Which developmental milestone would the nurse expect an 11 month old infant to have achieved quizlet?

Which three risk factors have been cited as having a possible effect on prenatal development.

Nutrition, stress, and mother's age
Prematurity, stress, and mother's age
Nutrition, mother's age, and fetal infections
Fetal infections, prematurity, and placenta previa

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Unit 4 Exam I Newborn through Toddler

Terms in this set (59)

At which age is a baby expected to turn from the abdomen to the back?

4 to 6 months

At 5 months of age, infants are expected to be able to turn from their abdomens to their backs. Infants can turn to their sides at 2 to 4 months of age. Infants can sit alone without support at 6 to 8 months of age. Infants can crawl on the floor using their arms at 8 to 10 months of age.


Which three risk factors have been cited as having a possible effect on prenatal development.

Nutrition, stress, and mother's age

The woman's diet before and during pregnancy has a significant effect on fetal development. The mother's age may contribute to a risk of chromosomal defects (older mothers) or the lack of prenatal care (adolescent mothers); pregnancy is often accompanied by stress because of all of the developmental changes, and it is important to know whether the mother has an effective support system


A mother hides a toy under a pillow while playing with her child and then observes that the child searches for the toy. At which age does the child achieve this developmental milestone?

8 months

By 8 months, infants should be able to realize that objects continue to exist even when they cannot see them. This is known as object permanence, and it is an important developmental milestone that demonstrates the beginning of memory development. At 4 months, infants may pull their feet to their mouths to explore. At 9 months, infants may use the pincer grasp well and show hand preference. At 11 months, infants may be able to hold crayons or pencils and make marks on paper.


At a well-child examination, the mother comments that her toddler eats little at mealtime, will only sit briefly at the table, and wants snacks all the time. The nurse would recommend which option?

Provide nutritious snacks.

Toddlers do not grow as quickly as they do during infancy and thus eat smaller meals; nutritious snacks can help to ensure that they gain the nutrients they need. Toddlers need nutritious snacks to keep up with calories burned by activity. Rewards should not be given for eating, and children should not be made to eat by force.STUDY TIP: The old standbys of enough sleep and adequate nutritional intake also help keep excessive stress at bay. Although student nurses learn about the body's energy needs in anatomy and physiology classes, they tend to forget that glucose is necessary for brain cells to work. Skipping breakfast or lunch or surviving on junk food puts the brain at a disadvantage.


Which alternative to breastfeeding would the nurse recommend to a mother who is unable to breastfeed her 7-month-old infant?

Iron-fortified formula

Iron-fortified formula contains nucleotides and long-chain fatty acids that improve memory function and augment brain function. Therefore an iron-fortified formula is used as an alternative to breast milk. Sodas, fruit juices, and other nonnutritive fluids should be avoided because they do not add adequate calorific value to the diet. Cow's milk is also a primary alternative to mother's milk, but it contains no folate, iron, or vitamin B12, which are important for infant growth. Whole cow's milk can also cause allergies in some infants.


Which action by the mother of an infant might have caused an allergic response in the infant?

Feeding the infant whole cow's milk

The composition of whole cow's milk may cause intestinal bleeding or anemia, or trigger an allergic reaction in infants under 12 months of age. Breast milk contains essential nutrients for infants, whether it comes from the breast or bottle. It is safe and preferred for infants to consume breast milk. Fruit-flavored drinks and sodas should be avoided because they do not provide nutrients. However, these beverages are unlikely to cause allergic reactions. Iron-fortified formulas are acceptable alternatives to breast milk but are not associated with allergic reactions.


Which language development skill would the nurse expect a toddler to exhibit? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.


Ability to speak in two- to three-word sentences

Understanding more spoken words than words acquired

Has a vocabulary of 300 words

Toddlers are able to speak in two- to three-word sentences. The ability to understand spoken words is greater than the number of words they can actually speak. They have a vocabulary of about 300 words. Toddlers do not have an understanding of grammar, rules of syntax, or articulation of sentences. Children of school age can link words into phrases and sentences


A parent tells the nurse, "My 2-year-old child does not do what I tell him." Which suggestion would the nurse make to the parent?

"Limit the opportunities for a 'no' answer."

Toddlers may have behavioral problems as they start to act and think independently. In such conditions, parents can deal with the negativism by limiting the opportunities for a "no" answer and, at the same time, indirectly giving the instruction. The parent should encourage the toddler's independence. However, encouraging independence without limiting the opportunities is unlikely to produce effective behavioral results. Asking the toddler to follow instructions is unlikely to be successful and would further worsen the situation. Toddlers are unlikely to look for instructions because they tend to act independently.


Which purpose does placing a newborn on the mother's abdomen serve?

Help maintain the newborn's body temperature

Newborns are susceptible to hypothermia and cold stress. Therefore, regulating body temperature (thermoregulation) is important and is the primary reason for placing a newborn on the mother's abdomen, as it helps keep the newborn warm. Putting the newborn on the mother's abdomen does not assess reflexes. Frequent handwashing can prevent infections in the newborn. The mother and the newborn usually develop bonding through breastfeeding and other infant care activities.


Which language skill is the nurse likely to find in a 2-year-old child? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

A vocabulary of up to 300 words

Says simple sentences

The child at this age shows rapid language development. The vocabulary is up to 300 words. The child is able to use simple sentences. The rules of syntax and the rules of linking words to phrases are learned during the school-age years. By 36 months, the child can follow some grammatical rules.


Which statement indicates a mother has a good understanding of methods to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

"I'll place my baby on her back for sleep."

"I'll be sure to keep my baby's room cool."

The American Academy of Pediatrics has clearly recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep to help prevent SIDS. Keeping the room cool is also important. Pacifiers do not place the infant at risk of SIDS. The infant should spend time on the abdomen, but not to go to sleep. Feeding a baby before bed does not place the baby at risk of SIDS.


The nurse is teaching an infant nutrition session for new mothers. Which statement would the nurse include when teaching about feeding infants? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Infants should be breastfed for at least 6 months.

Solid foods should be gradually introduced after 6 months of age.

Iron-fortified cereals and vegetable puree can be given to children after 6 months of age.

Infants should be breastfed for at least 6 months. Solid food should be gradually introduced after 6 months of age. It should not be given before 6 months because the child's body is not developed enough to swallow and digest it. Iron-fortified cereals and vegetable puree can be given to children after 6 months of age to supplement iron intake. Cow's milk is not recommended until the child is 1 year old. It can cause intestinal bleeding, anemia, or allergies. Fruit juices and fruit-flavored drinks do not provide adequate nutrition and should be avoided.


Which action does the nurse expect a 4-month-old infant to perform?

Placing objects from hand to mouth

The 4-month-old child will be able to hold a bottle and transfer it from hand to mouth. The ability to use a pincer grasp or holding an item with finger and thumb develops at 8 to 10 months of age. The ability to bang objects together develops at 6 to 8 months of age. The ability to place objects into a container develops at the age of 10 to 12 months.


Which newly acquired skill would the nurse expect to be present in a 15-month-old child? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Scribbling with crayons

Pulling up to stand and walk

Walking without help

Children 15 months of age can scribble with crayons. Children learn hopping or jumping around 4 years of age. They walk between the ages of 1 and 2 years. Children learn to pedal a tricycle between 2 and 3 years.


At which age can an infant normally place objects into containers?

10 to 12 months

At 10 to 12 months, an infant can place objects into containers. At 4 to 6 months, an infant can grasp an object at will and drop it to pick up another object. At 6 to 8 months, an infant can transfer objects from one hand to the other. At 8 to 10 months, an infant can effectively use the pincer grasp.


Which information would the nurse include to a parent regarding psychosocial changes in toddlers? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

A sense of autonomy develops during toddlerhood.

Temper tantrums result when parental restrictions cause frustration in toddlers.

Toddlers strive for independence by using their muscles to do everything themselves.

A major developmental gain for the toddler period is to develop a sense of independence and autonomy. When the parents use restrictions, it frustrates the child and can result in temper tantrums. Children strive for independence by using muscles to do everything themselves. It is during the infant phase that a child develops the sense of differentiating strangers from familiar faces and starts differentiating himself or herself as a separate being.STUDY TIP: Becoming a nursing student automatically increases stress levels because of the complexity of the information to be learned and applied and because of new constraints on time. One way to decrease stress associated with school is to become very organized so that assignment deadlines or tests do not come as sudden surprises. By following a consistent plan for studying and completing assignments, you can stay on top of requirements and thereby prevent added stress.


In newborn babies, which parameter is measured through the Apgar score? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Heart rate

Respiratory rate

Muscle tone

The Apgar score is a tool to measure the well-being of the newborn. It includes measurements of heart rate, respiratory rate, and muscle tone. It also includes parameters like reflex irritability and color. The Apgar score is usually measured at 1 and 5 minutes after birth and is repeated until the newborn is stabilized. The Apgar score does not measure pupillary reflex or the hearing acuity of the newborn.


A mother reports that her baby is crying more even after feedings. The nurse instructs the mother about how to care for the infant during these times. Which statement made by the parent indicates effective learning?

"I will try to understand the baby's cry patterns for necessary action."

Crying is the only means of communication for a baby. This is the primary method by which a baby provides cues for the parents. A nurse teaching a parent about the cry patterns of a baby helps the parent take necessary action. Feeding soft foods to the baby may not stop the crying because the problem might be something unrelated to feeding. Likewise, although it's possible that the infant has a wet diaper, that may not be the only reason for the crying. Babies consume a small range of food, consisting mostly of mother's milk or fortified foods. If a baby is overfed, it leads to further discomfort.Test-Taking Tip: Read the question carefully before looking at the answers: (1) determine what the question is really asking; look for key words; (2) read each answer thoroughly and see if it completely covers the material asked by the question; and (3) narrow the choices by immediately eliminating answers you know are incorrect.


At which age should a child be able to perform fine-motor skills such as transferring objects from hand to hand?

6 to 8 months

At the age of 6 to 8 months, infants start to perform fine-motor skills such as transferring objects from hand to hand, banging objects together, and pulling strings to obtain an object. At the age of 2 to 4 months, the infant can hold a rattle for short periods, look at and play with fingers, and bring objects from hand to mouth. At the age of 4 to 6 months, the infant is able to grasp objects at will and can drop them to pick up another objects; however, children at this age are not expected to be able to transfer objects from hand to hand. At the age of 8 to 10 months, the infant is able to pick up small objects and shows hand preference.


Which neonate does the nurse identify as having abnormal physical characteristics?

Neonate 1

The average weight of a newborn is 6 to 9 pounds, and they measure 19 to 21 inches. Therefore Neonate 1 with a birth weight of 5 pounds and a length of 18 inches is considered to have abnormal physical characteristics. Neonate 2 has a normal weight of 6 pounds and a normal length of 19 inches. Neonate 3 has a weight of 7 pounds and a length of 20 inches, which are normal values. Neonate 4 with a weight of 8 pounds and a length of 21 inches is also considered normal.


The type of injury to which a child is most vulnerable at a specific age is closely related to which option?

Developmental level of the child

The child's cognitive development and physical development need to be considered initially when assessing the potential risk of harm. An injury can occur whether or not there is adult supervision, whether or not a parent is educated, or if a child is ill or well.


The nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant and anticipates that the infant has impaired motor development. Which finding helped the nurse to reach this conclusion?

The infant is unable to sit without support.

A 6-month-old will be able to sit without support from others. The inability to sit without support indicates that the infant has impaired gross-motor development. The ability to crawl develops at 8 to 10 months of age, not at 6 months of age. Therefore an inability to crawl does not indicate that the infant has impaired development. The ability to pull oneself up to a standing position develops at 8 to 10 months of age, not at 6 months of age. Therefore the inability of the infant to pull himself or herself up to stand does not indicate that the 6-month-old infant has impaired motor development. The ability to walk by holding the furniture develops at 10 to 12 months of age, not at 6 months of age. Therefore an inability to walk even when holding the furniture does not indicate that the 6-month-old infant has impaired motor development.Test-Taking Tip: Read carefully and answer the question asked; pay attention to specific details in the question.


Which toy is appropriate for an infant? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.


Wooden blocks

Plastic stacking rings

Squeezable stuffed animals

Play is an important activity for children and allows for better cognitive and physical growth. The toys for infants should promote development of milestones. In addition, they should be safe enough to be explored by mouth and manipulated with the hands. Rattles, wooden blocks, plastic stacking rings, and squeezable stuffed animals are safe for an infant to play with. Video games are meant for older children and are not appropriate for infants.


Which food item would the nurse suggest that the parent avoid giving the toddler to ensure proper nutrition? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Junk food

Whole milk

Toddlers may have a food "jag," which means they sometimes desire only food of a particular type. The nurse should tell the parent to avoid junk food because it does not provide adequate nutrition. Whole milk after age 2 also should be avoided because it is high in fat, and the 2-year-old is consuming alternate sources of fat in the diet. A solid diet that contains vegetables and cereals is encouraged because toddlers can obtain the needed nutrients from these food items. Low-fat milk is high in proteins and has a moderate amount of healthy fat, both of which are required for growth, and is therefore recommended. Toddlers like to eat finger foods because they can feed themselves.


Which developmental milestone would an infant begin to demonstrate at the age of 7 to 9 months?

Realizing things exist even when unseen

By the age of 7 to 9 months, infants begin to realize that things still exist even when they can no longer be seen. This understanding is called object permanence and is a vital developmental milestone. At the age of 2 to 3 months, infants begin to smile responsively rather than reflexively. Some infants as young as 3 1/2 months will be able to link visual and auditory stimuli. By the age of 8 months, infants will be able to differentiate a stranger from a familiar person and respond differently to both.


The child's birth weight was 8 pounds. Calculate the infant's weight at 1 year. Record your answer using a whole number. ______ pounds
Infants usually double their birth weight by 5 months of age. The weight should be 16 pounds at 5 months. By 1 year, they triple their birth weight; therefore the weight should be 24 pounds.


The nurse is teaching a parent about the cognitive changes of a 4-year-old child. Which statement made by the parent indicates effective learning? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

"I will encourage my child to express feelings of desire and frustration."

"I should educate my child how to identify different colors and familiar objects."

"I will avoid using phonetically similar words while explaining something to my child."

A 4-year-old child can develop the ability to express his or her desires and frustrations and should be encouraged to do so. A 4-year-old child may have developed cognitive changes of identifying different colors and familiar objects. Therefore the parent can teach the child how to identify different colors and familiar objects. A 4-year-old child is likely to confuse phonetically similar words, such as die and dye. Therefore the parent should avoid using phonetically similar words while explaining something to the child. The child might have already learned the ability to undress as a toddler. Therefore teaching the child to undress him- or herself is not necessary at this age. The ability to think in a logical manner and understand the relationship between things and ideas usually develops at 7 to 8 years of age. Therefore the parent of a 4-year-old child should avoid teaching this.Test-Taking Tip: Be alert for details about what you are being asked to do. In this question type, you are asked to select all options that apply to a given situation or patient. All options likely relate to the situation, but only some of the options may relate directly to the situation


A parent of a 2-year-old child complains, "My child has not been eating properly for the last few days." Which action by the parents does the nurse suspect to be causing the child to not eat?

The parents allow the child to drink 3 pints of milk per day.

Giving children more than a quart of milk per day usually decreases the appetite for solid foods. Therefore it is advisable to limit the milk intake to 2 to 3 cups per day. Giving finger foods to toddlers allows them to eat by themselves and satisfy their needs for independence and control. Giving toddlers snacks between meals is beneficial and does not cause decreased appetite. A diet consisting of breads and grains is essential for child growth but would likely not be responsible for a decreased appetite.


Which option indicates developmental milestones in infants? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Between 2 to 3 months, the infant starts smiling responsively.

At 8 months, the infant can differentiate strangers from familiar faces.

At 9 months, the infant can play simple games like peek-a-boo.

An infant starts smiling responsively rather than reflexively in the second or third month. By 8 months, infants can distinguish between a stranger and a familiar person and respond differently to each. By 9 months, the infant is able to play games like peek-a-boo. The infant starts sitting with support in months 6 to 8. The infant is able to sit down from a standing position by 12 months.


Why should solid foods be excluded from the diet of a 5-month-old infant? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

The digestive system of a 5-month-old infant is not fully developed.

The extrusion reflux of a 5-month-old infant pushes the food out of the mouth.

Solid foods are not recommended before 6 months of age because the digestive system of the infant is not ready to take solids. The gastrointestinal tract is also not sufficiently mature enough to handle these complex nutrients, and infants are exposed to food antigens that can result in food allergies. At this age, infants are not ready for solid foods. Additionally, the extrusion or protrusion reflex pushes the food out of the mouth. Solid foods may provide a 5-month-old child with sufficient calories, but children are not ready for solid food at this age. Solid foods may have fewer side effects, and they are essential for the body before the age of 1 year. Complex nutrients such as vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are found in solid foods are also found in mother's milk. Test-Taking Tip: Avoid looking for an answer pattern or code. There may be times when four or five consecutive questions have the same letter or number for the correct answer.


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Which of the following is a developmental milestone of an eleven month old infant?

At 11 months, your baby should be cruising around while holding onto the furniture or your hands. They might even let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone or they might even be walking independently. Some babies at this age experiment by standing on their toes or on one leg.

Which developmental milestones would the nurse expect in a 9 month old infant?

What would the nurse expect to observe? The 9-month-old tries to creep, has developed pincer movement, and can grasp a spoon without keeping food on it.

Which of the following milestones would you expect an infant to accomplish by 8 months of age?

Most babies will be crawling by this age. Between 8 and 9 months, your baby will be able to play “peekaboo” and can follow objects that fall with their eyes. Babies at this age also are still exploring the world through the mouth, which means they will constantly be putting things in their mouth.

What are major milestones in growth and development that an infant should achieve in the first year of life?

Developmental Milestones Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (like crawling, walking, or jumping). In the first year, babies learn to focus their vision, reach out, explore, and learn about the things that are around them.


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