When equal or very similar elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis A?

principal of design concerned with equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art

is a dividing line that works like the point of balance in the balance scale

occurs when equal, or very similar, elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis

a special type of formal balance in which two halves of a balanced composition are identical, mirror images of each other

occurs when the forces of elements if a design come out (radiate) from a central point

involves a balance of unlike objects

balance that creates a very casual effect, seems less planned than formal balance

type of informal balance: a large shape or form appears to be heavier than a smaller shape. Several small shapes or forms can balance on large shape

type of informal balance: A high intensity color has more visual weight than a low intensity color. The viewer's eyes are drawn to the area if bright color. A small area of bright color is able to balance a larger area of a dull, more neutral color.

type of informal balance: The stronger the contrast in value between an object and the background, the more visual weight the object has. Black against white has more weight than gray against white. Darks are heavier than lights

type of informal balance: a rough surface attracts the viewer’s eyes more easily than a smooth surface. This means that a small, rough-textured area can balance a large, smooth surface.

type of informal: A large object close to the dominant area of the work can be balanced by a smaller object placed far from the dominant area. A large, positive shape and a small, negative space can be balanced against a small, positive shape and a large, negative space.

Balance is important to a work of art because it makes the viewer feel at ease with where the elements are arranged.

Why is balance important to a work of art?

The elements of art are the visual forces, or weights in art.

What are the visual forces, or weights, in art?

Bilateral symmetry is symmetrical and approximate symmetry is symmetry that is almost symmetrical.

What is the difference between bilateral and approximate symmetry? 

The types of informal balance influence the visual weight of the elements.

What factors in a work of art influence the visual weight of the art elements?

Which carry more weight, warm or cool colors? 

Formal balance way of organizing parts of a design so that equal or similar elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis
Symmetrical balance type of formal balance in which two halves or sides of a design are identical
Radial balance type of balance in which forces or elements branch out from a central point, the axis in a circular pattern
Radial - key word is _____ circular
Symmetrical - key word is _____ identical
Formal - key word is _____ opposite
Informal balance way of organizing parts of a design so that unlike objects have equal visual weight or eye attraction
Asymmetrical balance another name for informal balance
Size and contour, color, value, texture, position are _____ elements used to create balance
Focal point area of a work of art that attracts the viewer's attention first
Contrast, location, isolation, convergence, use of the unusual are _____ used to create focal points
Emphasis principle of design that stresses one element or area in a work of art to make it attract the viewer's attention first
The element first noticed is called _____. dominant
The elements noticed later are called _____. subordinate
Shape an area set apart by line or contrasts of value and color
Two kinds of shape are _____. geometric and free-form
Geometric shapes precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas
Circle, square, triangle are _____. basic geometric shapes
Oval, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, pentagon, pentagram, hexagon, octagon are _____. variations or combinations of the basic geometric shapes
Geometric shapes are used for _____. decoration, uniformity, and organization
Free-form shapes are _____. irregular and uneven shapes
Balance a feeling of equality in weight and attention within a work of art
Visual imbalance creates a feeling of _____. uneasiness
Central axis imaginary central line that divides a composition in half
The central axis is used to _____. measure visual weight in a work of art
The central axis can be _____. vertical or horizontal
There are _____ kinds of balance. two
Formal and informal are the _____. two kinds of balance
_____ is best known for the image "LOVE" poster. Peter Max
Peter Max reached the peak of popularity in _____ the 1960s
Peter Max's art was _____ colorful and psychedelic

Which is where equal elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis?

Formal balance – Way of organizing parts of a design so that equal, or very similar, elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis.

What is a central axis in art?

Think of axis as the spine of a figure – the dominant vertical quality of a stick figure is determined by the central axis of the stick figure. The axis assists in the perception of depth, part of shapes, proportion, and ultimately what the shape actually represents.

What is it called when forces or elements of design come out radiate from a central axis?

Symmetry? Occur when the forces or Elements of a Design come out (radiate) from a central point. The axis in a radial design is the center point.

What is it called when forms a composition mirror each other across a central axis?

Symmetrical balance occurs when your composition has the same visual weight on each side of an axis. Imagine perfect mirror images looking at each other around a central axis.