Which goal best describes todays view of the organizing function organizing today focuses on quizlet?

166) Which of the following goals best describes today's view of the organizing function?Organizing today focuses onA) achieving unified opinions from a diversified workforce.B) designing the organization around the customer.C) simplifying the process of measuring outcomes related to performance standards.D) developing the most efficient strategic plans for the firm.

167) When managers determine that an organization is not making sufficient progress towardachieving its goals and objectives and they develop corrective measures, they are involved in

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168) When managers identify a market trend that suggests a new opportunity and then devise astrategy to go after this new opportunity, they are involved in the function of

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169) Which of the following activities would be a part of the leading function of management?

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170) Which of the following activities is part of the planningfunction of management?A) Assigning a particular worker to do a specific taskB) Looking at market forecasts to identify future business opportunities and challengesC) Praising a sales representative who has far exceeded her monthly sales objectivesD) Conducting a job interview with a potential new employee

Is the management function that involves setting goals strategies and tactics for achieving the organization's goals and objectives?

Planning: is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives.

What is the management function that involves determining whether an organization is progressing toward its goals?

What is *Planning*? A management function that involves anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Is the management function that involves setting goals strategies and tactics for achieving the organizations goals and objectives quizlet?

PLANNING is a management function that includes anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

How are managers today different from managers in the past quizlet?

How are managers today different from managers in the past? managers today emphasize teamwork. When managers work on creating conditions and systems to ensure that everything and everyone works together to achieve the organization's goals, they are involved in the ______________ function of management.