Which AWS service provides a dashboard view of the service availability status of all AWS services per region?

Posted On: Sep 28, 2021

You can now view your AWS resources such as Instances, VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Volumes across AWS Regions. Previously, finding specific resources, monitoring for their status or taking inventory in the console was manual and time consuming. You had to know which region a particular instance resided in, or had to manually switch across multiple different regions to look for it. Global View provides visibility to all your resources in a single pane of glass across AWS regions. It helps monitor resource counts, notice abnormalities sooner rather than later, and find stray resources.

Global View can be accessed from the EC2 and VPC Consoles. It provides the ability to search across resources by resource ID or tag values. You can filter resources by regions or resource type. Once a resource is located, you can access the existing management screens of the selected resource in the right region.

This capability is currently available for 5 resources: Instances, VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Volumes. in all AWS Regions except Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region and AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about Global View, please refer to our documentation here.

AWS support for Internet Explorer ends on 07/31/2022. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Learn more »

Posted On: Jun 9, 2022

Starting today, customers can now view AWS Health and service status availability powered by AWS Health Dashboard in the Connector for ServiceNow. AWS Health provides ongoing visibility into resource performance and the availability of AWS services. Customers can view the AWS Health Dashboard to get relevant and timely information to help manage events in progress, prepare for planned activities and provide information on accounts and services. AWS Health Dashboard delivers alerts and notifications initiated by changes in the health of AWS resources for near-instant event visibility and guidance to help accelerate troubleshooting.

This AWS Service Management Connector release also introduces integrations of AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager incident creation and management, AWS CloudTrail events logs visibility with AWS Systems Manager Change Manager, AWS Support dual sync using Amazon EventBridge along with enhancements to existing integrations with AWS Service Catalog and AWS Config within ServiceNow. The Connector also provides existing integrations with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter, AWS Systems Manager Automation and AWS Security Hub which helps simplify cloud provisioning, operations and resource management, as well as enables to view streamlined Service Management governance and oversight over AWS services.

It’s easy to get started. The AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow is available at no charge in the ServiceNow Store. These new features are available in all AWS Regions where AWS Support, AWS Service Catalog, AWS Config, AWS Systems Manager, AWS Health Dashboard, AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, AWS Systems Manager Change Manager and AWS Security Hub services are available. For more information, please see the AWS Service Management Connector documentation.

AWS support for Internet Explorer ends on 07/31/2022. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Learn more »

Over the past 14 years, AWS has introduced a number of tools to provide constant visibility into the availability of your AWS services. On April 17, 2008, Jeff Barr announced the AWS Service Health Dashboard (SHD), a page that shows the overall availability of AWS services. On December 1, 2016, as customers asked for a more personalized and granular view, we introduced the AWS Personal Health Dashboard (PHD) and the AWS Health API. In recent years, we’ve focused on improving the responsiveness of the PHD through automated notifications and refined internal processes. We’ve also added integrations with Amazon EventBridge and AWS Organizations so you can access your personalized events more easily in the context of your operations. Throughout these enhancements to the PHD, the SHD has remained largely unchanged – apart from stretching to cover an additional 200 services and 24 regions since launch. As AWS itself has grown to millions of customers and a far greater number of resources across the world, it’s increasingly difficult for the SHD to represent the experience of individual customers with a single aggregated status icon.

Now, we’re excited to announce that we’ve updated the SHD so it’s more responsive, efficient to use, and tightly connected to the PHD. Both of these properties are now unified into a single experience simply called the AWS Health Dashboard. This new page provides an easier to use interface, faster page load times, and a backend that’s even more operationally resilient. You also get streamlined access to your personalized events, as the AWS Health Dashboard automatically takes you to your account events if you’re already signed in. Additionally, the AWS Health Dashboard provides a more responsive and accurate communication if multiple AWS services are affected by an event. We’ll walk through these enhancements and changes in this blog post. This iteration is the first in a series of changes throughout 2022 that will continue to enhance your visibility into service and resource health.

If you pay a visit to the AWS Health Dashboard, one of the first things you may notice is the improved interface. The page is faster and easier to use – we’ve optimized the load times by over 65% and the total size of the page has been reduced. You can now quickly search for services and regions in the history table. Access from a mobile device is improved. Plus, the page now features automatic in-line refresh.

When there aren’t any AWS operational issues, you’ll see a single check mark representing all AWS services. If there is an issue, the page defaults to the ‘Open and recent issues’ tab so you can read about it.

Which AWS service provides a dashboard view of the service availability status of all AWS services per region?

As we previously mentioned, the SHD and PHD have been unified into a single destination now called the AWS Health Dashboard. This change is designed to make it easier for you to access all communications about your AWS services and resources in a single location. If you visit the AWS Health Dashboard and you’re not signed in, you get taken to the general service events view. This is an aggregated view representing the overall status of every AWS service. To see more information about your specific account, you can sign in.

When you visit the AWS Health Dashboard and you’re already signed in to your AWS account, you get taken automatically to your account events. Here, you can receive communications when just your resources alone are affected by an event. You also get notified about every event posted on the general service events page, making your account events a superset of operational communications. It is a major focus of numerous AWS initiatives to provide you with personalized visibility into your own operational health, at a far greater granularity than the overall service status. We therefore recommend that you sign in to the AWS Health Dashboard.

As a final aspect of this release, AWS provides a more responsive view in the scenario when multiple AWS services are affected by a common underlying root cause. These moments can be some of the most challenging for operations teams to navigate, because of the amount of signal and need for up-to-date information. If you visit the AWS Health Dashboard, you will now see one overarching communication with impacted services tagged to the event. This accelerates AWS’ ability to denote a service as impacted, helping you inform your incident management process faster. You can also quickly understand which impacted services are related to a single incident.

Any previous links and URLs to SHD and PHD will automatically redirect to the new AWS Health Dashboard, ensuring your existing bookmarks will continue to work. If you’ve subscribed to the RSS feeds in the SHD, these will continue to work as expected, as well.

If you use the AWS Health API (maybe you’ve set up notifications with AWS Health Aware) or EventBridge to receive Health events, you won’t need to change your integration. When multiple services are tagged to one underlying event, you’ll see these service listed in the EventDetails section.

Providing visibility into service health is a top priority for AWS. We’ll continue to inform you about upcoming enhancements here on the blog.

How can you check on the status of this AWS service?

Check the AWS Service Health Dashboard if you're unable to reach an AWS service or console, such as the Amazon EC2 console. AWS services are Regional, so be sure to select your AWS Region from the dropdown list. The Service Health Dashboard displays information about service disruptions and open events.

Which AWS Service publishes up to the minute information on the general status and availability of all AWS services in all the regions of AWS cloud?

AWS GovCloud (US) includes a dashboard that displays up-to-the-minute information about service availability in the region.

Which of the following tools provides a view of the performance and availability of your AWS services based on your requirements?

Amazon CloudWatch is used to monitor AWS resources. For example you can use it to monitor the performance of your EBS volumes. A company has decided to migrate to the AWS Cloud. AWS offers a wide range of services and instance types.

Which of the following are regarded as regional services in AWS?

EC2 and RDS are regional services. Route53 and CloudFront are global services.