When the United States entered World war 1 Anti Alcohol groups saw the opportunity to enact a national Prohibition amendment for which of the following reasons?

When the United States entered World war 1 Anti Alcohol groups saw the opportunity to enact a national Prohibition amendment for which of the following reasons?

WhentheUnitedStatesentered WorldWarI,anti-alcoholgroups

saw theopportunitytoenacta nationalProhibitionamendmentfor


Anti-liquor advocates organizedhunger strikes outside oftheWhiteHouse.

They thought grainshouldnotbeusedtomakebeer andliquor whensoldiers

overseas needed food.

Military leadershipcameoutin supportoftheamendmentas acritical partofthe

war effort.

Public sentimentturnedagainstWilson,who hadlongopposedtheProhibition



ProgressivismandtheFirst WorldWar


TheRedScarewasa periodfollowingWorldWarIin whichAmericans

suppressed radicaldissent.

Whicheventis consideredacauseoftheRed Scare?

Laborers whohadoriginally agreednottostrikeinsupportofthe war effort

participatedinnearly 3,000strikes in1919.

The"Palmer Raids"arrestedhundreds withoutwarrants anddeportedRussians

back totheSoviet Union.

ARepublicanPresident, WarrenG.Harding,was electedina landslidevictory.

Raceriots revealedthatwhiteAmericans were willingtouseviolenceand

intimidation tomaintainpositions ofsupremacy in northerncities.


TheSignificance of1919


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