When scheduling an appointment assigning a guarantor on visit Info is not required

When scheduling an appointment assigning a guarantor on visit Info is not required

Dentrix G6 includes the following new features and enhancements:

Note: To learn about fixes and changes in this release, read the What's changed section.


·        Medical alerts were enhanced so you can save medical alert notes in the notes history. You can copy medical alert notes to clinical notes, include medical alert notes in the Patient Notes Report, and add patient notes from Questionnaire forms to the medical alert note. 

·        In the Create Patient Alert dialog box, a new "Questionnaires" option was added to the list of options where a patient alert could be displayed in Dentrix. 

Appointment Book

·        Clicking an appointment outlines the appointment block in black so that it's easier to see. Also, clicking an appointment block highlights the appointment time in yellow in the time bars. If you hover the mouse pointer over a time block, the time appears in the block. Tooltips were added to the provider columns, so you can tell at a glance which color is assigned to which provider. You also have the option of  hiding the provider color columns from the Appointment Book.

·        The Enter New Patient Information dialog box was modified to include text boxes for a mobile phone number and an e-mail address. These changes appear in the More Information dialog box, the Hover window, and Patient Visit Forms.

·        The order of the checks and message prompts that appear when you are scheduling appointments has been changed to be more logical.

·        The following options were added to the Select View and the Print Appointment Book View dialog boxes: Mobile Phone, Other Phone, Email, Age, Birthdate, Primary Insurance, Guarantor Name, Appt Status, and CC Attached.

·        When you schedule appointments, conflict warning messages no longer appear excessively.

·        Now, when you purge appointments, you can also purge appointment history and events.

·        When you create an appointment, you can now type a specific appointment length.

·        You can now specify an additional Provider ID for an appointment. You can also display this additional Provider ID field in the appointment block, the Hover window, the Print Appointment Book View Report, the route slip, and the Patient Visit Form.

·        The Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box in the Appointment Book has enhanced functionality; it now allows you to view and easily assign providers to procedures before posting them.

·        Appointment blocks, the Hover window, the Appointment Information dialog box, and the Appointment History dialog box now include a Date/Time Created field and Staff ID field so you can see when the appointment was created and who created it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Document Center

·        You can now acquire documents for the Document Center using any device that supports the following outputs: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .txt, and .rtf. Scanners do not have to be WIA or TWAIN compliant, and you can designate an empty folder that you can save images and documents to automatically regardless of the type of device you used to scan the image or document. If you want, you can disable the Auto Acquire feature. 

·        You can now rename Document Type Category names if they are attached to a signed document.

·        The Document Center now notifies you when there are more than 40 unfiled documents.


·        Several enhancements were made to the Ledger including new columns (Surface, Check #, N, R, D, M), adjustable column widths that are automatically saved when you close the Ledger, the ability to sort by and hide columns, a note indicator for payments and adjustments that have a note, tooltips for the column headings, alternate row shading, and a Refresh button on the toolbar. 

·        In the Ledger Colors Setup dialog box, a new Restore Defaults button was added so you can restore the default Ledger colors. 

·        When clicking Enter Batch Payments from the File menu, a modified Enter Payment dialog box appears with enhanced functionality.  

·        You can now split payments by multiple family members.

·        When you click the Statement Notes button, a more detailed message now appears if you have exceeded the number of characters allowed in the Billing Statement Notes text box.

·        The wording of the Check # field in the Enter Payment dialog box was changed to Check/Payment #.

·        A new CMS 1500 Form was added to the Ledger. The instructions for completing the new claim form are available on the National Uniform Claim Commitee (NUCC) website.

·        If you have not selected Assignment of Benefits for a patient, you can now set an option in the Insurance Payment Setup dialog box to prompt users to post a $0 payment when the claim is created and close the pending claim.

·        If a claim has not been created for today's procedures, the estimates in the transaction log appear in red. A tooltip reminds office personnel to create a claim.

Family File

·        You can no longer archive a patient who has a credit balance.

·        The Select Medical Alert dialog box now has an Insert Dateline button, so that you can insert a date in the Note text box.

·        The Medical Alerts dialog box user interface has been improved.

Letters/List Manager

·        You can use a new List Manager tool (similar to the one in the Collections Manager and the Treatment Manager) to create, view, and print customized lists of patient information. The List Manager also allows you to "hide" patients and merge letters for only the listed patients. 

·        The Letters & Custom Lists feature includes a new option that allows you to open a data file in Microsoft Excel or Notepad.

·        The Patient Report View dialog box associated with the Office Manager's Letters feature was redesigned to list all the available data fields in a single tree view. A new Select All option was added so you can select all data fields at once. A new Email option in this dialog box allows you to specify whether you want to include patients With Email addresses, Without Email addresses, or All

·        A new data field was added where you can specify the date a patient last referred another patient.

·        The process of generating letters and lists is now simpler and requires fewer mouse clicks. It is more flexible when using data files and creating journal entries.

Office Manager

·        In the Daily Huddle Report dialog box, you can use a new drop-down menu to specify whether you want to print/batch the Patient Visit Form or the Route Slip. 

·        The Source of Payment list box in the Dental Insurance Plan Information and Medical Insurance Plan Information dialog boxes includes several new options that you can select. 

·        You can now sort the Patient List Report by family (guarantor and dependents).

·        The Delete Options dialog box now defaults to the Selected Reports option instead of Printed/Displayed Reports if you have selected a report in the Batch Processor.

·        Descriptive text about inactive providers has been added to the Assign Providers as Dentist/Hygienist dialog box.

·        If opened from the Office Manager and if passwords are enabled, the Office Journal defaults to the staff member logged into Dentrix.

·        Changes were made to the UB-04 Claim form to meet California Medicaid requirements.

·        Peachtree 2000 was removed from the Export To list in the DXPort Setup dialog box.

Perio Chart

·        When you close a month, perio exams are now moved to History so that they can be protected. Once a perio exam is moved to History, it cannot be edited.


·        When you first open Dentrix, a "What's New?" message appears listing the new features added to Dentrix.

·        Your Customer ID now appears in the About Dentrix dialog box.

·        Processes, such as Month End, utilities, and the Month End Wizard, that require all Dentrix modules to be closed now display a list of all workstations with active modules and the names of the modules.

·        The Dentrix logo has been updated and appears in the About Dentrix dialog box.

·        Dentrix now includes a contact manager called eDex that lets you manage and quickly search for Dentrix contacts, such as patients, providers, staff, labs, insurance carriers, and other contacts. You can search by first or last name, address, email address, or phone number. You can also add custom notes or append notes to a patient note. A button to access eDex was added to the toolbars of most Dentrix modules; a button and graphic was also added to the Dentrix Launcher. 

·        The toolbar buttons for all modules were given a newer look, but the same symbols are used.

·        The Dentrix Launcher icon was modified.

·        A Click to Chat button was added to all of the Help menus in the main modules.

·        The Spell Checker software was updated.

·        Dentrix now includes the new prescription form for New Jersey.

What's changed?

The list below contains all the fixes and changes that have been included in the Dentrix G6 release.

Appointment Book

·        If you selected the Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance option for a head of household and then set an appointment complete for a member of the household who has his or her own insurance, the procedures are not billed. This has been fixed.

·        Clearing a procedure in the Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box did not prevent the procedure from being set complete. This has been fixed.

·        The first digit in any field in the Account Guarantor text box of the Patient Visit Form was cut off if the patient had a large credit balance. This has been fixed.

·        Completing a continuing care appointment did not advance days. This has been fixed.

·        Clicking the Other Appts button goes to the day of the future appointment but does not highlight the appointment. This has been fixed.

·        Archiving a patient does not remove the patient from the Unscheduled List. This has been fixed.

·        The preview for the Hover Detail Setup dialog box now looks like the actual Hover window. 

·        Breaking an appointment changes the appointment's creation date. This has been fixed.

·        The Scheduled Patients Summary Report listed patients as having no future appointment even though they had appointments scheduled. This has been fixed.

·        When selecting treatment plan procedures for an appointment, the procedures are now grouped by treatment plan case. 

·        If an appointment for an archived patient was selected when you opened the Ledger from the Appointment Book, an error message appeared. This has been fixed, and the error no longer appears. 

·        When editing continuing care in the Family File, if you set the Total Time Units in the Appointment Time Pattern dialog box to a value greater than 17, Dentrix would not use that default time value when scheduling a continuing care appointment in the Appointment Book. This has been fixed. 

·        After an appointment in the Appointment Book was set complete and you created a new continuing care appointment for the patient with certain settings (Allow Amount to be entered/fixed was selected and Always Calculate was not selected), the Amount shown in the Appointment Information dialog box was not correct. This has been fixed. 

·        If you pressed an unassigned shortcut key (such as F5) when using the Appointment Book, the production amount (if displayed) would disappear in the top right corner of the Appointment Book. This has been fixed. 

·        When an appointment that included two procedures set to all chair time (_) was created, the time intervals would be changed to all provider time (X). This has been fixed. 

·        Adding a treatment-planned procedure to an appointment with non-treatment-planned procedures caused the time interval to change to all provider time (X). This has been fixed. 

·        If you clicked Find in the Appointment Information dialog box to look for a new appointment time, the Find New Appointment Time dialog box did not remember the provider and operatory defaults from the original appointment. This has been fixed. 

·        The month view in the Appointment Book did not display the office's closed hours or days. This has been fixed.

·        The Appointment Book allowed you to set complete future appointments. This is no longer allowed. 

·        The Appointment Book New Patient status did not automatically update when a new patient was added to a family using a different workstation than the one where the new patient appointment was added. This has been fixed.

·        After changing the date on a Flip Tab in the Appointment Book, clicking the Flip Tab didn't take you to the new date. This has been fixed. 

·        When creating a new continuing care appointment and posting a multi-code, the reason for the appointment did not update using the description for the multi-code but was instead left blank. This has been fixed. 

·        Purged appointments now appear in the Audit Trail Report. 

·        If the Allow Amount to be entered/fixed option was selected in the Appointment Book, the correct dollar amount did not appear when creating the next continuing care appointment. This has been fixed. 

·        When printing an Appointment Book view that included a linked event, the wrong icon (+) was used for the event. The correct "link" icon is now used.

·        When viewing the Hover Window for a patient with a patient picture, the Appointment Book would stop responding if the patient picture was unavailable (due to the patient picture file being deleted, moved, corrupted, and so on). This has been fixed.

·        The Patient Visit Form would list future appointments in the order they were created, not in chronological order. The form now lists them in chronological order.

·        Some customers would see the message "Operatory is already scheduled for requested time" when there was no visible appointment scheduled during the time they were trying to schedule the appointment. This has been fixed.

·        When scheduling an appointment for a patient who had more than 26 treatment case visits scheduled, any treatment case visits over 26 would be numbered using letters of the alphabet (A, B, C, and so on). Numbers are now used.

·        The appointment history in the Appointment Book (and Appointment History List in the Office Manager) did not update with changes made after an appointment was completed. This has been fixed.

·        Creating a Day Note for the same day from two different Dentrix computers would cause the following message to appear when trying to save it on the second computer: "Another note was recently added for this claim at another workstation. This note cannot be saved." Now a lock is placed on the Day Note message while it is open on one computer; if another Dentrix user tries to open and edit the Day Note, a message tells the other user that the Day Note is open on another computer. 

·        The More Information (Dial) menu item on the File menu is no longer enabled when an event is selected in the Appointment Book. 

·        When eight or more operatories were displayed in the Appointment Book, and the View Time at Right option was selected in the Practice Appointment Setup, some of the time digits could overlap, causing 11:00 to appear as 1:00, for example. This has been fixed.

·        In the Provider Setup dialog box, you can now only assign up to twelve time blocks to a single operatory.

·        If a time block was manually moved to a new time and the time block series was subsequently deleted, the Appointment Book would not show the time block but continued to respond as if it was there when scheduling appointments (a message about a time block would appear when scheduling appointments during that time). This has been fixed, and the message no longer appears.

·        The appointment history would not track changes for any appointments scheduled using a version of Dentrix prior to G4 Productivity Pack 7. This has been fixed.

·        In the Appointment Book's Hover window, a label that read "SNN" (for Social Security Number) has been changed to "SSN." 

·        When a lock was placed on a practice resource (perhaps because it was being edited in the Resource Setup by another user), if a user tried to edit an appointment in that operatory, the message "Practice resource file open at another workstation" would appear, followed by "Invalid operatory ID." These messages no longer appear. 

·        When in the process of dragging an appointment in the Appointment Book, if you pressed Alt+Tab to leave the Appointment Book and then released the mouse button, the appointment would be "stuck" to the mouse insertion point, causing several display issues in the Appointment Book. This has been fixed. 

·        If an operatory was deleted, it still appeared as the default operatory selection in the Appointment Book's Appointment Information dialog box. This has been fixed. 

·        Appointment history now tracks new continuing care appointments that are moved from the Pinboard.

·        If you closed the Appointment Book while a Continuing Care List was generating, a "global lock" error would appear. Dentrix now prevents you from closing out of the Appointment Book while the Continuing Care List is generating. 

·        The Continuing Care Attached field and Patient Pending Continuing Care dialog box in the Appointment Information dialog box now sorts entries by continuing care date, not alphabetically. 

·        If you selected an appointment in the Appointment Book, clicked Find New Appointment Time on the Options menu, closed the Find New Appointment Time dialog box, changed the appointment length, and then re-opened the Find New Appointment Time dialog box, the appointment length would not update. This has been fixed. 

·        Continuing care types were not being sorted correctly in the Patient Pending C. Care dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        When moving an appointment in the Appointment Book, if the message "Provider is already scheduled..." appeared and you tried to open the patient information for that patient, a message would appear on multiple Dentrix computers indicating that a patient file was open at another workstation. This has been fixed. 

·        Closing the Appointment Book while the Continuing Care List loaded caused an error and locked the system. This has been fixed.

·        Changing the operatory, time, or date of an appointment on the Pinboard did not change the operatory, time, or date in the Appointment Book schedule. This has been fixed.

·        "Ghost" appointments have been eliminated.

·        When trying to create a patient alert, the user received an error message stating that the current patient's information was no longer valid and may have been edited at another workstation. This has been fixed.

·        The Patient Visit Form did not print if the user selected All Patients and Today for a date range. This has been fixed.

·        The Last Changed date was not updating. This has been fixed.

·        The lab case icon (blue L with white background) did not change when the lab case was received and the Appointment Book view was refreshed. This has been fixed.

·        Attaching procedures to appointments with Continuing Care attached doubled the length of the appointments. This has been fixed.


·        When you send electronic claims, Dentrix now adds the status note "eSent" to the claim's status notes section along with a time stamp. 

·        A new setup feature allows you to put the primary insurance payment in the "Other Fee" area of the DX2007 and DX2012 forms, as requested by various carriers. This can help avoid rejected claims when this fee appears in the line item location, causing the sum of all line items to not equal the total fee amount.

·        After adding secondary insurance to a claim, the DX2007 claim format would mark box 4 (has secondary coverage) but would not include the additional claim information needed in boxes 5-11 until you clicked Update Secondary. Selecting box 4 without the other boxes filled in would cause the claim to be rejected. This has been fixed, and the additional claim information is now automatically updated.

·        If a patient had the same insurance plan for both primary and secondary insurance, a secondary claim wouldn't show an insurance estimate. This has been fixed.

·        The Insurance Ref # (specified in the Ledger's Medical Insurance Claim Information dialog box) is now included on medical claims.

Collections Manager

·        If you displayed all collection results in the Collections Manager and then switched to a filtered view (one that excluded some payment agreements or future due payment plans, for example), the Collections Manager would display incorrect information for certain patients. For example, it would display information for a patient in the previous list as the information associated with the patient in the new filtered list. This has been fixed.

·        The Collections Manager does not display the correct name list. This has been fixed.

Document Center

·        Keyboard shortcuts were added to the Document Center's Acquire menu.

·        Received an error message when trying to print a rich text format (RTF) document. This has been fixed.

·        When exporting images from the Document Center, if you specified a different file type than the current file type, the Document Center would save the file using the specified file extension but would not convert the file to the new format specified. This has been fixed.

·        Could not preview images if they had different regional settings when they were imported. This has been fixed.

·        The Acquire from Device option was sometimes missing from the Document Center. This has been fixed.

·        The Document Center could import, export, and email HTML and XML files, but these file types could not be previewed or printed. This has been fixed.

·        If more than 40 items are present in the Unfiled Documents list when the Document Center is closed, a message now appears and gives you the option of opening the Unfiled Documents list. 

·        Importing an image or other file from a network or a UNC path produced error messages. This has been fixed.

·        Problems that prevented you from printing documents from the Document Center tree to the Document Center printer driver have been fixed.

·        Printing labels to the Document Center Printer using the 5160 mailing labels option would send 33 labels instead of 30. This has been fixed.

·        Using the Combine option to merge two or more documents in Unfiled Documents caused the second document to display a gear until it was manually refreshed. This has been fixed.

·        Pasting text from Microsoft Word into the Document Center and then printing would cause an error message to appear. This has been fixed.

·        When attempting to export a document from the Document Center and replace an existing file with the same name, the Document Center would not replace the file. This has been fixed.

·        If you set the Document Center Statement Count to a value that was less than the number of the actual number of billing statements being printed to the Document Center,  some statements did not appear correctly. This has been fixed. 

·        Signing a document in the Document Center and then clicking Refresh would cause the Export button to become disabled. This has been fixed.

·        The medical claim form now includes the medical procedures and medical fee schedule, rather than the dental procedures and dental fee schedule. 

·        A number of scanners set up to use WIA or TWAIN did not function properly. This has been fixed with the auto-acquire feature. Using this feature, you can have a scanner save supported file types (.jpg, .pdf, .bmp, .png, .doc, .xls, and so on) to a folder you specify.

·        After setting the file attributes of a file in the Document Center to "Read-Only" or "Hidden," the Document Center would no longer import PDF files. This has been fixed.

·        The Send Document(s) and Export Document(s) options in the File menu are not available when an image is attached to a claim. This has been fixed.

·        Text files attached to claims incorrectly produced the "Attachment file . . . not found!" error message. This has been fixed.

·        The Document Center printer was not properly registered during installation. This has been fixed.

·        Received the error message "Error creating attachment" trying to acquire a PDF file automatically. This has been fixed.

·        Could not open the Document Center. This has been fixed.

Family File

·        When deleting a patient, the Family File now checks to see if the patient record includes any signed documents, clinical notes, questionnaires, or Document Center Files and asks if you want to continue if any of these are found.

·        When selecting a Carrier under Select Primary Dental Insurance Plan in the Family File, if two plans had the same name, the first one listed would be highlighted by default (even if it wasn't the one assigned to the patient). If you clicked the double-arrows next to Carrier and then clicked OK or pressed Enter, Dentrix would change the patient's insurance to the default plan that was highlighted. This has been fixed. 

·        The Select Payor ID dialog box loaded slowly. This has been fixed.

·        The DX2007 claim format does not print all of the required Other Insurance fields (boxes 8 & 10) when patients have medical insurance.

·        When using the New Patient Appointment method to add a new patient, if you then added a family member with a Non-patient status to the family, the Family File would record the additional family member as a family referral. The Family File no longer records it as a referral.

·        You can add more than 18 patients to a family when you archive some of the patients in the family. This has been fixed.

·        The error message, "Cannot open patient file" would appear when closing the Family File if the Dentrix Help window was open. This has been fixed. 

·        If a long e-mail address (longer than 40 characters) is entered for a patient, the More Information dialog box now includes an ellipses (...) to represent the part of the e-mail address that is too long to appear in the field.

·        When using the Advanced Search tab in the Select Patient dialog box, you can now open the patient records for archived patients. 

·        If Continuing Care was attached to an appointment in the Appointment Book, when you viewed the More Information dialog box in the Family File for that patient, the Provider field under Continuing Care would be blank. This has been fixed. 

·        If you selected the Hide Social Security Number option in the Office Manager while the Family File was open, Social Security numbers weren't hidden properly in the Family File until you closed and re-opened the Family File. Closing and re-opening the Family File is no longer necessary to hide Social Security numbers.

·        If the Practice Resource Setup dialog box was open on any Dentrix computer when you tried to change patient information in the Family File, you would see a message stating that a resource file was open. (This scenario could also cause other error messages to appear.) If you cancelled the message, Dentrix would save your patient information changes anyway. The lock was unnecessary and the messages no longer appear in this scenario.

·        Archived patients were listed in (and could be selected from) the Previously Selected Patient list, but their patient information could not be opened for editing. This has been fixed, and archived patients are no longer listed in the Previously Selected Patient list.

·        When printing a Referral Label from the Referral box in the Family File, no space was added between the doctor's middle initial and last name. This has been fixed.

·        Could not simultaneously edit the same Continuing Care Type on different workstations for different patients. This has been fixed.

·        Could not update the coverage table when adding payment table entries. This has been fixed.

·        Using an upper case or a  lower case "D" in a procedure code allowed duplicate entries in the payment table. This has been fixed.

·        Patient Medical Alerts are now listed alphabetically in the Family File.

·        The Do Not Bill to Insurance option in the Ledger was selected when the patient's appointment was set complete even though that option was cleared in the Family File if the patient's insurance was not the same as the guarantor's. This has been fixed.


·        Status notes wouldn't appear when you switched between medical and dental claims by clicking the View Medical or View Dental buttons. This has been fixed.

·        The Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog boxes do not reset the deductible amount to zero for the next entry. This has been fixed.

·        Procedures were posted in reverse order. This has been fixed.

·        Could not create an insurance claim because could not open the Insurance Information dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        Insurance claim adjustments were posted to the wrong patient account. This has been fixed.

·        When opening a paid insurance claim, the Est Ins Portion displayed a "0." This has been fixed. It now checks to see if the claim is paid and displays the estimate value that is stored in the claim record. 

·        When the amount of a payment exceeded the current aging amount, the aging amount under MTD-Cur in Receivables Analysis could add up to more than 100%. This has been fixed.

·        If Auto-Create Secondary Claim with Primary Payment and Auto-Receive Secondary Claim if No Pending Ins Estimate are selected and a primary insurance payment is entered, a secondary claim is always created with a $0.00 payment. This was fixed.

·        Procedures selected as Do Not Bill to Insurance appeared as an outstanding balance to insurance. Expected amount from insurance showed correctly as $0.00. This has been fixed.

·        The 24j, 31, 32, and 32a boxes in the CMS-1500 form were not being filled in correctly. This has been fixed.

·        You could change which patient to apply a payment to even though a procedure had been moved to history. This has been fixed.

·        Claims were rejected by Alaska Medicaid because box 27 in the DX2007 and DX2012 forms was not filled in correctly. This has been fixed.

·        If a Future Due Payment Plan was set up, charges were posted at month end even though a payment wasn't due that month. This has been fixed.

·        The Audit Trail Report included an audit record for a split payment even if the payment was not split. This has been fixed.

·        When printing the Payment Agreement Coupon Books and the Payment books for the future due payment plans, Dentrix would truncate the name of the office after several letters. This has been fixed.

·        When typing notes after double-clicking a procedure in the Ledger, if no claim was attached, you could press Enter to move to a new line. However, if there was a claim attached, pressing Enter would close the View Procedure Attached to an Insurance Claim dialog box but save what was typed. Now, pressing Enter always moves to a new line in the notes without closing the dialog box if it is open.

·        If you began the process of posting an insurance payment in the Ledger, but then opened a different patient in the Ledger before clicking OK/Post to complete the process, when you subsequently posted the payment for the first patient, it would not post to the correct patient. This has been fixed.

·        Posting an additional payment to a claim already in history using the same check number would put the new payment into history also and combine it with the previous payment. Now, a new payment is added to the Ledger.

·        In the Billing/Payment Agreement Information dialog box, the Balance for PA amount would be different depending on whether the payment agreement was created in the Ledger or the Family File. If the Ledger was used, the Balance for PA amount would display the Family Portion of Balance. If the Family File was used, the Balance for PA amount would display the Family Balance. The field now displays the Family Portion of Balance regardless of where the payment agreement was created.

·        Sorting the Bank/Branch and Check # columns in the Search Payment dialog box (File > Search Payments) did not display correct sort results when a hyphen (-) was used in either of these fields. This has been fixed.

·        When splitting an insurance claim that has already been batched, the status is now changed to Created for both claims instead of leaving the status set to Sent.

·        Posting a multi-code for the same patient on two different Dentrix computers at about the same time would cause the message "A necessary file is in use" to appear for a couple of minutes. This has been fixed.

·        The Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance option in the Procedure Code Editor dialog box is now reset if the posted code is changed. 

·        Modifying the treatment area for procedure code D0220 could cause the procedure code to change to D0230 if it was re-selected. This has been fixed.

·        If you deleted a claim and then used a different computer to modify a note on a procedure attached to the deleted claim, the Ledger would display the error message, "An Insurance Claim That Was Previously Created For This Procedure Cannot Be Found." When this happened, the database would need to be repaired. This problem has been fixed.

·        When posting an insurance payment, if the Patient Information dialog box from the Family File was open for the patient, Dentrix would display a message saying that the patient file was open at another workstation. After clicking Cancel, this message would re-appear three more times, followed by message saying that the patient information was no longer valid. The Ledger would then clear the selected patient information while leaving the claim open, post the insurance adjustment but not the payment, and leave the claim set to Sent. This has been fixed; the error messages and file locks work properly and only when needed.

·        When posting an insurance payment, if the Patient Information dialog box from the Family File was open for a subscriber, Dentrix would display a message saying that the patient file was open at another workstation. After clicking Cancel, Dentrix would display messages saying it cannot read the patient file. This has been fixed; the error messages and file locks work properly and only when needed.

·        For patients with no insurance, the Today's Charges displayed correct totals for the guarantor but only displayed 0.00 for all dependents. This has been fixed.

·        When attaching images to a claim using Dexis Integrator, if you double-clicked on the image button instead of single-clicking, the Ledger would stop responding. This has been fixed.

·        If the path to the Dentrix program files was C:\Program Files\Dentrix and a file with the name "program" existed in the root of the C: drive, the Month End Wizard would not launch. This has been fixed.

·        Dental diagnostic codes can no longer be selected in the Ledger's Enter Procedure dialog box.

·        The Split Payment options for Family set in Office Manager's Preferences dialog box were not used in the Enter Payment dialog box when the Office Manager was set to run in Tutor mode. These options are now used when running in Tutor mode also.

·        When using the DX2000 claim form, if the form included seven procedures and an insurance payment had been made, the claim would print a procedure twice. This has been fixed. 

·        If a patient had primary and secondary insurance with a primary insurance claim in the Ledger, if secondary insurance was cleared from the Family File, there was no way to update the primary insurance claim to reflect this change. This has been fixed. 

·        Right-clicking a patient's name in the Ledger's Select Patient dialog box and using the Family Members shortcut menu to change the family member did not change to the selected family member. This has been fixed.

·        When you print a Walkout Statement and select the Print the Doctor Recommendation option, all supported versions of Word are now able to launch and print the document. 

·        In the Batch Insurance Payment dialog box, some Adjustment fields allowed you to type letters and still post the claim, which would result in an error. Dentrix now provides a warning as soon as you type the letters and leave that field. 

·        Dental claim payments did not appear on medical insurance claims for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. This has been fixed. Payments now appear in box 29.

·        Orphaned claim estimates were incorrect. This has been fixed.

·        When printing a Walkout Statement with a Recommendation Document, Microsoft Word now closes after it has finished printing. 

·        Clearing a patient's secondary medical insurance information from the Family File did not clear that information from the patient's primary medical insurance claim in the Ledger. This has been fixed.

·        Minimizing the columns in the Ledger caused them to disappear. This has been fixed.

·        The Split Claims dialog box displayed amounts incorrectly. This has been fixed.

·        Under certain conditions, procedures that involved multiple surface entries were not being posted correctly in the Ledger. This has been fixed. 

·        If you printed a Walkout Statement with 21 to 24 procedures in the Ledger with the Family Walkout and Print Doctor Recommendations options selected, an additional blank walkout statement printed with the text Procedure Recommendations printed over the text Statement of Services Rendered. This has been fixed.

·        If you print a claim with a postdated procedure for a tooth with surfaces and a current date procedure with no surfaces, the surfaces print for both procedures. This has been fixed.

·        Totals were not updated when an insurance adjustment was entered. This has been fixed.

·        The estimated insurance portion of a Primary Dental Insurance Claim was incorrectly reported as $0.00 when the claim included a cross-coded procedure and a Primary Medical Insurance Claim. This has been fixed.

·        The secondary insurance override was blank when the user clicked the All (with running balance) option in the View menu. This has been fixed.

·        The Remove button was missing from the Insurance Claim Information dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        An "X" was printed in box 8 of the HCFA212 form even though box 8 is reserved for the NUCC. This has been fixed.

·        Clicking the Fast Checkout button in the toolbar opened the wrong dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        Procedures whose check boxes were cleared in the Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box, were still posted and set as complete. This has been fixed.

·        Totals were incorrect when split payments were posted. This has been fixed.

·        Splitting payments caused an error message to appear. This has been fixed.

·        Splitting payments by family members showed only part of the payment. This has been fixed.

·        Received an error entering an amount over $999.99 in the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        FIFO split payments were posted to providers who had a $0 balance with the selected patient. This has been fixed.

·        The Apply to Payment Agreement was made inactive once a payment was made to a payment agreement and moved to history after closing out a month. This has been fixed.

Office Journal

·        If passwords are enabled and the Office Journal is opened, the logged in user is not automatically selected. This has been fixed.

·        If you deleted a billing statement from the Office Journal and recreated it, Office Journal would not refresh to show the new billing statement. This has been fixed.

·        If you added an Office Journal note with the same Date, Time, and Type as another Office Journal note, the message "Error adding record to Journal table: 2" would appear. This message no longer appears.

·        Printing Office Journal entries for a provider would, under some circumstances, cause the report to print with the wrong provider's name at the top. This has been fixed.

·        A broken appointment in the Office Journal now includes the appointment reasons as part of the description.

·        Opening the Office Journal from the Family File after adding a specific note in the Billing/Payment Agreement Information dialog box would cause Dentrix to display a "Runtime Error!" This has been fixed.

·        An Office Journal entry appeared for patients who were referred to the doctor rather than for the patient who made the referral. This has been fixed.

·        Patient alerts triggered by Add to Office Journal are now displayed when an Office Journal entry is added using the Add Journal Entry button in the More Information dialog box.

·        Received error message "Unspecified error" when viewing billing statement entries. This has been fixed.

Office Manager

·        If a procedure was flagged for medical cross coding, setting the Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance option had no effect. This has been fixed.

·        Could not set a procedure's time unit to 0 in the Procedure Code Editor dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        Patients with credit balances were excluded from the Referred By Doctor/Other Report. This has been fixed

·        If a patient had two Continuing Care appointments, the letter merge function incorrectly pulled the earliest dated appointment for the postcard reminder.

·        Selecting a Continuing Care Type with no description in the Patient Report View dialog box and then merging a letter caused all patients with a Continuing Care Type to appear on the View List. This has been fixed.

·        If you performed a letter merge and a patient had an unscheduled and a scheduled appointment in the selected date range, the patient was excluded from the search. This has been fixed. )

·        Letter Merge and Quick Letters now support long filenames to integrate better with files created in Microsoft Word. Fields where these filenames appear have also been extended to allow for longer filenames. 

·        In the Office Manager's File menu, the Clear (Deselect All) and Refresh options did the same thing. The Clear (Deselect All) option was removed, and the Refresh option was renamed to Refresh/Clear

·        When merging letters in the Office Manager, the position of some fields in the Patient Report View dialog box have changed, making it easier to specify the names of the merge files.

·        In the Office Manager, the Letters menu name was changed to Letters & Custom Lists. The name of the dialog box that opens was also changed. 

·        Running a letter merge for a range of insurance carriers with the same name shows all patients for all plans instead of only showing the patients on the plans within the specified range. This has been fixed.

·        Setting the "Existing Patients with NO appointments in date range" and the "Without Attached Appointment" options and then performing a letter merge causes the "No records that match your query were found" error message to appear. This has been fixed.

·        The Office Manager's Label Printer settings were not being saved after you closed the Office Manager. This has been fixed.

·        In the Patient Summary Report, the number/count that was reported for Age 65 and Over and for Age 12 and Under was not correct for the month of February. This has been fixed.

·        The Office Manager would stop responding if you tried to add more than 97 providers at one time (one after another, without closing the Office Manager). This has been fixed.

·        In the Office Manager's Preferences dialog box, if any of the forms on the Statement Forms tab was not selected, the Month End Wizard would not show all available options. This has been fixed. 

·        In the Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box, the Change Plan for All and Add As A New Plan options did not appear after you edited the Employer field. This has been fixed. 

·        In the Office Manager, if you defined a fee schedule name that was seven characters long and then edited the fee for a procedure from the Procedure Code Setup dialog box, fees under $10 would not be displayed. This has been fixed. 

·        If you tried to add more than 250 staff members, Dentrix displayed an error message but did not explain the limitation. Now Dentrix displays a message letting you know that additional staff members can't be added.

·        Appointment Type definitions can now be deleted in the Office Manager. 

·        When you click the Print Preview button to preview a report before printing it, the exported text file is overwritten. This has been fixed.

·        Adding a student status to medical insurance before the patient's insurance information was added would cause a "Cannot write" error message to appear. This has been fixed�"the error message no longer appears.

·        Importing a custom-created fee schedule that had only two columns could cause an "Unhandled exception" error message. This has been fixed.

·        In the Fee Schedule Setup dialog box, if you selected a fee schedule and pressed Delete, the fee schedule would immediately be removed from the list without warning. This has been changed�"the Delete key no longer does anything in this dialog box.

·        Minor changes were made to the new Fee Schedule feature added in Dentrix G5.2. 

·        Pre-Submission Reports were not removed from the electronic claims note file if the report was deleted from the Batch Processor. This has been fixed.

·        If you marked a procedure as "Invalidated," using the Office Manager's Batch Insurance Claims tool would still create a claim for the procedure. This has been fixed.

·        When attempting to send medical claim forms by selecting the Selected Medical Claim Forms option in the Office Manager, the message "No claims were found that match your selection" would appear. This has been fixed, and this method of sending medical claim forms no longer displays the message.

·        In the Print Preview dialog box, clicking Default Page Size now displays the document using the default page size (when the dialog box was opened) rather than using a smaller page size.

·        Inactivating a staff member attached to an appointment with a status definition that is blank would cause an "Application Error" message to appear. This has been fixed.

·        When performing a letter merge, clearing certain options would automatically clear other options. Now, letter merge options are only cleared or selected when you click them individually with the mouse.

·        When merging letters, if the Insert Multiple Referrals in Single Letter option was selected in the Select Referred By Range dialog box in the Patient Report View, Dentrix would display a "Header Record Delimiter" error followed by multiple "Invalid Merge Field" error messages. This has been fixed.

·        When using the merge field «PP_Payment_Date», the merge would pull the First Pay Date instead of the actual Future Due Payment Due Date. This has been fixed.

·        The letter merge does not include all of the appointments for patients having multiple appointments on the same day. This has been fixed.

·        When a new patient is created and does not yet have a Last Visit Date because no work has been completed, letter merge data files would report the Last Visit Date the same as the First Visit Date. Now the Last Visit Date is left blank in this situation.

·        Selecting the Referred To letter merge filter would clear the Pri Dental Ins filter option. This has been fixed.

·        Opening the Referred By dialog box during a letter merge would clear the letter merge Appointment filter. This has been fixed.

·        When specifying a data range in a letter merge or query, if the beginning field for the range was left blank, the query results could be inconsistent and incorrect. This has been fixed. 

·        All letter templates have been updated to improve the writing.

·        When using letter merge, in some circumstances one patient's Due Date would be used with the next patient also if that patient had a blank Due Date field. This has been fixed.

·        When using letter merge to create a "Prospective Patients" letter, if you selected the Prospective patients with appointment in date range option in the Appointments filter in the Patient Report View dialog box, no practice data was in the merged letter. The practice data is now included.

·        Defining 20 Continuing Care types in Dentrix and selecting the ALL check box for Continuing Care types when doing a letter merge would cause the resulting merge data to contain incorrect results and cause other problems. This has been fixed.

·        The Do Not Include Dental Diagnostic Codes option was not enabled in the DX2012 claim form. This has been fixed.

·        Printing a Patient Balance Report for a family with more than 18 members on the account caused a Dentrix application error. This has been fixed.

·        Deleting a payment or an adjustment definition and then selecting a replacement causes an error message in PowerPay. This has been fixed.

·        Using Quick Letters to print a letter would cause any documents that were open in Word to close without warning. This has been fixed.

·        Totals for end balances and total receivables in the Practice Analysis Report did not match. This has been fixed.

·        Could not set a procedure's time to 0 units. This has been fixed.

·        Copying procedure notes to clinical notes added two blank lines between multiple procedure notes. This has been fixed.

·        The flag "Use Selected Teeth for Range" incorrectly set tooth ranges to be inclusive of all teeth between 19 and 26 instead of setting the range to teeth 19 and 26 only. This has been fixed.

·        The List Manager was sorting by Patient Last Name, but not performing a secondary sort according to Patient First Name. This has been fixed.

·        The Treatment Planner icon was enabled even though a patient was not selected in the List Manager. This has been fixed.

Patient Chart

·        The "Image, Open" password security right was not linked to the toolbar buttons on the Image Panel toolbar. From the Patient Chart, you could click Image > Switch To > Digital X-Ray and would see the message, "The current user does not have rights," but if you clicked the Digital X-Ray button from the Image Panel toolbar, you were granted access. Now both ways of accessing Digital X-Ray respond to the security right consistently. 

·        If you created a custom procedure code and included a space at the end of the name, the Patient Chart would always post the custom code. This has been fixed.

·        The Patient Chart label did not display properly when a middle initial was missing from a patient's name. This has been fixed.

·        If you set the Progress Notes panel in the Patient Chart to display expanded notes and then changed to any other chart view or layout, the expanded notes would return to the default notes view. This has been fixed.

·        Closing the Patient Chart's Chart Notations while the Lasso tool was still busy caused an "Unhandled exception" message to appear. This has been fixed. 

·        After a claim was created, the provider could be changed. This has been fixed.

·        Retainer crowns for different quadrants were painted inconsistently in the Patient Chart. The upper left and lower right quadrants painted without connection paint between teeth 4-5, and 20-21; the upper right and lower left quadrants painted with connection paint between teeth 12-13, and 28-29. These are now painted consistently in all quadrants. 

·        The Patient Chart was loading slowly. This has been fixed.

·        If an office upgrades to .NET 4.5.1 and uses Dexis 9/10 and Integrator 3.0, the Patient Chart freezes.

·        Viewing the Patient Chart using the View by Progress Notes View after invalidating a posted procedure would cause the invalidated procedure to continue displaying. This has been fixed. 

·        A partial denture would appear painted inconsistently in the Patient Chart using certain tooth ranges. This has been fixed.

·        After a treatment plan containing an extraction is complete, the Patient Chart now displays the extraction correctly by no longer displaying the extracted tooth in the chart.

·        After changing the Patient Chart's display setup theme three times, it would revert back to the default theme. This has been fixed.

·        When customizing the Patient Chart toolbar (and some other toolbars), if you renamed the Toolbar in the Rearrange Commands dialog box, the toolbar changes were not saved after closing and re-opening the Patient Chart. This has been fixed.

·        Editing a procedure button image multiple times could cause the file where the image is stored to increase dramatically in size and become corrupt, causing the software to run more slowly. This has been fixed. 

·        When you set the Patient Chart to View Progress Notes By Date and specify a date range for From and To, the software now remembers the date range the next time you select this option. 

·        Clinical note categories did not sort correctly when there were more than 24 categories. This has been fixed.

·        Clinical note templates that included more than 240 items or more than 1,565 characters in a Response Type would display a message saying the computer was out of memory. This has been fixed. 

·        If a clinical note had more than 53 lines, it would print a blank first page before (and sometimes after) the clinical note. This has been fixed.

·        Patient Chart allowed you to post an update to a completed clinical note that was locked and entered into history through backdating. This has been changed so that clinical notes which were manually moved into history by backdating are locked from editing.

·        When editing a procedure that uses a tooth range, if you specified only one tooth for the tooth range, the tooth number did not appear in the Tooth Range field. This has been fixed.

·        If a procedure had the treatment area set to Tooth and the paint type set to Surface Restoration, posting the code would cause an "Unhandled exception" error message. This has been fixed.

·        The position of a chart notation in the Patient Chart shifted when you switched from Work Chart View to Full Screen View. This has been fixed.

·        Completing Treatment Plan procedures or deleted procedures from the Progress Notes of the Patient Chart caused notations to disappear. This has been fixed. 

·        Clicking Copy All only copied one clinical note. This has been fixed.

·        A date and signatory name were not being added to clinical notes after they had been signed. This has been fixed.

·        If you clicked the Refresh button in the toolbar after copying a medical alert to a clinical note, the alert would not appear in the clinical note unless you closed and then re-opened the Chart. This has been fixed.

Perio Chart

·        The Perio script was using a trailing cursor that allowed the selection to move ahead to the next tooth while the bleeding selection was still on the last tooth. This made it possible to enter a mobility measurement while the bleeding selection was on the previous tooth but the selection was on the next tooth. This would apply the mobility data to two teeth. This has been fixed.

·        When you charted plaque in the Perio Chart using keyboard shortcuts, the measurements were applied to two teeth simultaneously when the script is ready to chart the next tooth. This has been fixed.

·        The Copy to Clipboard option in Perio Exam Info now copies the actual perio exam information instead of the defaults for the selected exam template.

·        If you opened a new perio exam after inactivating a provider, the new perio exam would use the inactivated provider. This has been fixed, and the Perio Chart now uses the correct provider.

·        When patient letters are printed along with a perio exam, Dentrix now adds an entry to the Office Journal.

·        When printing clinical notes from the Perio Chart, the Perio Chart would sometimes display a message that it had encountered a problem and needed to close. This has been fixed.

·        When you print a perio chart, the chart information now prints with the practice address rather than the provider address (if they are different).

·        If you closed Perio after entering a Furcation Grade by clicking the FG button, the Save message box would not appear. This has been fixed.

·        On screen, the CAL measurement would appear in red when a reading exceeded the value you set, but when it printed, it only printed in red if it exceeded a value of 7. This has been fixed, and it now prints in red when it exceeds the specified value. 

·        The Print Perio Chart Letters or Charts password security option didn't restrict access properly. This has been fixed. 


·        Setting an existing questionnaire that contained only PI questions to Respondents: Provider/Staff would cause a "System index out of range exceptions" error message to appear. This has been fixed.

·        Clicking the List All option on and off from the View menu caused responses for patients other than the selected patient to appear. This has been fixed.

·        The preview pane does not refresh when you select a new questionnaire. This has been fixed.

·        When setting up a questionnaire, the right-click shortcut menus that were available in Dentrix G3 were not available in Dentrix G4. These shortcut menus have been restored.

·        If you tried to delete an employer from a questionnaire and then update the patient information, an error message would appear. A new Clear Employer option has been added under Employer Options that lets you clear the employer information.

·        Clicking Update Patient Information to attach a new patient questionnaire to a patient record in some instances could cause the Questionnaires module to stop responding. This has been fixed.

·        The Best Time to Call field would sometimes appear in red in the Update Patient dialog box even though nothing had changed. This has been fixed.

·        When a questionnaire form has patient information fields, the New with Only Patient Info option is now always active.  

·        When creating a new patient record in the Family File from a questionnaire form submitted through the web, if the year of the appointment date did not match the current system year, the questionnaire would go back to the select patient screen. This no longer happens, and the user is allowed to finish creating the new patient record.

·        If a new patient appointment was selected in the Select Patient dialog box when moving questionnaire responses, an "Unhandled exception" error message would appear. This no longer happens; instead, the message "You must select an existing patient to move responses" appears.

·        In certain cases, a form marked as Provider/Staff Respondent could still be uploaded to the office website. When this happens, responses would download and notify users, but the responses would not be visible because they were marked as Provider/Staff Respondent. This has been fixed; Provider/Staff Respondent forms can no longer be uploaded to the office website.

·        When using the Select Patient dialog box in the Questionnaires module, if you selected a new patient appointment from the Appointments tab, nothing happened. This action now displays the message, "A new patient cannot be selected until their information has been updated in the Family File."

·        If you cleared a toolbar from the right-click menu, the toolbar was still selected in the View > Toolbars option. This has been fixed.

·        If you tried to open the Questionnaires module from the Patient Chart when a patient with a long name was selected, the Questionnaires module would open without the patient selected. This has been fixed.


·        Printing a Billing Statement from the Print Preview dialog box does not update the Last Statement Date field in the Ledger or the Office Journal. This has been fixed.

·        In the Practice Advisor Report, the case acceptance totals did not include completed treatment-planned procedures. This has been fixed.

·        Excluding days with no transactions from the Provider A/R Report caused the beginning balance to be incorrect when run according to the procedure date. This has been fixed.

·        The Deposit Slip showed a single provider for payments split between multiple providers. This has been fixed.

·        Totals in the Practice Treatment Case Report were incorrect. This has been fixed.

·        The Patient Notes Report was not printing correctly when patients had multiple patient alerts. This has been fixed.

·        When running the Practice Advisor Report, if the fiscal month in Practice Setup had a month of 0 or some other invalid value, Dentrix displayed the error message, "Year, Month, And Day Parameters Describe An Un-Representable DateTime." This error message no longer appears.

·        If you launched Dentrix from the Dentrix Launcher at system startup, running the Daily Huddle Report or Practice Advisor Report would cause the error message "Cannot find file specified" to appear. This has been fixed.

·        If a patient has a Future Due Payment Plan and you select the Payment Plan Notes option when you print or preview the Patient Notes Report, the report will not generate. This has been fixed.

·        Patients without insurance would appear on the Daily Huddle Report with the Insurance not Eligible box selected. This has been fixed, and this box is no longer selected on the report.

·        In the Daily Huddle Report, the Prior Day field now reports statistics for the "prior day" that the office was opened. Previously, it would report statistics for the prior day even if the office was closed that day.

·        The Appointment Book View Report will not print if the patient's referral has a combined name length of 49 characters. This has been fixed.

·        If the Appointment Status definition was missing for certain appointments when running the Daily Huddle Report, an error message would appear and the report would not be generated. This has been fixed; the error message no longer appears and the report will now generate properly.

·        On the Daily Huddle Report, some patients who were not past due would still appear under Patients who have a family Payment Agreement Past Due on the Scheduled Patients List. This has been fixed.

·        The Day Sheet included inactive providers even when the List Inactive option was cleared. This has been fixed.

·        The Chronological Day Sheet is now sorted chronologically. 

·        The Aging Report did not display the Provider IDs when the sort option By Largest to Smallest Balance was selected. This has been fixed.

·        Generating the Insurance Aging Report for certain groups would produce a report that included other groups as well. This has been fixed.

·        The Insurance Transaction Analysis Report in the Practice Assistant did not include secondary insurance information when the Include Secondary Claims option was selected. This has been fixed.

·        A treatment plan procedure that is attached to a broken appointment now appears on the Unscheduled Treatment Plans Report.

·        The Future Due Payment Plan Report would sometimes include an incorrect number of payments and negative payment amounts. These issues have been fixed.

·        The Walkout Statement and the Attending Doctor's Statement included the Balance Forward amount without a description. This has been fixed, and the Balance Forward amount no longer appears on these statements.

·        If you used the Full - Credit Card Statement form when printing single billing statements, the Credit Card information was not included. This has been fixed.

·        In the Practice Statistics Report, if you added all the percentages from the age statistics, the total didn't always equal 100 percent. This has been fixed. 

·        Selecting the Include patients without production option in the Referred By Patient Report caused production to display in the report as 0 when it should be the production value. This has been fixed.

·        Procedure units now display the correct values in box 24G on HCFA and HCFANPI forms.

·        The Analysis Summary Report would sometimes count the Patients Seen line on the report for the same patient twice. This has been fixed.

·        The Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box did not fit entirely on screen if your resolution was set to 1024x768. This has been fixed.

·        When using the Document Center printer to print claim forms CAMED3, DX2000, or DX2003 from the Ledger, a Dentrix Application error would occur. This has been fixed.

·        When using the DX2012F claim form, the Total Fee box was not always the correct total of all procedures listed. This has been fixed.

·        The Practice Analysis - Production Summary Report no longer displays procedures that have a period in them (such as D0120.A) if the Proc Code Range field excludes them. 

·        Clicking Statement Notes in the Guarantor Notes dialog box didn't do anything if the Verify Billing Statements to Send option was selected. It now opens the Insert Custom Billing Statement Notes dialog box. 

·        Printing an Unscheduled Treatment Plan Report for an individual patient would also print reports for all patients with the same last name. This has been fixed.

·        If the Daily Summary option on the Analysis Summary Report is not selected, this summary section no longer appears on the printed report.

·        When a patient had multiple appointments scheduled on the same day, the Route Slip/Patient Visit Form did not print information for the additional appointments on that day. This has been fixed.

·        If two adjustment types with the same name were included in the Provider A/R Totals Report, one of the adjustment types would be duplicated while the other would be missing. This has been fixed.

·        If the Include Daily Summary option was selected when printing the Provider AR Totals Report, Dentrix would display a message that the report was "Printing to Document Center," but the report would not finish printing. This has been fixed.

·        When the Include Check Detail option is selected, the Daily Collections Report now only includes the check details in the Check Details part of the report to avoid confusion.

·        The Referred by Patient Report and Referred to Doctor Report included some names outside of the selected range. This has been fixed.

·        The Patient Visit Form now sorts operatories correctly.  

·        The Route Slip now sorts all future appointments chronologically.

·        The Practice Analysis Report when set to Production By Category would show a procedure code as a category if there were procedures that met the report criteria in the [NONE] category. This has been fixed.

·        A Dentrix application error appeared when running an Aging Report with a note exceeding 933 characters and Print to File selected. This has been fixed.

·        Running the Insurance Carrier List Report with Include Subscribers selected did not list the correct number of subscribers (2,000 instead of 4,318). This has been fixed.

·        When generating an Employer List, the Office Manager would stop responding if the list contained more than 20,000 patients attached to employees. This has been fixed.

·        The Practice Advisor Report showed all Continuing Care Types on the cover page even if only one was selected. This has been fixed.

Time Clock

·        The Time Clock Report data didn't perfectly match the History window data (it was off by a decimal) due to a rounding inconsistency. This has been fixed.  

·        The Time Clock now updates immediately after deleting a manual Time Punch Entry.

·        In the Time Clock tool, the following text was added to the bottom-left corner of the dialog box: 'Click to the right of "In" or "Out" to add or edit a time.' 

·        When entering a note on the Time Clock's History tab, if you typed a "$," Dentrix would move the "$" symbol to the beginning of the note. This has been fixed. 

·        The text of the warning message that appeared when you inactivated a provider indicating that all time clock data for the provider will be removed has been deleted. Time clock data is not removed when a provider is inactivated.

·        When using the Time Clock's date range calendar on the History tab, after entering a time value, if you clicked the < or > buttons to move to the previous or next month, a Save Changes message appeared and the calendar kept scrolling indefinitely. This has been fixed. 

Treatment Manager

·        Results were inconsistent depending on the date range set in the Next Appt field in the Treatment Manager View dialog box. This has been fixed.

·        The Next Appointment Reason appeared correctly in the Treatment Manager preview window but printed with a "CC"  instead of "TP."  This has been fixed.

Treatment Planner

·        When a treatment plan case that contains a signed consent form is deleted, a warning now appears, advising you to print the treatment plan and consent forms to the Document Center. 

·        If a patient did not sign the consent form, when the patient opened the consent form later, the Name field under the signature box would be blank. This has been fixed.

·        If you created a consent form in the Treatment Planner and cleared the Do Not Include Procedure Codes on Consent Form check box, procedures would not appear on the consent form. This has been fixed, and the procedures now appear on the consent form.

·        If you selected Do Not Include Procedure Codes on Consent Form when creating a new consent form and then attached the form to a treatment case, the procedure codes still printed and blank space was added to the form. This has been fixed.

·        Once you assign a default case note template, you cannot remove it. This has been fixed.

·        In the Treatment Planner's Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog box, the All check box under Billing Type for Patient's Guarantor is now disabled (cannot be changed).

·        When printing a Treatment Case from the Treatment Planner, if the Signed Consent Forms option was selected, the treatment case would print on two pages instead of one. It now prints on a single page. 

·        Treatment Plan Cases were deleted even if patients had signed a consent form. This has been fixed.

·        When you print a Treatment Case, the Compared Fee Schedule header text is different from all the other text on the report. This has been fixed.

·        Updating the procedure fees of treatment cases using the Treatment Plan Fees utility changed treatment plan dates to the current date regardless of the status of the treatment case. This has been fixed.

·        The Treatment Planner did not automatically refresh after making changes to a consent form. This has been fixed.

·        Under certain conditions, printing a Treatment Plan Case included procedures that were never treatment planned. This has been fixed.

·        Printing a Patient Treatment Case Report no longer cuts off individual procedure values that are greater than six digits.

·        Document formatting in Word was not preserved after using Paste to copy the document into the Treatment Planner Consent Forms. The formatting from Word is now preserved.

·        Under certain situations, completed treatment plans could appear on a treatment plan consent form for a new treatment plan. This has been fixed.

·        If you changed the column order for the Patient Treatment Case Report and selected Save as default, Dentrix didn't save the column order as the default. This has been fixed.

·        The Unscheduled Treatment Plan Report had an option to choose patients by status, but the Practice Treatment Case Report did not. This option was added to the Practice Treatment Case Report.

·        Running a Patient Treatment Case Report and excluding certain columns caused subtotals to display over other information. This has been fixed.

·        When printing a Treatment Case, if you selected the Exclude Completed Procedures option, all completed procedures were excluded instead of just those in the case. This has been fixed.

·        The Treatment Planner now allows you to save a treatment case with a note that is longer than 76 characters.

·        When printing a treatment plan, if the Print Secondary Insurance option is selected but the patient has no secondary insurance, that column will not print.

·        Several display issues that could be observed when previewing a treatment case have been fixed.

·        Adding Default Consent Forms to a treatment case would cause an "Unhandled exception" error. This has been fixed.   

·        The Exclude Completed Procedures option in the Practice Treatment Case Report dialog box did not always exclude completed procedures from the report. This has been fixed.

·        In the Case Detail panel, the Other Fee field showed 0.00 instead of the correct fee for an unnamed fee schedule. This has been fixed.

·        The Treatment Plan Case Report was not taking Special Adjustments into consideration in the Patient Balance. This has been fixed.

·        If you accepted a non-recommended case and reject the other, any new treatment planned items would automatically be assigned to the rejected case. This has been fixed.

·        When signing a consent form in the treatment planner, providers were listed in the Select Provider/Staff dialog box, but staff members were not. Staff members are now listed.

·        In the Treatment Case Report, the deductible to be applied was adding the deductible from all patients in family, not just the one patient. It now shows the deductible for just the one patient. 

·        Using the Edit or Delete dialog box to enter an insurance override would not automatically refresh the Insurance Coverage amounts displayed in the Treatment Planner. These amounts now refresh automatically when a procedure or amount is edited.

·        Print jobs in the Treatment Planner defaulted to the Windows printer instead of the Patient Chart printer. This has been fixed.

·        The text of a double-digit tooth number overlapped the Description text box when a treatment case was printed. This has been fixed.


·        The Net ID has been replaced by the computer name to address Appointment Book refresh issues.

·        Dentrix will automatically attempt to restart Dentrix services before sending an "Unable to connect" message.

·        The first Dentrix module that you launch on each workstation resolves the server name to an IP address and temporarily stores it for all other modules until they are all closed.

·        Dentrix Connection Status shows which Dentrix modules are open on which computers.

·        The procedure code for a missing tooth appeared on a printed claim form but did not appear in box 37 of the DX2007 claim form. This has been fixed.

·        The text of several error messages was clarified and corrected to make them more helpful. 

·        The Continuing Care module listed patients who did not fit the specified search criteria. This has been fixed.

·        If a patient has more than one appointment and different providers perform the procedures, the Clinical Notes post to the same provider if more than one appointment is set complete for the patient. This has been fixed.

·        Clicking an appointment in the Appointment Book while generating a continuing care list causes the error message, "Cannot read patient file" to appear. This has been fixed.

·        A crash that could occur when installing the Dentrix workstation software has been fixed.

·        Downloading eligibilities automatically caused eSync to crash in some offices. This has been fixed.

·        Patients' Social Security numbers appeared in the Select Patient dialog box even though the Hide Social Security Number option had been selected in Practice Setup > Preferences. This has been fixed.

·        If you attempted to open a Dentrix module too many times before the module had time to open, Dentrix would display the message, "Cannot find previous instance." Dentrix no longer displays this message.

·        Several issues having to do with file locks and error messages when multiple instances of a patient record are open for editing simultaneously have been fixed.

·        Archived patients could be accessed in some modules and certain locations of Dentrix where access should not have been available. This has been changed, and archived patients can no longer be accessed from these areas of Dentrix. 

·        Duplicate appointments appear in the Appointment List. This has been fixed.

·        When the total number of surface selections was more than five, procedures did not show the correct procedure flags. This has been fixed.

·        When migrating Dentrix to a new server location, the server path in the registry was not always updated. This has been fixed. 

·        A problem that caused the message "Module still active" to appear at times when running the month end utilities has been fixed.

·        The eSync software would occasionally stop responding and display a .NET system access violation error. This has been fixed.

·        When no patient is selected on the Appointments tab in the Select Patient dialog box, if you click OK, Dentrix now displays the message, "'No patient is selected!"

·        You could not print to the Document Center printer if you were using Windows 8 32-bit. This has been fixed.

·        When you mark a lab case as "received" in the Appointment Book using the Received Case button, the "received" status is now updated in the Appointment Book icon, and the received date is now posted in the Lab Case Manager. 

·        In the Select Patient dialog box, if you typed a letter and pressed Enter quickly before any search results displayed, an "Unhandled exception" error would appear. This has been fixed.

·        Some patient searches in the Select Patient dialog box would return inaccurate search results—for example, if one person's last name (Johns) was the same as another person's last name (John) plus their first initial (S, for Steven).

·        A scrolling issue when searching by Home Phone # in the Select Patient dialog box was fixed.

·        When selecting a patient, if you clicked in a blank area of the dialog box so that no name was selected, and then clicked OK, an "Unhandled exception" error appeared. This has been fixed.

·        The on-screen keyboard (available in several Dentrix modules, such as the Ledger, the Office Manager, the Office Journal, and so forth) did not work on 64-bit operating systems. This has been fixed.

·        A workstation that used a mapped drive to access a database on a server would lose its connection to the database after a reboot, re-login, or after coming out of sleep mode. This has been fixed.

·        Pressing F1 in most Dentrix modules would open the Dentrix Help. However, in four modules (Lab Case Manager, Office Journal, Treatment Manager, and Collection Manager) F1 did not open the Help. This has been fixed.

·        The color of the Patient Alerts button was incorrect—did not correspond to the patient's condition. This has been fixed.

·        The Zip Code Change utility (available on the Maintenance menu in the Office Manager) now lets you change ZIP Codes that are longer than five digits.

·        The end balance and total receivables do not match in the Practice Analysis window. This has been fixed.

·        The More Information dialog box could be opened by Dentrix users who didn't have the security rights to do so. This has been fixed.

·        The patient's name had an added comma in the CAMED3 claim format. This has been fixed.

·        The Tutor database files were not being copied to the correct folder during installation. This has been fixed.

·        Users without rights to the common folder incorrectly received the "Unable to connect to the database" error message and then received the common sharing error message. This has been fixed.

·        The Dental Terms topic in the Help would not open. This has been fixed.

·        An error occurred when the Treatment Plan option was selected in the Patient Upload page in the Websync Wizard. This has been fixed.

·        If the patient you created a detailed chart label for didn't have an employer specified in the Family File, an error occurred. This has been fixed.

·        eDex closed shortly after loading patients. This has been fixed.

·        The Add Journal Entry option included inactive providers in eDex. This has been fixed.

Can the guarantor and subscriber be two different people?

The guarantor is customarily the person bringing the patient in for treatment. This person is not necessarily the same as the subscriber.

Which activity button should you click from the appointment desk to schedule a basic appointment?

From the patient workspace, clicking on the "Make Appt" button will open the "Make Appointment" form to schedule.

In what type of Workqueue can you find patient encounters that are missing information in epic?

Patient WQ – Drive the future encounter to a pre-registration workqueue or capture any missed information for a current encounter. Patient and Account WQ – After pre-registration you might have someone review the patient's benefit information, create an estimate for a patient and determine a pre-payment.

What are sequential appointments in epic?

There are three types of complex appointments in Epic: Joint Appointments – Two or more providers see the patient during one visit. Sequential Appointments – Two or more visits on the same day. Recurring Appointments – Creating multiple appointments on a recurring basis.