When standing it is recommended that you point your feet Blank and about shoulder width apart quizlet?

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Terms in this set (98)

Body mechanics

is the practice of using certain key muscle groups together with good body alignment and proper body positioning to reduce the risk for injury to both patient and caregiver.

how should the body be to gain good posture

chin and chest up, shoulders back, pelvis tilted slightly inward,feet straight at approximately a shoulder width apart and weight evenly distributed to both legs with a slight bend in your knees


the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.


Do not remain in one position for too long. Get up and stretch often, and take short walks if you can.


Avoid standing for a long time


When driving for periods that will last longer than an hour, stop every hour to walk and stretch.


Sleep on your back if possible with a pillow under your knees or on your side.

why pt did assistant on transferring

if they cannot walk or lift themselves.

when transferring an pt in or out the wheelchair you should never lift them by the

Never lift a patient by the arms or under the armpits.

what should the ma always use when they transferring an patient

a gait belt

how to properly move an pt in and out an wheelchair

Lock the brakes of a wheelchair and move the stirrups

avoid crossing their feet

make sure the transfer surface is the same as the wheelchair

always use an gait belt

make foot wear isn't slippery

when transferring an pt in or out the wheelchair never let them

put their arms around your neck or your shoulders.

if pt becomes dead wt the ma should

ease the patient to the floor to prevent injury.

if pt becomes dead wt and falls back what should the ma do

grasp him or her under the arms, put one leg back with the foot at a right angle, slide the other leg forward under the patient, and ease him or her to slide down your leg onto the floor

if pt becomes dead wt and falls foward what should the ma do

grasp him or her around the waist, extend your leg farthest from the patient forward, bend at the knees, and slowly lower the patient to the floor

what are some indication that a pt needs a mobility device

After an accident or injury
Following a stroke
With a severe medical condition
Arthritis sufferers
The older adult
Physically challenged

what should the ma instruct the pt on with home environment

keep floors free of spills and clutter
remove all loose throw rugs or damaged floor coverings
floor-care product, such as floor wax, that might cause the floor to be slippery must be avoided
appropriate footwear is worn

an arm sling is used for what

used to support an arm after a fracture or injury to the shoulder or arm

how long is an arm sling

55 inches

how long is an arm sling on the side


when using a cane for support, the arm should hang naturally at the sides with the elbow flexed at about a ____________________ degree angle

25-30 degree angle

when a pt is using an cane it should at what level

below hip level

hwo long is an quad-base cane

4 ft

what cane is less trouble for pt

quad-base cane

when is crutches are used

to give foot, ankle, knee, or leg injury or surgery an opportunity to heal.

how far should the crutches be under the axilla

2 to 3 fingers or 2 to 3 inches uder the axilla

how many much gaits walks are commonly used

5 gait walks

why is an walker issued to an pt

because of age or physical condition, cannot safely use crutches.

whats an benefit from an wheel walker

lets pt move more quicker

whats on disadvantage from a wheel walker

it can cause patients to fall if it rolls away from them.

what does ROM exercise improve

improves circulation and muscle tone and flexibility

whats the ROM exercise(12)

plantar flexion

what does ROM stand for

range of motion

When using proper body mechanics, which of the following statements is true?

a. Always bend from the waist to allow the largest muscles of the legs to do the hard work.
b. Check your posture by reminding yourself to keep your chin and chest up.
c. Check your posture by keeping shoulders forward and pelvis tilted slightly inward.
d. Hold heavy objects far away from the body

b. Check your posture by reminding yourself to keep your chin and chest up

An example of a situation when the use of a mobility device would be needed includes:
a. arthritis sufferers.
b. after a stroke.
c. the physically challenged.
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

When using a cane for support, the arm should hang naturally at the side with the elbow flexed at about a _______-degree angle.
a. 20-25
b. 25-30
c. 10-15
d. 30-45

b. 25-30

When adjusting crutches for the correct height, adjust them so that the underarm pad is _______ below the axilla.
a. two inches
b. six inches
c. one inch
d. four inches

a. two inches

Which of the following crutch gaits positions both crutches and the left foot forward and then brings up the right foot?
a. Two-point
b. Swing-through
c. Three-point
d. Four-point

c. Three-point

When instructing patients on the use of the walker:
a. move the walker forward and step into the walker while leaning slightly forward.
b. move the walker forward and step into the walker while leaning slightly backward.
c. adjust the walker so the handles are at the height of the patients elbows.
d. place their foot when they step so it is even with the front of the walker.

a. move the walker forward and step into the walker while leaning slightly forward.

In ROM exercises, abduction refers to:
a. motion that pulls a structure toward the midline.
b. motion that pulls a structure away from the midline.
c. bending movement that decreases the angle between two parts.
d. rotation of the forearm.

b. motion that pulls a structure away from the midline.

When transferring patients you should do all of the following except:
a. Take small shuffling steps
b. Use a gait belt
c. Have patients put their arms around your neck
d. Explain to patient what you're going to do

c. Have patients put their arms around your neck

Usually, a single person cannot hold up someone who becomes dead weight. The best option to prevent injury in this case would be to:
a. grasp the patient under the arm.
b. grasp patient around the waist.
c. yell for help.
d. ease the patient to the floor

d. ease the patient to the floor.

The standard adult sling is about _____________________inches across the base, and 36 to 40 inches along the side.

A. 40
B. 45


An older adult patient usually has less trouble with which type of cane?
a. Standard
b. Quad
c. Single-tip
d. None of the above

b. Quad

When adjusting crutches, hold the crutch up to the patient. The underarm pad should be how many inches below the axilla?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

b. 2

_________________enables a person to get around who would otherwise be immobile.


The Lofstrand/Canadian crutch would be used for:
a. children.
b. short term rehabilitation.
c. adults.
d. long- Term rehabilitation.

long- Term rehabilitation.

The Lofstrand/Canadian crutch is also known as

forearm crutches

A walker is useful for patients who because of age or physical conditions:
a. cannot use crutches.
b. don't want to use a wheelchair.
c. more convenient.
d. don't want to use a cane or do not like types of other devices.

a. cannot use crutches.

Some walkers come equipped with extras. These would include all of the following except:
a. wheels.
b. handbrakes.
c. motors.
d. seating area.

c. motors.

many canes are _______________
come in a variety of types.


To improve strength and flexibility, patients can accomplish this by:
a. eating right.
b. exercising.
c. getting enough sleep.
d. being idle.

b. exercising

The height of a walker should be adjusted so that the handles are at the patient's hip level and the bend of the patient's elbows is at a comfortable ____________________degree angle.



when lifting pt or moving or lifting heavy objects, certain technique should be used to prevent

shoulder injury
neck injury
back injury
wrist injury

back injury

following a stroke, if there has been a loss of use of the extremities or if the person has become somewhat unsteady on his or her ft, something might be needed to help him or her maintain

good health


when using proper body mechanics, which following statement is true

always bend form the waist to allow the largest muscle of the legs to do the hard work

check your posture by reminding yourself to keep your chin and chest up

check your posture by keeping shoulders forward and pelvis tilted silghty inward

hold heavy objects far away form the body

check your posture by reminding yourself to keep your chin and chest up

an example of a sitution when the use of a moobility device would be needed included


after stroke

the physically challenged

all the above

all the above

when adjusting crutches for the correct ht, adjust then so that the underarm pad is ____________ below the axilla

2 in
6 in
1 in
4 in

2 in

which of the following crutches gaits position both crutches and left foot forward and then brings up the right foot

two point

swing through

three point

four point

three point

when instructing pt on the use of the walker

move the walker forward and step into the walker leaning slightly forward

move the walker forward and step into the walker while leaning slightly backward

adjust the walker so the handles are at the ht of the pt elbows

place their foot when they step so its even with front of the walker

move the walker forward and step into the walker leaning slightly forward

a walker is useful for pt who because of age or physical condition

cant use crutches

dont want to use a wheelchair

more convenient

dont want to use a cane or dont like types of other devices

cant use crutches

what the purpose of rom

to prevent the development of adaptive muscle shortening, contractures, and shortening of the capsule, ligaments, and tendons

What's an two gait for crutches

Matches the crutch to the opposite foot, moving them together.

What's an three point gait for crutches

Positions both crutches and the left foot forward and then brings up the right foot.

What's an four-gait for crutches

Shows the right crutch being positioned first, followed by moving the left foot.

What's an swing to gait for crutches

Crutches are moved forward simultaneously, and the weight is transferred forward. Then swing both feet together up to the crutches.

What's an swing through gait for crutches

Crutches are moved forward, weight is transferred, and both feet swing through the crutches, stopping slightly in front.

What's the two types of crutches

Platform crutches
Lofstrand/Canadian or forearm crutches

What's are the two types of wheelchairs


Rom helps pts that may have


where should the cane be carried when walking

on the uninjured side

how to walk with an cane

move the cane and injured forward then move the uninjured following

how to walk with a cane going up and own the stairs

move the cane and uninjured leg up or down the stairs then follow by the injured

where should the walker be leveled at

hip level

how to walk with an walker

pick the walker move it followed then follow by moving yourself forward right after

what should the pt never do with the walker

dont slide the walker when trying to walk

the pt should always make sure that the walker has all

4 legs on the floor

how to put on an arm sling

the arm should be at an 90 degree angle then slide the injured arm into the sling opeening lastly adjust the sling around the back of your neck on the side of the uninjured arm

what should alaway be checked after puting on an arm sling

check arm and fingers for circulation

how to walk with an crutch

move the crutch in front of you by putting your wt on on the handles with your hand instead of your arm on the padding the and step out with your uninjured feet on the floor follow with swing your injured feet w/o touching the floor always

what should the pt while walking with an crutches never do

put their wt on the arms of padding but instead put wt on the handles with their hands

regular exercises improves

muscle tones
relieve tension

who does ROM exercises apply to

individuals that cant do strenuous exercise

Define ROM exercise

any body action involving muscles, joints, and natural directional movements

whats active ROM excerise

the exercise is done independently

whats passive ROM exercise

the exercise is done with assistant

whats abduction

moving away from the midline of the body

whats an adduction

moving toward the midline of the body

What's dorsiflexion?

Extension of the entire foot as if taking foot off an pedal

What's extension?

The opposite of flexion; a straightening movement

What's flexion?

Bending the elbow or clenching a hand into a fist are examples of flexion.

What's hyperextension?

Overextending a limb or body part beyond the normal limit.

What's inversion?

The movement of the sole toward the median plane (same as when an ankle is twisted)

Plantar Flexion

Flexion of the entire foot as if pressing an automobile pedal

What's rotation?

A motion that turns a part on its axis (the head rotates on the neck)

What's supination?

The opposite of pronation, the rotation of the forearm of the palm facing up

What's pronation?

A rotation of the forearm that the palm facing down

whats the angles for an arm sling

90 degree

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Which of the following practices is recommended to help maintain a safe home environment for a patient using an ambulatory aid? Keep floors free of spills and clutter. When using crutches, patients should place them approximately four to five inches in front and ____ inches to the side of their heels.

What angle degree should a patient's arm be placed when applying a sling?

Another important aspect of proper sling use is to make sure your arm is in a neutral position at your side. Your upper arm should remain directly to your side and in line with the rest of your body. At the same time, it is important to keep your forearm at a 45° angle to your hip.