Which caution would be given to older adults regarding the long term use of sedatives and hypnotics

D. Encourage patient to take on or two 20-minute naps during the day.

A person with narcolepsy has the problem of falling asleep uncontrollably at inappropriate times. Brief daytime naps no longer than 20 minutes help reduce subjective feelings of sleepiness. Other management methods that help are following a regular exercise program, practicing good sleep habits, avoiding shifts in sleep, strategically timing daytime naps if possible, eathing light meals high in protein, practicing deep breathing, chewing gum, and taking vitamins. Patients with narcolepsy need to avoid factors that increase drowsiness (e.g., alcohol; heavy meals; exhausing activities; long-distance driving; and long eriods of sitting in hot, stuffy rooms).

Why should sedatives and hypnotics be used with caution in the elderly?

According to the 2012 AGS Beers criteria, all benzodiazepines (short-, intermediate-, and long-acting) should not be used for insomnia in older adults. They can increase the risk of cognitive and psychomotor impairments, falls, fractures, and motor vehicle accidents.

What is the greatest danger associated with the use of sedative hypnotics?

The most important risks of hypnotics include excess mortality (especially overdose deaths, quiet deaths at night, and suicides), infections, cancer, depression, automobile crashes, falls, other accidents, and hypnotic-withdrawal insomnia.

What are the long

Long-term sedative use can lead to the following side effects: frequently forgetting or losing your memory (amnesia) symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts. mental health conditions, such as anxiety.

Which hypnotic may be safely taken for long

The better safety profile of the newer-generation non-benzodiazepines (i.e., zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone, and ramelteon) makes them better first-line choices for long-term treatment of chronic insomnia.


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