When marketers place a product in as many retail outlets as possible they are using a N?

Take the quiz test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. In marketing, ‘place’ is another term for location. True or false?



2. A supply chain is a network of businesses and organisations through which goods pass to get to their final destination. True or false?



3. The Internet has opened up new channels of distribution. True or false?



4. One of the primary functions of packaging is to protect goods in transit. True or false?



5. Services cannot be exported. True or false?



6. What is an alternative term for a distribution channel?

  1. marketing channel
  2. supply chain
  3. marketing chain
  4. place
  5. distribution depot


a. marketing channel

7. What is a distribution channel?

  1. a group of distributors
  2. a shop or other retail outlet
  3. a product’s route through the supply chain
  4. an electronic network
  5. a means of transporting goods (e.g. lorry or train)


c. a product’s route through the supply chain 

8. Rolex sells its watches through a number upmarket retail partners (e.g. department stores and jewellers) with comparatively few stores. What is this type of distribution strategy called?

  1. selective distribution
  2. exclusive distribution
  3. marketing distribution
  4. mass distribution
  5. prestige distribution


a. selective distribution 

9. What kind of intermediary is Tesco?

  1. wholesaler
  2. supplier
  3. distributor
  4. reseller
  5. retailer

10. What is a warehouse club?

  1. a storage facility rented out to small traders
  2. a large store offering wholesale prices to members only
  3. an online trading house
  4. a social club for members of the distribution trade
  5. a loyalty scheme for small retailers


b. a large store offering wholesale prices to members only 

11. What are businesses that represent, and sell goods on behalf of, other businesses in a specified market called?

  1. resellers
  2. traders
  3. agents
  4. stockists
  5. legal representatives

12. What does EPOS stand for?

  1. easy purchasing and ordering system
  2. electronic purchase operating system
  3. estimated product order shipment
  4. exclusive products’ organisational standing
  5. electronic point of sale


e. electronic point of sale 

13. The International Chamber of Commerce has devised a set of rules for the interpretation of international terms and conditions. These rules set out how activities, costs and risks are to be split between the buyer and seller. What are they called?

  1. Ts & Cs
  2. ICC regulations
  3. les regulations internationale
  4. incoterms
  5. core-GS

14. How many levels of intermediaries are there in a direct sales channel?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4

15. Luxury goods such as high fashion and designer clothing would normally have very few, (possibly only one), distribution outlets. What is the term for this?

  1. exclusive distribution
  2. prestige distribution
  3. selective distribution
  4. unique distribution
  5. targeted distribution


a. exclusive distribution 

16. Tucker’s foods buy their fruit straight from the farm. They then make it into jam and other products and sell it on to wholesalers who in turn sell to retailers such as Sainsbury’s. How many levels are there in this supply chain?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4

17. Dombey and Sons produce a sparkling drink from apples grown on their own farm. They employ a small French firm to sell the drink to wholesalers in France. This French firm is acting as:

  1. a franchisee
  2. a retailer
  3. an agent
  4. a warehouse
  5. a logistics firm

18. Dizzy Designs make their clothes in the UK and then ship them to their own retail outlets in France, Spain and Germany. What kind of operation is this?

  1. indirect export
  2. direct export
  3. home shipment
  4. overseas manufacture
  5. contract manufacture

19. According to many retailers, what are the three secrets to their business success?

  1. product, price and place
  2. product, product and product
  3. location, location and location
  4. service, smile and sizzle
  5. people, process and physical evidence


c. location, location and location 

20. What is the function of transporting and storing physical goods for the various members of the supply chain known as?

  1. the buying centre
  2. merchandising
  3. traffic
  4. inventory
  5. logistics

21. Place, or distribution, is often summed up as getting the right ______ to the right place at the right time.

22. At each stage in the supply chain, ______ is added to the bought in product (i.e. it is transformed into something more desirable and so can command a higher price).

23. A ______ is one of a chain of shops that are individually owned but licensed by a larger company to sell their products (e.g. the Body Shop or Baskin Robbins). The larger company also provides expertise.

24. The ______ Mark shows consumers that the farmers that produced the products received a fair and stable price. They also have safe working conditions and stronger rights and treat the environment with care.

25. The use of different types of channel (e.g. high street stores as well as the internet) to reach the same potential target market is known as _____ distribution.

When marketers place a product in as many retail outlets as possible they are using a blank distribution strategy?

An intensive distribution strategy involves selling a product in as many outlets as possible.

When marketers send products to only one retail outlet in a given region they are using a N distribution strategy?

Exclusive distribution: is the use of only one retail outlet in a given geographic area.

When marketers send products to only a few preferred retailers they are using a N distribution strategy?

Through the exclusive distribution strategy, manufacturers make a deal to sell their product only to one specific retailer. They may also choose to sell their products only through their own brand via their website or physical storefronts.

When marketers use the Internet to sell goods and services they are participating in retailing?

When marketers use the internet to sell goods and services, they are participating in retailing. is one of the four Ps of marketing; it consists of all the techniques sellers use to motivate people to buy their products. Selling goods and services to ultimate consumers over the Internet is known as retailing.


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