Which 2 formats can be used for exporting management report packages in QuickBooks Online?

As a precaution, it is strongly recommended to create a binder package of the binder being edited prior to attempting the following steps. The binder package can serve as a backup of the binder if any step needs to be "undone."

  • How do I create a binder package in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement?

Importing of account information into the CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager trial balance from QuickBooks is done through the use of QuickBooks Reports. The following instructions will explain the process of creating QuickBooks Reports, followed by the import of the report information into an Engagement or Workpaper Manager trial balance.

How to create a QuickBooks report

  1. In QuickBooks, go to the Edit menu, and choose Preferences.
  2. Select Accounting and select the Company Preferences tab. 
  3. Verify that Use account numbersShow lowest subaccount only, and Use class tracking options are selected.
    • Note: All accounts must be numbered. Subaccounts must not include the main account number in their description and must be different from the main account number. 

  1. In QuickBooks, select the Reports option.
  2. In the Report Center, choose Accountant & Taxes and click Run to create the Trial Balance Report.

  1. Once you see your trial balance, select the Microsoft® Excel® option.
  2. Choose to either Create New Worksheet or Update Existing Worksheet.
    • Note: If exporting to an existing Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet, browse to the location of the spreadsheet to select it. When the export is complete, Microsoft® Excel® will automatically open your exported trial balance.
    • Note: If exporting from Quickbooks Accounting Desktop 2018, you may see the following message:
      • The following features cannot be saved in macro-free workbooks:
          - Excel 4.0 function stored in defined names.
        To save a file with these features, click No, and then choose a macro-enabled file type in the File Type list.
        To continue saving as a macro-free workbook, click Yes."
        [Yes]  [No]  [Help]
        Click "Yes" to save the data to the correct format, then proceed with the next steps.

How to import a QuickBooks Trial Balance Report from inside Engagement or Workpaper Manager

  1. Insert the QuickBooks TB report into your binder using any applicable methods.
    • How to add a workpaper to a binder in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager.
  2. In the binder, open the QuickBooks TB Report.
  3. On the Engagement or Workpaper Manager ribbon, under TB Setup button, select Import Import Excel QuickBooks Data.
    • The Paste TB Import window is automatically populated with the QuickBooks TB data.

  1. Select the correct trial balance, if needed, from the Select Trial Balance list. 
  2. If not already populated, click the V in the Chart of Accounts header and select the correct title for each column.
    • Checks are made to verify there are no Blank Descriptions, Invalid Account Numbers, and Duplicate account.
    • If any corrections are needed, they can be done in the dialog.
      • If you want the corrections in the report, you will need to correct the report then re-import. 

  1. Select whether the imported content should Append or Overwrite existing data.
    • Append. Imports and appends unique account numbers.
      • Any duplicate account numbers will be overwritten and the original data will be lost.
      • This is the default selection.
    • Overwrite. This function deletes all existing data and any journal entries and replaces it with the trial balance data you are importing.
      • There is not an "undo" for this action.
  2. Select whether you need to round balances and select or create a rounding account.
  3. Click Next, and OK on the message warning that the conversion process may take a few minutes.
  4. Click Finish to complete the conversion.


Quickbooks (Desktop) install:
  • A new CleanSheet worksheet will be created in the QuickBooks Microsoft® Excel® report. This is the reformatted data used to populate the Paste TB Import from the clipboard.
  • Changing the data on the CleanSheet tab is not recommended, and may cause the import process to fail and need to be run again.
    • If the data on the CleanSheet needs to be changed and retained for future reference, please rename the worksheet to allow a new CleanSheet to be created.
Quickbooks (Online version):

Currently, Quickbooks Online doesn't use the separator character that Quickbooks Desktop version does in their reports. Without the separator character, Engagement or Workpaper Manager is not able to recognize the report as a Quickbooks report. There are two possible workarounds to this issue. The first workaround is, if you have both Quickbooks Online and Quickbooks Desktop, you can export the client from Quickbooks Online to the Desktop, then export the report from the Desktop version. For steps on how to export the client from the Online to the Desktop version, see Quickbooks article Switch from online to desktop.

If you do not have Quickbooks Desktop, then you will need to do the following:

  • You will need to add account numbers to the chart of accounts in Quickbooks online before exporting the report to Microsoft® Excel®.
  1. In Quickbooks Online click Settings and select Account and settings.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Select Edit in the Chart of accounts section.
  4. Select Enable account numbers.
  5. Select Show account numbers.
  6. Select Save and then Done.
  7. Go to the Accounting menu and select Chart of Accounts.
  8. Select Batch edit in the Action column.
  9. Add account numbers in the Number column.
    • If your Trial Balance already has account numbers assigned to the account descriptions in Engagement or Workpaper Manager, you will need to use the same account numbers at this step to avoid duplicates when importing later. 
  10. Once you’re done, select Save.
  11. Export the report from Quickbooks Online to Excel and do the following from the Excel file:
    1. Highlight the contents of the account number/description column, Debit column, and Credit column and press Ctrl+C to copy the contents.
    2. Go to a new tab in the Microsoft® Excel® and press Ctrl+V to paste the data. 
    3. Highlight the contents of the account number/description column, go to the Data ribbon, and click Text to Columns.
    4. Select Fixed width and click Next
    5. Adjust the line to separate the account number from the text and click Next.
    6. Select General as the column data option and click Finish.  
    7. Right-click on the Debit column and choose Insert to add a new column in between the account description and the Debit column. 
      • If an Insert window displays, select Entire column and click OK
    8. Select the first cell in the new column and type =, then select the first cell in the Debit column, type - , then select the first cell in the Credit column and press Enter
    9. Select the first cell in the new column and click on the small green box in the lower right corner, then drag that box down through the entire column. 
    10. Right-click on the formula column (the new column created in step 7) and choose Insert.
      • If an Insert window displays, select Entire column and click OK
    11. Copy the contents of the formula column and then right-click on the new column from the previous step and choose Paste values
    12. Copy the contents of the account number column, the account description column, and the column from step 10.
    13. Right-click on the copied column, or go to the Engagement or Workpaper Manager ribbon and choose Paste TB import
    14. Continue importing the data into from step 5 of the above instructions. 

How to import a QuickBooks Trial Balance Report from outside Engagement or Workpaper Manager

  1. Open the Trial Balance inside the binder.
    • This step must be performed first and is vital to the rest of the steps. 
  2. Open the QuickBooks Microsoft® Excel® report, and select the Engagement or Workpaper Manager ribbon.
  3. Click the Import Excel QuickBooks Data option.
    • Note: The Import Excel QuickBooks Data button will always be in the ribbon when Microsoft® Excel® is opened outside of Engagement or Workpaper Manager. If the button is clicked in a non-QuickBooks report, the message “No Excel workbook is found that matches the format expected for importing QuickBooks Trail Balance Report data. Please verify you have the correct Excel workbook open to the worksheet containing QuickBooks Trial Balance Report Data” will display. 
  4. Click OK on the message stating that the QuickBooks data has been reformatted and copied to the clipboard.

  1. Navigate to the Trial Balance that has been opened in the binder.
    • If the Trial Balance inside the binder was not open prior to selecting the import command, a message box displays informing you of “Invalid data on the clipboard.”
  2. In the Trial Balance, on the Engagement or Workpaper Manager ribbon, select Import > Import Excel QuickBooks Data.
  3. Continue from step 4 of the above section How to import a QuickBooks Trial Balance Report from inside Engagement or Workpaper Manager

In what formats can you export completed management reports?

Once the report package has been cutomised and saved as a new report, such as Sales Performance 123 (see above), you can choose to send via email (see below) , export as PDF or as a DOCX, copy the package, or delete (note only templates that have been created can only be deleted, not system pre-made ones).

Which 2 management report templates appear by default in QuickBooks Online?

You can create a package of reports that includes a cover page, table of contents, preliminary pages, and end notes. If you go to the Reports section and click on the Management Reports tab, there are 2 default report packages – Basic Company Financials and Expanded Company Financials.

What are the two major types of reports in QuickBooks?

The two most important reports for most businesses are the Profit & Loss report and Balance Sheet Report. The profit and loss report provides you with your business' performance in any specific period of time. This report is also known as an income statement.

How do I export a report from QuickBooks Online?

How to export reports from QuickBooks Online to Excel.
Go to Business overview and select Reports (Take me there)..
Search for and select the report you want to export..
At the top of the report, select the Export icon. ... .
Save the file somewhere you can easily find, like your Downloads folder or your desktop..


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