Which condition is most commonly associated with late decelerations of the fetal heart rate Quizlet

- Placental abruption
- Maternal supine hypotension

Late decelerations are almost always caused by uteroplacental insufficiency. Insufficiency is caused by uterine tachysystole, maternal hypotension, epidural or spinal anesthesia, IUGR, intraamniotic infection, or placental abruption. Spontaneous fetal movement, vaginal examination, fetal scalp stimulation, fetal reaction to external sounds, uterine contractions, fundal pressure, and abdominal palpation are all likely to cause accelerations of the FHR. Early decelerations are most often the result of fetal head compression and may be caused by uterine contractions, fundal pressure, vaginal examination, and the placement of an internal electrode. A variable deceleration is likely caused by umbilical cord compression, which may happen when the umbilical cord is around the babys neck, arm, leg, or other body part or when a short cord, a knot in the cord, or a prolapsed cord is present.

Which condition is most commonly associated with late decelerations of fetal heart rate?

The usual cause of the late deceleration is uteroplacental insufficiency.

Which condition is most commonly associated with late decelerations?

Late decelerations are associated with uteroplacental insufficiency and are provoked by uterine contractions.

What are late FHR decelerations caused by quizlet?

D. Correct: Late decelerations are caused by uteroplacental insufficiency and are associated with fetal hypoxemia. They are considered ominous if persistent and uncorrected.

What do late decelerations indicate quizlet?

Late deceleration. Indicative of true fetal distress, not caused by head compression or relieved with positional change.