Which function of management includes areas such as job design job specification?

What is the Organizing Function of Management?

Organizing is the process of assembling the people, organizing resources, and distributing the planned work necessary to carry out the managers plan. 

Organizing is driven by goals identified during the managerial planning process. It includes developing an organizational structure that allows for the efficient execution of tasks to complete objectives and obtain goals. 

Decisions concerning the structure of an organization are known as "organizational design. 

Much of the organizing activity concerns developing an organizational structure for how to assemble individuals into a hierarchy of reporting and authority. 

The organizational structure specifies reporting relationships, delineates formal communication channels, and describes how separate actions of individuals are linked together.


Activities that are Part of the Organizing Function of Management

General responsibilities in this regard include:

  • Firm Activities - Determine the necessary activities and classify them.
  • Grouping - Group company activities into workable departments.
  • Responsibility - Assign authority and responsibility to subordinate managers.
  • Relationships - Develop a working relationship between superiors and subordinates within the department or sub-unit.
  • Rules - Create policies, procedures, and a plan for supervision.

Designing an organizational structure generally begins with an organization chart identifying the division of individuals within the organization and the hierarchy of authority and reporting. 

There are numerous methods for organizing individuals, including by function, product, geography, or customer. 

Within the organization, individuals will carry on specific activities in furtherance of organizational objectives. 

Part of organizational design includes developing work responsibilities and processes for individuals. 

This responsibility is generally referred to as job design. Job design concerns allocating work responsibilities for the greatest efficiency in completion. 

This might include allocating responsibilities based upon knowledge, experience, physical or cognitive ability, etc. 

Job specialization generally increases efficiency. However, it must be balanced against the need to continually motivate employees.

Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related data. The process results in collecting and recording two data sets including job description and job specification. Any job vacancy can not be filled until and unless HR manager has these two sets of data. It is necessary to define them accurately in order to fit the right person at the right place and at the right time. This helps both employer and employee understand what exactly needs to be delivered and how.

Both job description and job specification are essential parts of job analysis information. Writing them clearly and accurately helps organization and workers cope with many challenges while onboard.

Which function of management includes areas such as job design job specification?

Though preparing job description and job specification are not legal requirements yet play a vital role in getting the desired outcome. These data sets help in determining the necessity, worth and scope of a specific job.

Job description includes basic job-related data that is useful to advertise a specific job and attract a pool of talent. It includes information such as job title, job location, reporting to and of employees, job summary, nature and objectives of a job, tasks and duties to be performed, working conditions, machines, tools and equipments to be used by a prospective worker and hazards involved in it.

Purpose of Job Description

Job Specification

Also known as employee specifications, a job specification is a written statement of educational qualifications, specific qualities, level of experience, physical, emotional, technical and communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities involved in a job and other unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability, adaptability, flexibility, values and ethics, manners and creativity, etc.

Purpose of Job Specification

Job description and job specification are two integral parts of job analysis. They define a job fully and guide both employer and employee on how to go about the whole process of recruitment and selection. Both data sets are extremely relevant for creating a right fit between job and talent, evaluate performance and analyze training needs and measuring the worth of a particular job.

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Which management function includes breaking tasks into jobs combining jobs to form departments?

Organizing includes 'breaking tasks' into jobs, combining jobs to form 'departments and delegating authority'. Explanation: The five vital functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, motivating, and controlling.

Which management function includes all those activities undertaken to ensure actual operation conform to planned operations?

The controlling function of management includes all of those activities undertaken to ensure that actual operations conform to planned operations, and is particularly important for effective strategy evaluation.

Which function of management identifies which resources are required to achieve the planning goals?

Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. The structure of the organization is the framework within which effort is coordinated.

Which function of management is concerned with span of control?

Span of control, also called span of management, is the term used in business management, particularly human resource management. The term refers to the number of subordinates or direct reports a supervisor is responsible for.