Which document is produced by breaking the project scope into smaller and manageable components?

Which of the following is not a key component of scope planning?

  1. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

  2. Scope statement

  3. Project charter

  4. Scope management plan

C. The key components of scope planning are the scope management plan, scope statement, and work breakdown structure. The project charter is created during project initiation.

The scope statement provides which of the following?

  1. A basis for a common understanding of the project and for making future decisions regarding the project

  2. A detailed list of all resources required for project completion

  3. A schedule of all the key project activities

  4. A process for managing change control

A. The scope statement serves as a basis for understanding the work of the project and for future decision making.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a WBS?

  1. A cost center structure of the project

  2. An organization chart of the project team members

  3. Used primarily on large complex projects involving multiple departments

  4. A deliverables-oriented structure that defines the work of the project

D. A WBS is a deliverables-oriented hierarchy that defines the work of the project and can be used on projects of any size or complexity.

Which of the following are components of a scope statement? Choose three.

  1. General project approach

  2. Product description

  3. KPIs

  4. Exclusions

  5. Stakeholder list

  6. High-level milestones

  7. Change request process

B, C, D. The sections of a project scope statement are product description, key deliverables, success and acceptance criteria, key performance indicators, exclusions, time and cost estimates, assumptions, and constraints.

A WBS is created using a technique called decomposition. What is decomposition?

  1. Matching resources with deliverables

  2. Breaking down the project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components

  3. Estimating the cost of each individual deliverable

  4. Creating a detailed to-do list for each work package

B. Decomposition breaks the major deliverables down into smaller, more manageable units of work that can be used estimate cost and time and perform resource planning.

What is the lowest level of the WBS?

  1. Work package

  2. Level 10

  3. Milestone

  4. Activities

A. The lowest level of a WBS is the work package. The number of levels will vary by project and complexity.

Which of the following is not a guideline for developing a WBS?

  1. Define the highest level of deliverables before you move to lower levels.

  2. Make sure that each item in a lower level is a component of the level above.

  3. Sequence the work packages.

  4. Involve project team members in the process.

C. The purpose of a WBS is to identify all the work required to complete a project. Defining the order of the tasks will occur during the scheduling process.

Which of the following is not a benefit of a WBS?

  1. A WBS is an excellent tool for team building.

  2. A WBS helps prevents critical work from being overlooked.

  3. A WBS can become a template for future projects.

  4. A WBS can be used to describe how the deliverables will be verified

D. The scope management document, not the WBS, describes how the deliverables will be verified.

All of the following are true regarding code of accounts identifiers except for which one?

  1. These are unique numbers for each component on the WBS.

  2. They are documented in the WBS dictionary.

  3. They are tied to the organization's chart of accounts.

  4. They are assigned to the resources who are associated with each work package.

D. The code of accounts identifier is a unique number assigned to each component of the WBS. It is documented in the WBS dictionary and is tied to the chart of accounts.

Your team is working on creating a WBS for phase 2 of the ABC software implementation project. Which of the following is an example of what might appear in the second level of your WBS?

  1. ABC Software implementation project

  2. Project deliverables

  3. Project phases

  4. Activities

C. The first level of the WBS is the project name, in this case ABC software implementation. The second level of the WBS represents major project deliverables, project phases, or subprojects. If the project has phases or subprojects, these are listed at the second level, with deliverables listed at the third level. Since the question asks about phase 2 of the project and option C is project phases, this is the correct second-level entry for the WBS.

Which element is not a component or function of the scope management plan?

  1. Describes the deliverables'acceptance criteria

  2. Describes how scope changes will be handled

  3. Describes the procedures for preparing the scope statement

  4. Describes the procedures for preparing the WBS

A. The scope management plan contains a definition of how the deliverables will be verified, but the acceptance criteria are documented in the project scope statement.

This element of the project scope statement helps you incrementally monitor project performance:

  1. Success criteria

  2. KPIs

  3. Exclusions

  4. Key deliverables

B. KPIs are key performance indicators that help you incrementally monitor project performance.

There are three primary constraints on most all projects. Your customer, or project sponsor, will stipulate which of the three is the most important to them. What are these three elements according to CompTIA? Choose three.

  1. Budget

  2. Team members

  3. Scope

  4. Quality

  5. Time

  6. Sponsors and stakeholders

  7. Scope management plan

A, D, E. They are budget, quality, and time according to CompTIA.

Which element of the project scope statement describes the features, functions, and characteristics of the product of the project?

  1. Deliverables description

  2. Milestones description

  3. Product description

  4. KPIs

C. The product description describes the features, functions, and characteristics of the product, service, or result of the project.

This term describes a characteristic of the planning processes:

  1. Looping

  2. Iterative

  3. Ongoing

  4. Repetitive

B. Project planning processes are iterative, meaning you'll define the scope statement and other planning documents, and as you create these documents, more information may come to light or you may discover an element you missed. So, you'll go back through processes you've already started and modify them with the new information.

Your project is nearing completion of the first phase. Your key stakeholder for this phase reminds you that she will not accept the deliverable unless it measures 3 centimeters exactly. If the measurements are off, phase 2 will be delayed, and the entire project will be at risk. This is an example of which of the following?

  1. Delivery acceptance criteria

  2. Success criteria

  3. Critical success factor

  4. KPI

C. Critical success factors are those elements of the project that must be completed accurately to consider the project a success. Without these elements, the project is likely in danger of failing.

Elements of the project that are not listed on the WBS are considered what? Choose two.

  1. Work that will be completed in a future phase of the project.

  2. Exclusions from scope.

  3. They are considered scope creep.

  4. They are not considered part of the project.

B, D. Work that is not included in the WBS is not part of the project. Exclusions from scope are work components that are not included in the project and should not appear on the WBS.

You're developing a scope document for a customer request. A couple of the elements that the client wants could be difficult to accomplish, but after consulting with the project team, you think they can be done. These elements are not included in the product description. What should you do?

  1. Include these elements in the scope document, trusting your project team to deliver.

  2. Include these elements in the scope document, denoting them as a concern, and document how the issues were resolved.

  3. Discuss the problem elements with the project sponsor and the customer. Obtain sponsor sign-off.

  4. Note the elements in the exclusions section of the project scope statement, and state that they'll be included in phase 2.

C. Whenever problems arise on a project that are outside the authority or control of the project manager to resolve or when problems have the ability to affect project outcomes, the sponsor should always be informed.

What is the primary function of the project sponsor regarding the scope document?

  1. Signs off on the project scope document

  2. Has input into the project scope document

  3. Does not interact with the project scope document

  4. Authors the project scope document

A. The project sponsor, along with other key stakeholders, signs off on the project scope document. Project sponsors may have some input to scope, but the project manager is the author of the document, and the stakeholders are primary contributors to the scope document.

You're developing the scope document and project plan for a new project. What process group are you in?

  1. Initiating

  2. Planning

  3. Executing

  4. Controlling

B. The Planning process group is where you begin to define important documents such as the scope document and project plan.

Is a technique used for dividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller more manageable parts?

Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) Decomposition is a technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.

Which project document subdivides the project work into manageable steps?

A WBS provides an efficient format for defining project work and for planning and tracking a project's progress. The WBS organizes the necessary work by decomposing it into smaller, manageable pieces that can be scheduled, cost-estimated, monitored, and controlled.

What documents includes a project scope?

The project scope document, often called a statement of work (SOW), records all these features, functions, and requirements that stakeholders expect from the project. It's the part of the project plan that outlines what work must be done for the project.

What are the components of the scope breakdown?

A well-written project scope includes goals, objectives, deliverables, a task plan, costs and deadlines of a project. It also assigns responsibilities and roles. The project scope is written out into a statement of work, or scope statement and can be included as part of the project management plan.