Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?

The nurse is reviewing the histories of laboring patients on the unit.

Which patient should the nurse identify as having the highest risk for a prolapsed cord?

The patient at 38 weeks os gestation, 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced, -5 station, with ruptured membranes

The patient at 40 weeks of gestation, 8 cm dilated, 75% effaced, 0 station, with intact membranes

The patient at 39 weeks of gestation, 9 cm dilated, 100% effaced, +1 station, with ruptured membranes

The patient at 38 weeks of gestation, 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, 0 station, with intact membranes

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Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?

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Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?

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Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

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Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

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Which assessment finding is expected as the transition phase begins quizlet?


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C. Frank breech

There are three types of breech presentations: frank, complete, and footling. The frank breech is the most common of all breech presentations. In this position, the fetal legs are completely extended up toward the fetal shoulders. The hips are flexed, the knees are extended, and the fetal buttocks present first in the maternal pelvis. The complete, or full, breech position is the same as the frank breech position, except the knees are flexed and the legs crossed, with the fetal buttocks presenting first. In the footling breech position, one or both of the fetal leg(s) are extended, with one foot ("single footling") or both feet ("double footling") presenting first into the maternal pelvis.

Increased bloody show, irritability, and shaking

(Increased bloody show, irritability, and shaking are some of the classic signs of the transition phase of the first stage of labor. The increase in bloody show is related to the complete dilation of the cervix, the irritability is related to the intensity of contractions, and the shaking is believed to be a vasomotor response. Facial redness and an urge to push are associated with the start of the second stage of labor. A bulging perineum, crowning, and caput signal that birth is imminent. Less intense, less frequent contractions may signal uterine hypotonicity, which may occur throughout the first stage of labor. )

Startle reflex

To assess auditory ability in a newborn, the nurse makes a sudden loud sound, which causes the newborn's arms to abduct. This is called the startle reflex. When assessing the rooting reflex, the nurse strokes the child's cheek, and the child's head turns to the same side in response. When assessing the glabellar reflex, the nurse taps the tip of the child's nose, and the child's eyes close in response. When assessing the extrusion reflex, the nurse touches the child's tongue, and the child forces it out in response. The rooting reflex, glabellar reflex, and extrusion reflex do not help determine auditory ability.

Which client behavior is expected during the transition phase of the first stage of labor quizlet?

Which client behavior is expected during the transition phase of the first stage of labor? A client in the transition phase of the first stage of labor has strong uterine contractions, resulting in severe pain.

When assessing a laboring client for signs that the transitional phase is beginning the nurse would expect the client to have?

Nausea and vomiting, profuse bloody show, and inability to control shaking legs all occur in the transition phase of the first stage of labor (8 to 10 cm cervical dilation).

Which nursing action would be implemented during the transition phase of labor quizlet?

During the second stage, transitional phase of labor what nursing interventions would you implement? -listen for client statements expressing the need to have a bowel movement. this sensation is a sign of complete dilation and fetal descnet.

What behavior does the nurse expect in a patient who is in the transition phase during the first stage of labor?

Transition Phase starts from 8 cm cervical dilatation to 10 cm (full) cervical dilatation and full cervical effacement. During this time, patient may be exhausted and withdrawn or aggressive and restless. Patient's urge to push is noticeable.