When you give a speech you should try to have the same expressiveness in our voice as you have in ordinary conversation?

Extemporaneous delivery means delivering a speech "ofthe cuff," with no advance preparation.


True False

In order to learn your first speech well enough to deliver it extemporaneously, you need to practice it out loud.


True False

One othe advantages othe extemporaneous method odelivery is that it enables you to maintain eye contact with your audience.


True False

When it is your turn to speak, you should hurry to the front othe room and start talking immediately so you don't lose the audience's attention.

True False

One othe most common mistakes students make on their first speech is trying to cover too much.

True False

Most experts recommend that you read your speeches to the audience so you don't forget any othe words.

True False

According to your textbook, the best way to practice a speech is to look silently over your notes until you think you know the speech well enough to deliver it in class.

True False

Your textbook recommends that you present your first speech without advance preparation so it will sound spontaneous in class.

True False

As your textbook states, colorful or descriptive language is an effective way to generate audience interest in an introductory speech.

True False

Each main point in the body oyour first speech should cover a single aspect othe topic.

True False

For your first speech, your textbook recommends trying to end on a clever or thought-provoking note.

True False

Much othe anxiety associated with public speaking comes from lack oexperience giving speeches.

True False

Taking a moment to look at your audience and smile before you begin to speak can help you establish rapport with them.

True False

When you give a speech, you should try to have the same expressiveness in your voice as you have in ordinary conversation.

True False

According to your textbook, the best way to prepare to give your first speech is to memorize it and deliver it word for word.

True False

When delivering your first speech, you should try to adopt the relaxed and confident tone you use in everyday in conversation.

True False

When you give your speech, you should try to make eye contact with your audience as much as you can.

True False

The chronological method ospeech organization follows a time pattern.

True False

Use onegative stereotypes in an introductory speech is acceptable as long as they are used in a humorous way.

True False

The topical method ospeech organization follows a time pattern.

True False

When you give a speech you should try to make eye contact with your audience as much as you can?

Improves your concentration Keep your eye contact steady so you can concentrate on your message. When you look someone in the eye for three to five seconds, you will naturally slow down your speech, which will make you sound more authoritative.

When delivering your first speech you should try to adopt the relaxed and confident tone you use in everyday in conversation?

When delivering your first speech, you should try to adopt the relaxed and confident tone you use in everyday in conversation. One of the advantages of the extemporaneous method of delivery is that it enables you to maintain eye contact with your audience.

When you deliver your first speech you should make an effort to?

According to your textbook, the best way to prepare to give your first speech is to memorize it and deliver it word for word. get the interest and attention of the audience.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech quizlet?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech? Prepare notes consisting of key words and phrases. Practice giving the speech to friends or family members.