When the price of a good increased by 10 percent the quantity demanded of it decreased 2 percent?



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Terms in this set (17)

Which of the following statements is an example of perfectly elastic demand​?

Sherry is overwhelmed with buyers of her peaches when she lowers their price by a penny a pound compared to other sellers in the​ farmers' market.

When the price of a good increased by 5 ​percent, the quantity demanded of it decreased 10 percent.
Demand for this good is​ ______.


Which of the following statements describes an elastic demand​?

Mary's quantity demanded of milk decreased by 8 percent when the price of milk rose by 5 percent.

When the price of a good increased by 10 ​percent, the quantity demanded of it decreased 2 percent.
The price elasticity of demand is​ ______. A price rise will​ ______ total revenue.

0.20; increase

When the price of a good increased by 10 ​percent, the quantity demanded of it decreased 2 percent.
An example of a good with such a demand is​ _______.


The price elasticity of demand for Russell​'s chocolate chip cookies is 1.5. Russell wants to increase his total revenue.
Russell should​ _____ the price of his chocolate chip cookies because the demand for chocolate chip cookies is​ ______.

lower; elastic

When the price of a good increased by 3 ​percent, the quantity demanded of it decreased 6 percent.
Most​ likely, this good​ ______ and ​ ______.

is a luxury; has good substitutes

Which of the following is an example of price elasticity of demand​?

When the price of bananas increased by 5 percent and nothing else changed, the quantity of bananas demanded decreased by 2 percent.

Which of the following statements describe an inelastic demand​?

Megan did not buy too many hockey tickets even though their price dropped by 10 percent.

The graph illustrates the demand for movie tickets.
The demand for movie tickets is elastic over the price range​ $7 to​ $9.


The graph illustrates the demand for movie tickets.
If the price of a movie ticket falls from​ $9 to​ $7, total revenue​ ______.

increases because demand is elastic

The graph illustrates the demand for movie tickets
When the price is​ $8 a​ ticket, the price elasticity of demand for movie tickets is _____.


Which of the following statements describes a perfectly inelastic demand​?

Walgreens does not find any change in the number of people buying chlorthalidone after a 7 percent rise in its price.

The demand for plums is unit elastic if​ _____.

a 5 percent rise in the price of plums results in a 5 percent decrease in the quantity of plums demanded

When the price of tomatoes rises from​ $3 per pound to​ $4 per​ pound, the quantity of tomatoes sold decreases from 15 pounds to 10 pounds. Total revenue​ _____, and using the total revenue test​, we can determine that the demand for tomatoes is​ _____ .

decreases from​ $45 to​ $40; elastic

One winter​ recently, the price of home heating oil increased by 20 percent and the quantity demanded decreased by 2 percent.
Use the total revenue test to determine whether the demand for home heating oil is elastic or inelastic.
Total revenue​ ______ because the percentage increase in the price is​ ______ than the percentage decrease in the quantity demanded.

increases; greater

One winter​ recently, the price of home heating oil increased by 20 percent and the quantity demanded decreased by 2 percent.
Use the total revenue test to determine whether the demand for home heating oil is elastic or inelastic.
Because total revenue and the price change in​ _________, the demand for home heating oil is​ ______.

the same direction; inelastic

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When the price of a product is raised by 10 percent the quantity demanded fall by 20 percent in this range of prices demand for this product is?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer choice is B. Demand is said to be price elastic when the value of price elasticity is greater than one. Here, the given percentage change in quantity demanded is 15, while the given percentage change in price is 10 implying that the price elasticity of demand is 1.5.

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complements. When the price of a product is increased 10 percent, the quantity demanded decreases 15 percent. In this range of prices, demand for this product is: elastic.

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When income rises by 2 percent and other things remain the same the quantity demanded of good C increases by 3 percent?

When income rises by 2 percent and other things remain the​ same, the quantity demanded of good C decreases by 3 percent. The income elasticity of demand for good C is _____. Income elasticity of demand is -3 percent divided by 2 percent, which is -1.5.


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