Which intervention would the nurse identify as the highest priority prehospital intervention for a client bitten by a snake quizlet?

A client with trauma should be assessed for airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure. A jaw-thrust maneuver helps to establish an airway and breathing, and bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation with 100 percent oxygen source ensures ventilatory assistance. Following respiratory assessment is the circulation assessment. The pulse of the client is palpated at the radial, femoral, and carotid areas, and the systolic blood pressure is monitored. Disability is assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale to find out the eye opening, voice, and pain status. The clothes of the client are removed with scissors to prevent fabric melting into the skin.

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The nurse is reviewing the amount of drainage on the dressing of a client after discharge from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). On which area should the nurse focus for this assessment?

Surgical incision site

A client who was in a motor bike accident has a severe neck injury. Which priority nursing care is most needed?

Maintaining a patent airway

What aspect of total client care needs to be taken into consideration if used on a 24-bed care area?

Cost of nurses

When assessing an obese client, a nurse observes dehiscence of the abdominal surgical wound with evisceration. The nurse places the client in the low-Fowler position with the knees slightly bent and encourages the client to lie still. What is the next nursing action?

Cover the wound with a sterile towel moistened with normal saline.

Which health care provider would best help a homeless client receive needed medication for a communicable disease?


What is a high priority assignment in an emergency department when a nurse is providing care for clients during a mass casualty?

Taking inventory and restocking supplies

The nurse is advising a client to carry a prescription of epinephrine autoinjector. Which insect bite or sting is responsible for the nurse providing this advice?


Which tag color according to the disaster triage tag system is assigned to a client who has an immediate threat to life?

Red tag

Who is responsible for client outcomes in the functional model of care?

Nurse manager

Which statement best describes the navigator?

A person who removes barriers to receiving health care

What type of delivery method is used when the nurse provides care to the same client for the entire work period?

Case method

A client with severe burns and injuries from a bomb blast is admitted in the emergency unit. Which triaging priority is preferable for the client?

Class I

Which tag is suitable for a client with high priority during a disaster with mass casualties?


Which nursing intervention for opening the airway should be performed in an unconscious client with a spinal injury?

Performing a jaw thrust maneuver

Which type of clients are often referred to as the "walking wounded" in a mass casualty scene?

Green tagged clients

How soon should a client with multiple traumas receive treatment according to the five-level emergency severity index (ESI)?

Within 10 minutes

According to Gardner's Tasks of Leading and Managing, within the managing task, which position assists the patient and family with priority setting?


A nurse receives a shift report on four adult clients who are between the ages of 25 and 55. Which client should the nurse assess first?

Female client on warfarin (Coumadin) with an international normalized ratio (INR) of 7.5

What term began to be used in the 1960s to describe case management?

Utilization management

The nurse is caring for different clients in a mass casualty event. Which client is assigned the lowest priority for care?

Client with black tag

When assessing an obese client, a nurse observes dehiscence of the abdominal surgical wound with evisceration. The nurse places the client in the low-Fowler position with the knees slightly bent and encourages the client to lie still. What is the next nursing action?

Cover the wound with a sterile towel moistened with normal saline.

Which delivery system was developed to provide care through others as an adaptation to functional nursing?


Which factor is known to threaten the nurse's ability to triage and prioritize client care accurately?

A biased approach to care

A client with a diagnosis of uncontrolled diabetes began receiving furosemide 2 days ago. The nurse reviews the morning lab results and discovers that the client's potassium level is 2.8 mEq/L (Canada: 2.8 mmol/L). What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take?

Notify the primary healthcare provider of the critically low result.

What is the priority nursing intervention for a client bitten by a snake?

Immobilizing the effected extremity using a splint

The registered nurse teaches the student nurse regarding the priority of care provided to clients with chest pain. Which activity performed by the student nurse indicates effective learning?

Assessing airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC)

The nurse is assessing a client with severe burn wounds. What are the nursing interventions performed by the nurse in the order of priority?

Checking for a patent airway

Maintaining effective circulation

Performing adequate fluid replacement

Caring for the burn wound

What is the priority nursing care for a client who is prescribed hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)?

Teaching the client to report blurred vision

Which is the priority nursing action when providing care to a trauma client?

Assessing respiratory effort

Which key feature would the nurse explain indicates malignancy in an acute immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) client?

Kaposi sarcoma

The registered nurse is teaching a student nurse about caring for clients in emergency conditions. Which client if selected by the student nurse for immediate care would indicate effective learning? Select all that apply.

Client with an active hemorrhage

Client with a substernal chest pain

The nurse is performing resuscitation interventions for airway, breathing, and circulation as part of a primary survey in a client. Which order of actions should the nurse follow for this client?

Establish airway by positioning, suctioning, and oxygen as needed.

Assess breath sounds and respiratory effort.

Prepare for chest decompression if needed.

Maintain vascular access using a large-bore catheter.

Use direct pressure for external bleeding.

The nurse is assisting a client out of bed. Which is the priority nursing action?

Assisting the client from a supine to an upright position

The client, who takes part in mountaineering, shows signs of bradycardia along with severe hypotension and a decreased respiratory rate. For which condition is the nurse treating the client?

Severe hypothermia

Which triage classification of clients requires an urgent nursing priority in case of a mass casualty?

Class II

What is the priority nursing care for a client with delirium?

Creating a calm and safe environment

A health care organization is planning to implement differentiated nursing practice. What should be prepared prior to implementing this care delivery system? Select all that apply.

Salary ranges

Position descriptions

Expected competencies

Degree of participation in decision-making

Which task involves setting up priorities for care?


The nurse is caring for four different clients in an emergency department. In which order should the nurse care for the clients according to priority for receiving care?

Client reporting shortness of breath

Client reporting severe abdominal pain

Client reporting a simple hip fracture

Client reporting a neck sprain

According to the emergency assessment protocol, which are the nursing actions for a client with a chest injury? Select all that apply.

Palpating for bony crepitus

Assessing for external signs of injury

Observing the rate, depth, and effort of breathing

The registered nurse is teaching a client who underwent a myringotomy about the care to be taken after surgery. Which statement made by the client indicates the need for further teaching?

"I can wash my hair after 2 days."

The nurse is providing care to a client with a neck and spinal cord injury. Which is the priority when moving this client during the assessment process?

Implementing the logrolling technique

What are the priority nursing interventions for a grieving client? Select all that apply.

Allowing the client to express feelings

Respecting the feelings of the client and creating a comfortable environment

What is the priority nursing intervention for a client injured by lightning?

Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Which client would the nurse treat first according to a three-tiered triage system?

Client with respiratory distress

The registered nurse is teaching a student nurse about identifying the different tags in mass causality events to prioritize client care. Which statement made by the student nurse indicates the need for further teaching?

"Clients with a yellow tag should be given highest priority."

A client is receiving a unit of packed red blood cells (PRBC). The client experiences tingling in the fingers and headache. What is the nurse's priority action?

Stop the transfusion.

Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse state are common integumentary manifestations in clients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Poor wound healing

What is the order of steps in which the nurse prioritizes care for a client injured with frostbite?

Observing for signs of frostbite and preventing further tissue damage

Rewarming in a water bath at a temperature of 106° F

Elevating the injured areas above the heart level

Rewarming in a water bath at a temperature of 106° F

Assessing for the development of compartment syndrome

The client was admitted to the emergency department due to blunt abdominal trauma. Which action should be the nurse initiate first?

Ensuring a patent airway

The nurse observes that a client who is on intravenous medication is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. What is the priority nursing intervention in this situation?

Stop intravenous medication and administer epinephrine (adrenaline).

The nurse has accepted a position as a navigator. What should the nurse expect to learn during training for this role? Select all that apply.

Learning ways to work through the health systems

Strategies to teach clients about disease, including prevention and treatment

Assessing barriers that clients have encountered while attempting to receive care

Helping clients cope with delays in receiving treatment until barriers are overcome

A client with multiple injuries due to an accident is admitted into the emergency department. Which is the priority nursing intervention in this situation?

Establishing a patent airway in the client

What is the immediate nursing intervention for a client experiencing autonomic dysreflexia?

Placing the client in a sitting position

The nurse is seeking a position as a clinical nurse leader in a major city hospital. What should the nurse prepare to do in order to secure this type of nursing role? Select all that apply.

Pass the certification exam.

Complete a master's degree in nursing.

The nurse is caring for clients who are admitted with injuries due to a bus accident. Which conditions of the clients are prioritized under the emergent classification? Select all that apply.


Airway Obstruction

Which clients are provided with cold compresses as priority nursing interventions? Select all that apply.

A client stung by scorpion

A client bitten by black widow spider

A client bitten by brown recluse spider

A staff nurse is next in line to be assigned a primary client; however, the nurse is scheduled to be off for the next four work days. What should the nurse manager do?

Assign the client to the nurse who comes after the one leaving for a long weekend.

The nurse is assessing a client with hemorrhagic stroke due to a motor bike accident. Which condition of the client requires immediate attention?

Body temperature of 81.2°F

The healthcare team is caring for four clients in an emergency department. The nurse has been delegated the task to assign tags to the clients. Which client is issued the appropriate tag?

Client with major injuries- yellow tag

The client was admitted to the hospital with low dose amitriptyline poisoning. Which nursing intervention should be provided based on priority?

Administering activated charcoal

The body temperature of a heat stroke client is above 104° F (40° C). What is the priority order the nurse would use for cooling the client so that breathing and circulation are not impaired?

The nurse will take off the client's clothing.

The nurse should place ice packs on the neck, axillae, chest, and groin.

The nurse should immerse the victim in cold water.

The nurse should fan the client rapidly to aid in cooling by evaporation.

There has been a fire in a healthcare facility. How should the nurse respond to the situation? Select all that apply.

The nurse should move bedridden clients from the affected area.

The nurse should direct ambulatory clients to walk to a safe location.

The nurse should seek to contain the fire by closing the doors and the windows.

Which actions should be completed by the manager of a group of nursing case managers? Select all that apply.

Analyze status of clients' movement through clinical pathways.

Match clinical pathway actions with expected diagnostic-related grouping activities.

Coordinating communication among all departments in the organization.

A client with tongue occlusion has loss of gag reflex and alterations in level of consciousness. The blood gas test shows oxygen saturation as 40mm Hg and carbon dioxide saturation as 75 mm Hg. Which type of support provides immediate relief to the client?


The emergency department (ED) nurse is triaging clients. Which client should be prioritized?

A school-age client with asthma presenting with dyspnea

The nurse is caring for four clients who have survived burn injuries from a chemical plant explosion. Which client requires immediate surgical intervention based on priority?

Client with visible thrombosed vessels

The nurse is preparing to educate a group of clients about health promotion to prevent head and neck cancer. Which clients are of highest priority for education? Select all that apply.

A client who chews tobacco

A client who has multiple sex partners

A client with a history of alcohol abuse for 5 years

The emergency department (ED) nurse is providing care to a burn trauma client. Which is the priority for the nurse to monitor for after removing the client's clothing?


What does the A of the mnemonic "ABCDE" of primary nursing survey stand for?


Which are considered as nurse competencies within the synergy model of care delivery? Select all that apply.


Clinical judgment

Cultural competency

Which member of the healthcare team, when using the team nursing approach, is responsible for prioritizing client care?

Team leader

Which is a theme in the design of "Transforming Care at the Bedside"?


Which client requires nonurgent treatment after a mass casualty incident?

A middle-aged man with skin rash from shaving

Which color tag is used for a client who is expected to die after a disaster with mass casualties?

Black tag

The nurse is caring for four clients on a medical unit. Which client should the nurse see first?

Client with chest pain

A client's serum potassium level has increased to 5.8 mEq/L (5.8 mmol/L). What action should the nurse implement first?

Take vital signs and notify the healthcare provider.

Which team member is responsible for 24-hour client care when using an adapted case method?

Primary nurse

A client with severe abdominal pain is on meperidine treatment and later develops seizures. Which intervention is given highest priority?

Stop administration of meperidine.

What should be the priority action of the nurse who is caring for a client with a leg in traction?

Assessing the skin integrity

Which organism would the nurse explain is consistent with a protozoal infection in clients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?


What would be the first step in advanced prehospital emergency care for a client stung by a bee? The client has a history of allergic reactions to bee stings.

Administering epinephrine

Which order should the nurse follow to detect paradoxical blood pressure in clients with pericarditis?

Palpate the blood pressure.

Inflate the cuff above the systolic pressure.

Deflate the cuff.

Note when sounds are first audible on expiration.

Identify when sounds are audible on inspiration.

Subtract the inspiratory pressure from expiratory pressure.

Which assessment data related to the client's airway would indicate the need for priority intervention by the nurse? Select all that apply.


Agonal breaths

Inability to speak

A client who was in a traffic accident is choking. The nurse suspects that the client may have a spinal cord injury. Which procedure may benefit the client?

Performing jaw-thrust maneuver

Which primary step should be followed by the nurse when prioritizing care for a hypertensive client?

Assess for a severe headache.

A nurse in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) is providing care to a client who had an abdominal cholecystectomy and observes serosanguineous drainage on the abdominal dressing. What is the next nursing action?

Reinforce the dressing.

Which nurse would be the best to create clinical pathways for joint replacement surgeries in an environment that supports differentiated nursing practice?

Nurse with a master's degree who case managed clients in an orthopedic care center

Which statement indicates that a nurse is functioning in the role of case manager?

"Outpatient physical therapy at the time you need it is available in the facility across town."

A client climbing a mountain experiences symptoms of acute mountain sickness. What is the priority nursing action performed by the nurse as prehospital care?

Having the client descend to lower altitude

Which action should the nurse take when caring for clients through a Community-Based Care Transition Program (CCTP)?

Contacting the client and physician through a conference call line to discuss medication issues

Which charge-nurse remark would be expected in a care area that is using team nursing as a care delivery method?

"Have you discussed this client care issue with your team leader?"

After assessing a client's reports, the nurse confirms that the client has moderate hypothermia. What should be the nurse's immediate intervention? Select all that apply.

Administering heated oxygen gas

Positioning the client in supine position

Applying external heat with heating blankets

The nurse is performing a secondary survey systematically for a group of clients during an emergency situation. What is the proper order of this assessment process?

Full set of vital signs

Focused adjuncts

Facilitating family presence

Comfort measures

Inspecting posterior surfaces

A client comes to the clinic complaining of a productive cough with copious yellow sputum, fever, and chills for the past 2 days. What is the first thing the nurse should do when caring for this client?

Take the temperature.

A client is admitted to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain due to pelvic inflammatory disease. Which initial nursing intervention is most suitable in this condition?

Obtain a urinalysis.

Which is the priority nursing action when admitting a client to the emergency department during cardiac arrest from ventricular fibrillation?

Initiating defibrillation

Which intervention is the highest priority prehospital intervention for a client bitten by a snake?

The first priority in prehospital care is scene safety. It is essential to prevent creating additional victims. There is no need to capture or transport the snake to the hospital. Even a recently killed snake can envenomate because bite reflexes may persist for several hours.

Which nursing intervention takes priority for a client bitten by a snake?

What are the nursing interventions performed by the nurse in the order of priority? The nurse ensures that the client's airway is patent and that resuscitation equipment is immediately available after the client is bitten by a snake.

Which of the following interventions is the first priority upon the patient's arrival at the emergency department Multiple Choice 1?

Which of the following interventions is the first priority upon the patient's arrival at the emergency department? The patient's blood glucose level should be assessed prior to the administration of dextrose or insulin, as to not cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

What is the priority nursing intervention for a client with stroke who is transitioned from ED to other settings?

What is the priority nursing intervention for a client with stroke who is transitioned from ED to other settings? Assessing the level of consciousness is the priority nursing action in the client with stroke and who is transitioned from ED to other settings.