Which congressional chamber failed to pass the initial version of the immigration reform bill

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Terms in this set (54)

What was Representative Barbara Lee's main criticism of 2001 resolution authorizing the use of military force?

that it gave the president unlimited power regarding U.S foreign policy

What is the minimum age for serving in the House of Representatives?


Which of the following states has only one "at-large" member in the House of Representatives?


Which portion of the Constitution gives Congress the power to make laws?

the Necessary and Proper Clause

Which of the following members of Congress would represent the greatest numbers of constituents?

a senator from California

What are the term lengths for the members of each house of Congress?

six years for senators and two years for representatives

Which of the following powers is unique to the House?

origination of revenue bills

Which of the following can initiate impeachment proceedings?

the House

When did Congress bass a bill to limit the size of the House of Representatives?

in 1929

What provides the basis for proportional representation in the House of Representatives?

the decennial census

Which state gained the most seats in the House as a result of congressional reapportionment following the 2010 census?


The deliberate manipulation of district lines for electoral advantage is known as what?


How did the state of California attempt to overcome the problem of incumbent gerrymandering?

It established an independent redistricting commission composed of regular citizens

Which of the following is the first to see a bill after it is proposed?

the Clerk of the House

Once a bill has been introduced, where does the Speaker of the House send it?

to a committee

At which point is a bill sent to the Senate for approval>

when it has been passed by the full House following debate and amendment

Which of the following is unique to the Senate bill review process?

potential for filibuster

What term is used to describe a situation in which the president does not sign a bill before Congress adjourns?

pocket veto

Where do we find the roots of political parties?

in the debate between the Federalists and the anti-Federalists

Which of the following is true of parties and committees?

They improve Congress's ability to function productively and efficiently.

Who is the institutional leader of the House?

the Speaker

What is a primary function of whips within Congress?

to enforce party discipline

When does the vice president vote?

in the event of a tie in the Senate

How does the majority party exercise more power than the minority party in congressional proceedings?

by controlling the referral of legislation to committees

The passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act occurred during what type of government?

unified government

Which of the following is considered a standing committee?

the Rules Committee

Which of the following describe the Committee on Homeland Security?

a special committee that later became a standing committee

Which of the following is most likely to influence whether a member is selected for a committee assignment?

party loyalty

In which of the following ways do congressional committees exercise authority over the workings of the federal bureaucracy?

by holding committee oversight hearings

According to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, what is the only branch of government that is able to initiate a reform bill?

the legislative branch

According to the video, on what issue do Price, Bilbray, and Lofgren all agree?

Labor provided by undocumented worker is an integral part of the U.S economy

Why does Representative Zoe Lofgren's position as chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration make her important to the legislative process on immigration reform?

Her committee will have primary jurisdiction over consideration and amendment of any bill authorizing immigration reform legislation

What is the House Immigration Reform Caucus?

a bipartisan group of nearly a hundred members of the House that is focused on finding legislative solutions to immigration issues

In the video, why is the House waiting for the Senate to act first on immigration reform legislation?

The Senate needs at least 60 votes to be able to move forward with a bill, so before investing time to work out the details of their own reform bill, the House leadership needs to see what can pass in the Senate first.

According to Rep. Price, what is the difference between authorization authority and appropriations authority in Congress?

The committees that prepare the basic statue have authorization authority, the committees that fund those statues have appropriations authority

In the traditional legislative process described by Rep. Lofgren, the markup (or amendment) of a bill occurs in which committee?

both the committee and subcommittee with jurisdiction

Which congressional chamber failed to pass the initial version of the immigration reform bill (H.R. 4437), and what was the primary reason for its failure, according to Philip Kiko

the Senate, because of an unwillingness to compromise over citizenship issues

How do Rep. Price and Philip Kiko explain the role of partisanship as it relates to passing an immigration reform bill?

Rep. Price implies that the issue of immigration can't be clearly sorted along party lines while Kiko suggests that there is virulent opposition to particular immigration reform proposals on both sides.

What aspect of the legislative process does this video best illustrate?

Passing a bill is a complicated process that requires consensus, and therefore its difficult for a bill to become a law.

Which of the following is one of the advantages of the U.S. legislative system demonstrated in the video?

Controversial issues, such as comprehensive immigration reform will be carefully considered and not implemented too quickly

According to the text, why was Congress slow to act on President Obama's health care reform proposal?

Members faced conflicting pressures when evaluating the proposed reforms

Which of the following would be considered an institution norm developed in Congress


Which of the following would generally be considered the primary personal goal of most members of congress?

winning reelection

Which of the following statement regarding interest groups and lobbyists is most accurate?

Interest groups supply legislators with position papers and memos

The anti-Federalists worried about which of the following?

the size of Congress

Approximately what percentage of Congress is female?

24 percent

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding women in Congress?

Membership in the U.S. Congress reflects the average membership of women in parliaments around the world.

What is the most common professional background among members of Congress?


In which of the following categories is Congress most representative of the U.S. population at large?

religious affiliation

Membership in Congress can be generally described as which of the following?

mostly "old white guys"

If we consider a member of Congress to be acting as a delegate, what is that person doing?

following the will of his or her constituency

If a member of Congress voted for the president's federal budget against the will of his constituents, we would say that the congressman was doing what?

acting as a trustee

What is the term for the representational dynamic that each member of Congress develops to meet the specific expectations of his or her constituents?

home style

What competing values must Representative Gaetz weigh when making legislative decisions?

ideological opposition to government spending, but support for spending in day-to-day governing

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What is the only branch of government that is able to initiate a reform bill?

Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution. All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws.

At which point is a bill sent to the Senate for approval?

SENATE ACTION After a measure passes in the House, it goes to the Senate for consideration. This includes consideration by a Senate committee or subcommittee, similar to the path of a bill in the House. A bill must pass both bodies in the same form before it can be presented to the President for signature into law.

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What led Dickerson to his thesis that the presidency is broken? The expectations placed on the Obama administration.

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Joint Committee. A committee composed of members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate; such committees oversee the Library of Congress and conduct investigations. Conference Committee.


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