Which approach suggests that people become depressed because of the way they interpret their inability to control events?

Chapter 1

What Is Personality?

1.When we look closely at the reactions of people to the same situation, we see

A.evidence that most people behave in typical ways.

B.that people are more alike than they are different.

C.each individual’s personality is overwhelmed by the demands of the situation.

D.that characteristic differences between people begin to emerge.


2.The more closely we look at the characteristic ways people deal with emotional situations,

the more we

A.begin to see how people are much the same.

B.see that people are not alike.

C.how each individual’s responses are overwhelmed by the demands of the situation.

D.understand where the personality comes from.


3.Which of the following statements is an axiom that best reflects the personality

psychologist’s point of view?

A.“People are the same the world over.”

B.“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their

passions a quotation.”

C.“There are few differences between people, but what differences there are, really matter.”

D.“Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’ll get.”


4.Which of the following statements best describes the study of personality?

A.Personality psychologists are interested in how people react to different situations.

B. Personality psychologists now recognize that early explanations of personality, such as

Freud's psychoanalytic theory, are incorrect.

C.Personality psychologists are interested in consistent behavior patterns and

intrapersonal processes originating within the individual.

D.Personality psychologists are interested in the consistent behavior patterns caused either

by something about the person or by placing the person in the same situation.


5.Which of the following questions would a personality psychologist ask?

A.Why are certain types of people prone to depression?

Which of the following approaches to personality explains depression by how situations are perceived and interpreted?

Which of the following approaches to personality explains depression by how situations are perceived and interpreted? a collectivist culture. Which of the four components necessary for the study of personality is characterized by inventories, direct observations, and tests?

Which approach identifies where a person might lie along a continuum of personality characteristics?

The trait approach identifies where a person might lie along a continuum of personality characteristics.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship among the six approaches to understanding personality quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship among the six approaches to understanding personality? Although the six approaches occasionally vary only in emphasis, two or more approaches often provide incompatible explanations.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the id ego and superego?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the id, ego, and superego? The ego works to satisfy id impulses in manner that is acceptable to the superego.


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