan of care for a neonate what measure should the nurse include to prevent heat loss from conduction?

351. 4, 5, 6 Rationale: Phototherapy is the use of intense fluorescent lights to reduce serum bilirubin levels in the newborn. Adverse effects from treatment, such as eye damage, dehydration, or sensory deprivation, can occur. Interventions include exposing as much of the newborn's skin as possible; however, the genital area is covered. The newborn's eyes are also covered with eye shields or patches, ensuring that the eyelids are closed when shields or patches are applied. The shields or patches are removed at least once per shift to inspect the eyes for infection or irritation and to allow eye contact. The nurse measures the lamp energy output to ensure efficacy of the treatment (done with a special device known as a photometer), monitors skin temperature closely, and increases fluids to compensate for water loss. The newborn will have loose green stools and green-colored urine. The newborn's skin color is monitored with the fluorescent light turned off every 4 to 8 hours and is monitored for bronze baby syndrome, a grayish brown discoloration of the skin. The newborn is repositioned every 2 hours, and stimulation is provided. After treatment, the newborn is monitored for signs of hyperbilirubinemia because rebound elevations can occur after therapy is discontinued.

When developing the plan of care for a neonate which of the following would the nurse include to prevent heat loss from conduction?

To prevent infant heat loss by convection, the nurse should: Position the infant away from drafts and cooling ducts. A neonate born at 38 weeks' gestation is admitted to the neonatal nursery for observation.

Which intervention can nurses use to prevent evaporative heat loss in the newborn?

Immediately after birth, an infant placed on a surface that has not been pre-warmed will transfer heat to that surface. In order to prevent conductive heat loss, a scale, or resuscitation bed should be always have a pre-warmed blanket between its surface and the infant.

Which nursing interventions help prevent heat loss in newborns quizlet?

Newborns have impaired thermoregulation due to immaturity of the body systems. Therefore, the nurse performs interventions to prevent heat loss in the newborn. Covering the newborn with warm blankets helps to prevent heat loss. The nurse keeps the newborn under the radiant warmer to help maintain the body temperature.

Which action would the nurse take to prevent the loss of heat through convection in a newborn quizlet?

Wrap the baby in warmed blankets. Convection occurs when infants are exposed to cold air currents. Moving the baby out of the fan's air currents will reduce this loss. The warmer prevents heat loss from radiant heat loss.