Which action should the charge nurse implement in response to this information?

The charge nurse overhears two unlicensed assistive personnel (UAPs) discussing a client in the hallway. Which action should the charge nurse implement first? 1. Remind the UAPs that clients should not be discussed in a public area. 2. Tell the unit manager that the UAPs might have been overheard. 3. Have the UAPs review policies on client confidentiality and HIPAA. 4. Find some nursing tasks the UAPs can be performing at this time Correct answer: 1 The charge nurse should remind the UAPs not to discuss confidential information in a public place. This is the first action. ------------------------ 2. The charge nurse may need to inform the manager of the breach of confidentiality, but the first action is to stop the conversation. 3. The charge nurse and/or the manager may need to make sure the UAPs are familiar with confidentiality, but the conversation should be terminated first. 4. This might be a better activity for the UAPs, but the first action is to stop the conversation.

  1. The nurse assesses a client one hour after starting a transfusion of packed RBC and determines that there are no indicators of a transfusion reaction. What instruction should the nurse provide the unlicensed assistive personnel UAP who is working with the nurse? Continue to measure the client’s vital signs every thirty minutes until transfusion is complete

  2. An older client is brought to the clinic for appointment by a grandson. The client is withdrawn and allows the grandson to answer the nurse’s questions. The nurse observes the grandson makes frowning facial expressions and shakes his head sighing when speaking to the client. Which action should the nurse take next? Interview the client privately without the family member present

  3. The mother of an adolescent female tells the clinic nurse that after every meal her daughter goes to the bathroom, locks the door and vomits. Which physical assessment should the nurse implement if bulimia is suspected? Condition of tooth enamel

  4. A new nurse preparing to irrigate an intravenous catheter is attaching a 24-guage needle. Which action should the charge nurse implement Instruct the nurse to remove the needle

  5. After a spider bite on the lower extremity, a client is admitted for treatment of an infection that is spreading up the leg. Which admission assessment findings should the nurse report to the healthcare provider? SATA

Swollen lymph nodes in the groin White blood cell count (WBC) Core body temperature

  1. A client has an abdominal wound dehiscence when the surgical staples are removed. What intervention should the nurse implement first.

Place a saline dressing over the wound

  1. After an older client receives treatment for drug toxicity, the healthcare provider prescribes a 24-hour creatinine clearance test. Prior to starting the urine collection, the nurse notes that the client ‘s serum creatinine is 0/dL (22 micro....). which action should the nurse implement?

Initiate the urine collection as prescribed

  1. The nurse is preparing to administer histamine 2 -receptor antagonist to a client with peptic ulcer disease. What is the primary purpose of this drug?

Decreases the amount of HCI secretion by the parietal cells in the stomach

  1. The nurse is working in a critical care unit is assigned the care of two clients, one with pneumonia who is being mechanically ventilated and the other who had a thoracotomy yesterday and is complaining of incisional pain. What should the nurse do first? Assess the level of consciousness and vital signs for both clients

  2. Which client should the charge nurse on the oncology unit assign to an RN, rather than a practical nurse (PN)? An elderly female client with cancer whose children who are trying to decide whether to change to palliative care measures or continue disease Control

  3. A client is admitted to the intensive care unit with diabetes insipidus due to a pituitary gland tumor. Which potential complication should the nurse monitor closely? Hypokalemia

  4. An adult is admitted to the emergency department following ingestion of a bottle of antidepressants secondary to chronic pain. A nasogastric tube and left subclavian venous catheter are placed. The nurse auscultates audible breath sounds on the right side, faint sounds on the left side, and chest movement that occurs only on the right side of the thorax. Which procedure should the nurse prepare for first? Insertion of a left-sided chest tube

  5. A older client with osteoarthritis reports increasing pain and stiffness in the right knee and asks how to reduce these symptoms. In responding to the client, the nurse recognizes what pathology as the cause of the symptoms? Destruction of joint cartilage

  6. The father of a four year old has been battling metastatic long cancer for the past 2 years. After discussing the remaining options with his health care provider, the client requests that all treatment stop and that no heroic measures be taken to save his life. When the client is transferred to the palliative care unit, which action is most important for the nurse working on the palliative care unit to take in facilitating continuity of care? Obtained a detailed report from the nurse transferring the client

  7. In evaluating the effectiveness of postoperative client’s intermittent pneumatic compression device, which assessment is most important for the nurse to complete? Evaluate the client ability to use an incentive spirometer

  8. The nurse implements a secondary prevention program for sexually transmitted infections in a local health center. Which outcome indicates that the program was effective More than 50% of at-risk clients were diagnosed early in their disease process

  9. There are some lab values that I am not able to see clearly A female client with a history of heart failure (HF) arrives at the clinic after what she describes as a very long trip. Following the initial physical assessment and chart review, which priority action should the nurse implement? Auscultate and heart sounds

  10. A middle-aged client admitted to a critical care unit several weeks ago because of serious injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, is currently in stable condition. Based on this client’s age and recent life-threatening crisis, which intervention should the nurse implement? Encourage the client to reflect on personal goals and priorities

  11. A client with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is receiving trazodone, a recently prescribed atypical antidepressant. The caregiver tells the home health nurse that the client’s mood and sleep patterns are improved, but there is no change in cognitive ability. How should the nurse respond to this information? Confirm that the desired effect of the medication has been achieved

  12. A client who weighs 176 pounds receives a prescription for lorazepam 0/kg intramuscularly 2 hours before a scheduled procedure. The medication is available in 4mg/mL. how many mL should the nurse administered? (enter numeric value only) 1 ml

  13. The nurse is admitting a client with a history of gout. In assessing the client’s hand, how should the nurse assess for the presence of tophi? Palpate for hand nodules on the fingers

  14. A nurse who works in the nursery is attending the vaginal delivery of a term infant. What action should the nurse complete prior to leaving the delivery room? Place the ID bands on the infant and the mother

  15. A client is recovering in the critical care unit following a cardiac catherization. IV nitroglycerine and heparin are infusing. The client is sedated but responds to verbal instructions. After changing positions, the client complains of pain at the right groin insertion site. What action should the nurse implement? Assess distal lower extremity capillary refill

  16. A client is undergoing peritoneal dialysis. After several fluid exchanges, the abdomen is distended, blood pressure is elevated, and 6,500 mL were infused while 5, 500 mL were drained. In response to this finding, what action should the nurse take? Irrigate the drainage tube with normal saline

  17. An older client with a 3 day history of abdominal distention is admitted with a small

bowel obstruction. The nurse inserts a nasogastric tube and attaches it to low intermittent suction. Which ongoing client assessment takes priority when providing care? Auscultate bowel sounds

  1. A female client with dementia who needs assistance with meals and activities of daily living often screams at the staff and threatens to hit those who come near her. Which nursing problem should be included in the treatment plan? Risk for other-directed violence

  2. A client who recently underwent a tracheostomy is being prepared for discharge to home. Which instruction is most important to the nurse to include in the discharge plan? Teach tracheal suctioning techniques

  3. A client has had several episodes of clear, watery diarrhea that started yesterday. What action should the nurse implement? Review the client’s current list of medications

  4. A client with postpartum depression, who is admitted to the behavioral health unit, refuses to leave her room or eat meals. In addition to maintaining physical safety, which short-term goal should the nurse include in the plan of care? Attends one group activity per day

  5. Which self care measure is most important to the nurse to include in the plan of care of a client recently diagnosed with type2 diabetes mellitus? A realistic exercise plan

  6. The nurse is providing discharge instruction to a client who is receiving sertraline 50 mg by mouth daily for depression. Which symptom should the nurse tell the client to report to the healthcare provider? Dry mucous membrane

  7. An older client with a long history of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension (HTN), and heart failure (HF) arrives in the emergency department in respiratory distress. The healthcare prescribed furosemide IV. Which therapeutic response to furosemide should the nurse expected in the client with acute HF? Reduced preload

  8. A client with coronary artery disease who is experiencing syncopal episodes is admitted for an electrophysiology study (EPS) and possible cardiac ablation therapy. Which intervention should the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive

Prepare skin for procedure

  1. An adult client is admitted to the emergency department after falling from a ladder. While waiting to have a computed tomography (CT) scan, the client requests something for a severe headache. When the nurse offers a prescribed dose of acetaminophen, the client asks for something stronger. Which intervention should the nurse implement? Explain the reason for using only non-narcotics

  2. The nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of a 13-month-old child who underwent repair for an atrial septal defect. The health care provider prescribes aspirin and an antibiotic for the first 6 months post operatively to prevent infective endocarditis (IE). What information is most important for the nurse discuss with the parents about the child’s recovery and prevention of IE? Brush the child’s teeth every day and ensure that the child receive regular dental follow up

  3. A male client with cirrhosis has jaundice and pruritus. He tells the nurse that he has been soaking in hot baths at night with no relief of his discomfort. Which action should the nurse take? Suggest that the client take brief showers and apply oil-based lotion after showering.

  4. The mother of a 7 month old brings the infant to the clinic because the skin in the diaper area is excoriated and red, but there are no blisters or bleeding. The mother reports no evidence of watery stools. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement? instruct the mother to change a child's diaper more often

  5. A patient with Constipation needs to increase fiber intake. Which snack suggestion should the nurse provide? Oatmeal cookies

  6. A client taking clopidogrel reports the onset of diarrhea. Which nursing action should the nurse implemented first? observe the appearance of the stool

  7. The charge nurse is planning for the shift and has a registered nurse (RN) and a practical nurse (PN) on the team. Which client should the charge nurse assign to the RN? A 30 year old depressed client who admits to suicide ideation

  8. The nurse is providing intermittent garbage feedings for a 33 week gestational age newborn. The nurse positions the newborn in a right side-lying position with the head slightly elevated and passes the feeding tube through the mouth. Prior to administering the bolus feeding, it is most important for the nurse to obtain which assessment? Volume of gastric residual

  9. While assessing a client who is admitted would heart failure and pulmonary edema, the

nurse identifies dependent peripheral edema, an irregular heart rate, and a persistent cough that produces pink blood-tinged sputum. After initiating continuous telemetry and positioning the client, which intervention should the nurse implement? Initiate hourly urine output measurement

  1. The nurse is caring for a seated client who is experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure. Which actions should a nurse implement? SATA Loosen restrictive clothing Ease the client to the floor Note the duration of the seizure

  2. A client is admitted with the diagnosis of Wernicke’s syndrome. Which assessment finding should the nurse use in planning the patient care? Confusion

  3. The charge nurse is making assignments for one practical nurse (PN) and three registered nurses (RN) who are caring for neurologically compromised clients. Which client with which change in status is best to assign to the PN? Subdural hematoma whose blood pressure changed from 150/80 mmHg to 170/ mmHg

  4. Prior to insertion of an indwelling catheter, what client information is most important for the nurse to obtain? Color, clarity, and odor of urine

  5. The charge nurse in an extended care facility is organizing unit activities for the day. Which action may be safely delegate to the practical nurse (PN)? Measure the client’s body weight each morning

  6. The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) is preparing to assist an older adult with a tub bath. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the UAP? Gently apply lotion to the skin after bathing

  7. Which instruction should the nurse provide to a client who is preparing to have a cystoscopy? report any painful urination, blood in urine, or fever

  8. The nurse is assessing the feet of a client with diabetes mellitus Type 1. Which finding requires the most immediate intervention by the nurse? Decrease response to pain discrimination on dorsal surface of foot

  9. A 19 year old client is admitted to the hospital with severe right lower quadrant abdominal pain. The father requesting to know his son’s laboratory test results. Which is the best response for the nurse to provide?

  10. Know where to place the stethoscope to auscultate carotid bruit on the illustrated picture. Place the stethoscope over the carotid artery, beginning at the jaw line.

  11. When should ----- partner violence (IPV) screening occur? As a routine part of each health care encounter

  12. A young woman with multiple sclerosis just received several immunizations in preparation for moving into a college dormitory. Two days later, she reports to the nurse that she is experiencing increasing fatigue and visual problems. What teaching should the nurse provide? Immunizations can trigger a relapse of the disease, so get plenty of extra rest

  13. In evaluating a client at 28 weeks gestation, which finding should the nurse report to the healthcare provider immediately? Edema of ankles, face, and hands

  14. A client with renal calculi is experiencing hematuria and reports severe flank pain. Which intervention should the nurse implement first? Administer a prescribed opioid analgesic

  15. After preparing a sterile field, the nurse begins changing the central line dressing of a client when another client on the unit experiences a lethal arrhythmia and a code blue is called. Which action should the nurse take? Call for assistant

  16. A female client receives a prescription for alendronate sodium to treat her newly diagnosed osteoporosis. Which instruction should the nurse include in the client’s teaching plan? Take on an empty stomach with a full glass of water

  17. A male client who was discharged 3 days ago after an exploratory laparoscopic biopsy is admitted to the hospital with a warm, tender, reddened, and swollen left lower leg. The nurse is preparing to initiate heparin therapy. What additional intervention should the nurse include in this client’s plan of care? Maintain the client on bedrest

  18. After having a pulmonary angiogram, a client is diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (PE). Which intervention is most important for the nurse to include in the clients plan of care? Teach how to use incentive spirometry

  19. The nurse plans to collect a 24-hour urine specimen for a creatinine clearance test. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the adult male client?

Urinate at a specified time, discard this urine, and collect all subsequent urine during the next 24 hours

  1. The nurse is preparing an adult with Addison’s disease for self-management. Which information should the nurse include in the client’s instruction? Importance of recording daily weights

  2. An S3 heart sound is auscultated in a client in her third trimester of pregnancy. What intervention should the nurse take Document in the client’s record

  3. When providing client care the nurse identifies a problem and develops a related clinical question. Next, the nurse intends to gather evidence so that the decision-making process in response to the problem and clinical question is evidence-based. When gathering evidence, which consideration is most important? Related personal values

  4. A young adult male who is being seen at the employee heath care clinic for an annual assessment tells the nurse that his mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was his age and that life with a schizophrenic mother was difficult indeed. Which response is best for the nurse to provide? Ask the client if he is worried about becoming schizophrenic at the age his mother was diagnosed

  5. A client with possible acute kidney injury (AKI) is admitted to the hospital and mannitol is prescribed as a fluid ------. Prior to carrying out this prescription, what intervention should the nurse implement? Obtain vital signs and breath sounds

  6. A client who uses transdermal contraceptive, calls to the clinic because she forgot to apply a new patch three days ago. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the client?

Apply the new patch today and use a backup method for 7 days

  1. Following a cardiac catherization and placement of a stent in the right coronary artery, the nurse administers prasugrel, a platelet inhibitor, to the client. To monitor for adverse effects from the medication, which assessment is most important for the nurse to include in this clients plan of care? Observe color of urine

  2. The nurse is screening students for scoliosis and notes that one student has lordosis. Which finding should the nurse document in the student’s screening record?

Initiate continuous flow of IV fluids

  1. A middle-aged male client at the outpatient clinic receives a prescription for tetracycline due to folliculitis of the scalp. Which instruction should the nurse provide? Take the med with a glass of water 2 hours after meals.

  2. The nurse is caring for clients with an LPN. Which actions should be assigned to the PN? SATA Obtain post op vitals for a client one day post unilateral knee arthroplasty Administer a dose of insulin per sliding scale for client with DMII

  3. The nurse is managing 4 clients in the ICU who are mechanically ventilated. After performing a quick visual assessment the nurse should prioritize care for which patient? SATA Diminished breath sounds in the right posterior lobe Restrained and restless with a low volume alarm sounding

  4. A 3 yr. old boy was successfully toilet trained prior to admission to the hospital for injuries sustained from a fall. His parents were very concerned that the child has regressed in his toileting behaviors. Which information should the nurse provide to the parents? Children usually resume their toileting behaviors when they leave the hospital

  5. A young male client is admitted to rehab following a R AKA for a severe traumatic injury. He is in the common room and anxiously calls out to the nurse, stating that his right foot is aching. The nurse offers reassurance and support. Which additional intervention is most important? Encourage discussion of feelings about the loss of his limb

  6. Which information is most important for the nurse to obtain when determining a client’s risk for OSA? BMI

  7. A client with a 6 cm thoracic aneurysm is being prepared for surgery. The nurse reports to the HCP that the client’s BP is 220/112, so an antihypertensive agent is added to the pt’s IV. What finding warrants immediate intervention from the nurse? Sinus tachy with frequent PVC

  8. A child newly diagnosed sickle cell anemia is being discharged from the hospital. Which information is most important for the nurse to provide prior to discharge? Instructions about how much fluid the child should drink

  9. Which lab is most critical to report the HCP? Glucose 62

  10. The nurse is planning for a client who admits having suicidal thoughts. Which client behavior indicates the highest risk for acting on these thoughts? Begins to show signs of improvement in affect

  11. The nurse is teaching a teen male recently diagnosed with DMI about self injecting insulin. Which approach is best for the nurse to use to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching? Have the teen list the steps

  12. An increased number of elderly persons are electing to undergo a new surgical procedure to cure glaucoma. Which effect is the nurse likely to notice as a result of this increase in glaucoma surgery? Decreased prevalence of glaucoma

  13. A client with bacterial meningitis is receiving phenytoin. Which assessment finding indicates a therapeutic response to phenytoin? Absence of seizure activity

  14. The nurse who works in L&D is assigned to the CCU for the day bc of low census in L&D. Which assignment is best for this nurse? Transfer client to another unit

  15. A nurse who too drugs from the unit for personal use was temporarily released from duty. After completion of mandatory counseling, the impaired nurse has asked admin to return to work. When the admin approaches the charge nurse about the request, what is the best action for the charge nurse? Allow the impaired nurse to return to work and monitor medication admin

  16. The nurse assesses a client 1 hour after starting blood transfusion and there are no indications of a reaction. What instruction should the nurse provide the UAP? Continue to measure VS every 30 min until transfusion is complete.

  17. A client with acute pancreatitis is admitted with severe piercing abdominal pain and an elevated serum amylase. Which additional info is the client most likely to report to the nurse? Drinks alcohol until intox at least 2x weekly

  18. A nurse assesses client whose hand begins to spasm when the BP cuff is inflated. The client complains of paresthesias in fingers and toes. Which lab finding should the nurse expect? Low serum calcium

  19. The parents bring their one-yr old child with a VSD to the clinic to a well child visit. Which assessment should the nurse report immediately? 2+ pitting edema in extremities

  20. After diagnosis and initial treatment of a 3-year old with cystic fibrosis, the nurse provides homecare instructions to the mother. Which statement indicates that she understands home care to promote pulmonary function? Chest physiotherapy should be performed twice a day before meals

  21. When taking health hx, which information collected by the nurse correlates most directly with a diagnosis of chronic peripheral arterial insufficiency?

Hx of intermittent claudication

  1. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who reports tingling of feet and who is newly diagnosed with PVD. Which outcome the nurse include in plan of care?

Walk 30 min daily

The Nurse is caring for a client admitted with a spontaneous pneumothorax. Which action should the nurse include in the client’s plan of care? Give bronchodilators by endotrac route Monitor bubbling of chest unit until water-seal chamber Sch client for hyberbanic O2 therapy (HBOT) Administer antibiotics via long line IV cath

Following a cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation, a client in the day surgery unit is reporting nausea. Position the cline to use an emesis basin Administer PRN antiemetic med IV Protect the operative eye from any risk for trauma Withhold diet progression until nausea subside

A group of nurses implement a pilot study to eval a proposed evidence based change to providing client care. Evaluation indicates successful outcomes and the nurses want to integrate the change throughout the facility. Which actions should be taken (SATA) Obtain informed consent from clients who rec care Arrange in-service training thru the Education Dept Submit a sentinel event report to the research committee Propose clinical prac guidelines to the nursing committee Invite data review by the QI Dep

A client is admitted with hypoparathyroidism. Which lab value indicates the nurse should place a client on a telemetry monitor? Calcium 6 mg/DL or 0 mmol/L Potassium 5 mEq/L or mmol/L Sodium 132 Magnesium 2 or 0 mmol/L

The RN is assessing a client with an AV fistula who has been rec hemodialysis for 2 years. The nurse auscultates a bruit over the site of the clients fistula. What action should the nurse take/ Contact the dialysis unit to r/x the next tx Document the finding in the EMR Elevate the affected arm on 2 pillows immediately Compare the BP readings in both arms

The nurse is completing the admission assessm. Of a 3 y/o who is admitted w/ bacterial meningitis and hydrocephalus. Which assessment finding is evidence that the child is experiencing increased ICP/ BP fluctuations and syncope Tachycardia and tachypnea Increased head circumference and bulging fontanels Sluggish and unequal pupillary responses

The nurse is assisting the HCP with a thoracentesis for a client who has emphysema. Which equipment should the nurse have at the bedside in the event the procedure is ineffective? Chest tube insertion tray Ventilator Intubation Tray Crash Cart

When conducting diet teaching for a client who was dx with a MI, which snack foods should the nurse encourage the client to eat? (SATA) Fresh turkey slices and berries Raw unsalted almonds and apples Chicken bouillon soup and toast Fresh veggies with mayo dip Soda crackers and PB

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who reports intermittent claudication and who is newly dx w/ peripheral vas disease. Which outcome should the RN include in the plan of care for client? The nurse will show the client how to perform stress mgmt. tech The clients skin on the lower legs will be intact at the next clinical visit The nurse will monitor the clients skin condition for color changes The nurse will instruct clients fam about the prescribed diet

Which assessment finding of a postmenopausal woman necessitates a referral by the RN to a HCP for eval of thyroid functioning? Cold sensitivity Slow weight loss

Admin antiemetics as needed

A 12-year-old client who had an appendectomy two days ago is receiving 0% normal saline at 50mL/hour. The client’s urine specific gravity is 1. What action should the nurse implement? Assess bowel sounds in all quadrants Encourage popsicles and fluids of choice Obtain a specimen for urinalysis Evaluate postural blood pressure measurements

A client with anxiety does not want to communicate w/ friends, worries excessively, and reports not being able to deal with life. Which coping strategy should the nurse include in the POC? Relax and reduce the amt of effort to solve the problem Practice switching thoughts to happy events in the past Focus on small achievements not taxing problems Concentrate on and ventilate emotions when distressed

A client with a 6 cm thoracic aneurysm is being prepared for surgery. The nurse reports to the healthcare provider that the client’s blood pressure is 220/112 mmHg, so an antihypertensive agent is added to the client’s IV infusion. Which finding warrants immediate intervention by the nurse? BP readings of 200/100 mmHg 15 minutes later Rose colored urine draining from the urinary catheter Sinus tachycardia with frequent premature ventricular beats (PVC) Reports a tearing, sharp pain between shoulder blades

The HCP prescribes the antibiotic cefdinir 300 mg PO every 12hrs for a client with post op wound infection. Which foods should the RN encourage the client to eat? Yogurt or buttermilk Avocados and cheese Green leafy veggies Fresh Fruits

A client who is 32 weeks gestation is seen in the emergency department reporting vision changes. The nurse observes the client has also experienced a rapid weight gain over six weeks. Which action should the nurse implement next? Check pupils for reactivity Auscultate fetal heart tones Obtain a blood pressure Collect a finger stick glucose

A client with Raynaud's disease lives alone. Which instruction should the nurse include in the client's discharge teaching plan? Wear TED stockings at night Keep room temp at 80F (27) Hire a care-giver for 8hrs daily Develop a walking exercise routine

A nurse with 10 years experience working in the emergency room is reassigned to the perinatal unit to work an 8 hour shift. Which client is best to assign to this nurse? A client at 28-weeks gestation in pre-term labor A client who is leaking clear fluid

A mother who just delivered a 9 pound baby boy A mother with an infected episiotomy

The HCP prescribes chloride 25 mEq in 500 ml D3W to infuse over 6 hours. The available 20 mL vial of potassium chloride is labeled “10 mEq 5 mL” How many mL of potassium chloride should the nurse add to the IV fluid?(Numeric value, if required round to the nearest tenth) Answer: 12.

An adolescent male client is admitted to the hospital. Based on Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, which nursing intervention best assists this adolescent’s adjustment to his hospital stay? Provide access to a variety of video games in his room Schedule frequent private phone calls to his parents Encourage him to learn this way around the hospital Invite him to participate in the evening group activity

The nurse is conducting a physical assessment. In examining the clients eyes, which client complaint should be reported to the HCP immediately? A black hole in the center of the clients vision A curtain coming across the clients vision today Decrease peripheral vision for a year Yellow, watery drainage from 1 eye

A (f) client rec a Rx for alendronate sodium to treat her newly dx osteoporosis. Which instruction should the nurse include in the clients teaching plan? Take on an empty stomach with a full glass of water Eat with 30 mins of taking the meds Consume a light snack with the meds Ingest an antacid 30m prior to taking the med

18 y/o female client is seen at the health dept for tx of condylomata acuminata (perianal warts) caused by HPV. Which intervention should the nurse implement? Recommend the use of latex condoms to prevent HPV transmission Inform the client that warts do not return following cryo therapy Tell the client that the vaccine for HPV is not indicated Reinforce the importance of annual PAP smears

The healthcare provider explains through an interpreter the risks and benefits of a scheduled surgical procedure to a non English-speaking female client. The client gives verbal consent and the healthcare provider leaves, instructing the nurse to witness the signature on the consent form. The client and interpreter speak together in the foreign language for an additional two minutes until the interpreter concludes, “She says it is OK.” What action should the nurse take next? Have the interpreter co-sign the consent to validate client understanding Clarify the client's consent through the use of gestures and simple terms Have the client sign the consent and the nurse witness the signature Ask for a full explanation from the interpreter of the witnessed discussion

Which action is most important for a charge nurse to take after hearing this response from the nurse?

Which action is most important for a charge nurse to take after hearing this response from the nurse? Report this event and the nurse's response to the unit manager. (The unit manager should be informed, and an intervention planned and carried out.)

Which client care activity should be assigned to the PN from the float pool?

Which client care activity should be assigned to the PN from the float pool? Provide postmortem care. PN prepares to administer postmortem care and asks UAP to provide assistance, Ms.

Which tasks can be delegated to the UAP who is assisting the PN and RN in the care of these 4 clients?

Which task can be delegated to the UAP who is assisting the PN and RN in the care of these 4 clients? Deliver and prepare the meal tray of the client who is in isolation with MRSA-induced pneumonia. Which action should the respiratory therapist take? Increase the rate of oxygen being administered.

How should nurse managers use pi programs?

How should nurse managers use PI programs? Determine root cause of errors in practice. Implement and follow guidelines established by accrediting agencies. Conduct chart reviews to determine the impact of nursing care on patient safety and healthcare outcomes.


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