Which is an example of a sales promotion that uses a special event to increase high attendance rates at a professional baseball game?

A primary objective of sport marketers in the professional sport setting is to develop strategies to increase game attendance. Historically, one of the strategies to accomplish this goal has been the utilization of special promotions. This paper studied the impact of promotions on attendance at professional sport games. Specifically, this research examines (a) the overall effect of promotions on attendance, and (b) the marginal impact on attendance of additional promotional days. Using a data set containing 1,500 observations, we find that a promotion increases single game attendance by about 14%. Additionally, increasing the number of promotions has a negative effect on the marginal impact of each promotion. The loss from this watering down effect, however, is outweighed by the gain from having an extra promotion day.

SEMII 2.06 Part I
Identify ambush strategies to use at
other events
Develop viral sport/event marketing
What is Ambush Marketing?
• Ambush marketing is an emotionally-charged
phrase that refers to the practice of appearing
to align a brand with an event for which that
brand has not paid for the right to be a
Reasons Businesses Use Ambush
• It’s effective
• It attracts consumers at
the expense of its
• It is cheaper than being
an official sponsor
• For some smaller
companies, it is the only
way to be tied in with a
large sport event
Ambush Marketing used as a
Marketing Strategy
• A brand associates itself with a sport/event
• Used to gain market share
• May sponsor an athlete or team, but not the
entire event
• Handing out free apparel or items with the
company name on it
Impact of Ambush Marketing on
• It could hurt the ambushing company in future
• It hurts event/sport organizations ability to
demand high sponsorship prices
• It frustrates official sponsors that have paid top
dollar for the right to sponsor an event.
Ambush Marketing in conclusion
• Ambush marketing. Ambush marketing is a promotional technique
whereby a nonsponsoring business tries to associate with an event in
order to gain recognition as a sponsor. There are many strategies
businesses can use to engage in ambush marketing. One strategy involves
associating with or sponsoring a specific athlete, performer, or team.
Sponsoring a person or team is often less expensive than sponsoring a
large event such as the Olympics. When a nonsponsor places advertising
during a high-profile event and makes an association (e.g., congratulating
a medal winner) with someone or something related to the event, it is
engaging in ambush marketing tactics. Sales promotion refers to
promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling, and
publicity that stimulate customer sales. Copyright infringement refers to
individuals or organizations that use copyrighted material and are not
authorized to do so. Sponsorship is an agreement that allows a company
to pay a fee to a team or an event for the right to affiliate itself with that
team or event.
What is Viral Marketing?
• any marketing strategy that
encourages users to pass on
the marketing materials or
message to others. Also
known as “word-of-mouth
• This creates
an exponential growth pattern,
not unlike that of the flu virus,
as the material is forwarded
from friend to friend, allowing
the message to reach millions,
if done right.
Importance of viral marketing
• It is the least expensive option for advertising
• It can make or break a company
• Consumers want to hear what the public has
to say about a company – it is much more
reliable than a paid advertisment
Principles of viral marketing
1 - Free Products or Services
– The majority of viral marketing strategies give away something for
free. Free ringtones. Free samples. Free games. A core principle of
viral marketing, is delayed gratification. You may be giving away free
product initially, but understanding that the attention and buzz you can
generate from your campaign will pay off in spades down the road.
2 – Spreads Easily
– YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
3 – Easy to Scale
– Make sure your marketing campaign pays off.
4 – Use a Common Human Motivation
– Should appeal to basic human nature: fear, humor, love. People need to
connect with your marketing scheme.
5 – Content is everything
– if people are not interested, your campaign will never take off
6 – Keep it Simple
Old Spice Guy Responds to Fans
• Mad Men Yourself
To help create buzz around the third season of Mad Men, AMC launched Mad Men
Yourself, an avatar creator that allowed you to make a stylized '60s version of
yourself. The site received half a million visitors in the first week and the Season 3
premiere saw record ratings. Perhaps the most impressive part about this campaign
is it's still going strong five years later, receiving updates with every new season.
An e-mail sender asks the message receiver to
forward the message to 10 friends. Viral
marketing is a web-based technique in which
a marketer encourages people to send or
forward its messages to others, usually via email. Viral marketing is a kind of online "wordof-mouth" promotional tactic. Stadium
banners, blimps, and posters are forms of
outdoor advertising.
SEMII - Obj 2.06 Part 2
Part C: Explain considerations in using
special events as a sales-promotion strategy
Part D: Plan special events for
Define Special Event
• A special event is a one-time or infrequently
occurring event outside normal programs or
activities of the sponsoring or organizing body
• To the customer or guest, a special event is an
opportunity for a leisure, social or cultural
experience outside the normal range of
choices or beyond everyday experience
According to The Special Event guru
Types of Special Events
• Pre-game autograph session/meet & greet
• Pre/post- game concert for fans
– Blake Shelton concert prior to Belk Bowl in Charlotte
• Giveaways to fans
– Walk-In (first 100 people in the gate get free t-shirt)
– In-Stadium (pom-pom on every seat in the stadium)
• In-game contests
– Half-court shot for $1,000,000 during halftime of Final
Four game
• Community Service Project
– Donations for V Foundation collected at door
– Toy for Tots contribution gets discount on ticket
Benefits of Using Special Events
Creates excitement for main event
Builds additional fan base
Maintains existing fan base
Creates goodwill
Increases revenue (ticket, merchandise,
Barriers to Using Special Events
• Takes away attention from main event
• Disappointment from fans not included
– Not enough of the giveaway item for all the fans
that arrive early
– Traffic to bad to get to pre-game concert on time
• High cost of some events
– Paying performers
– Paying for giveaways
Creating Special Event Plans
• Develop strategies for success
– Define the purpose
– Start planning well in advance
– Think about evaluation process after event
• Make a detailed checklist to ensure organization
• Create a budget (and stick to it)
• Consider logistics
– Traffic, start/end time, shipment of giveaway items from
manufacturer, set-up/clean-up, staffing, etc
• Plan advertising/publicity
• Evaluate the event
– SWOT Analysis
Sales Promotion
Holding a contest during a game or performance. Sales promotion
involves promotional activities other than advertising, personal
selling, and publicity that stimulate customer purchases. These
activities might include a special event such as holding a contest
during a game or performance. The purpose of the special event
during a game or performance is to attract attention and increase
ticket sales. For example, several fans are selected to participate
in a skill contest during halftime in an attempt to win a large
monetary prize. The contest encourages many people to buy
tickets to the event in the hope of being one of those selected.
Advertising prices, using telemarketers, and planning an interview
are not sales-promotion strategies
• Free autographed baseballs are given to the first 100 attendees on littleleague day. Sales promotions are promotional activities other than
advertising, personal selling, and publicity that stimulate customer
purchases. A special event is any happening arranged for a special reason.
Sport organizations often develop sales promotions in conjunction with
special events to attract customers and increase attendance rates. In the
example, the professional baseball organization has established a special
event for the area's little-league teams. This usually involves group sales
(little-league organizations), discounted ticket prices, and special
recognition sometime during the game. When the professional baseball
organization gives away baseballs to the first 100 people who enter the
stadium gates, it is using sales promotion in conjunction with the littleleague day (event). Statistics and articles are content that usually appear
in the team's program and are not examples of a special event or a sales
promotion. In addition, logo merchandise sold in the team's retail store
and bundled concession items are not examples of sales promotion or
special events.
Example #2
• A pregame autograph and photo session for fans with the team's
players. Special promotional events, such as autograph and photo
opportunities, are productive ways to increase game attendance.
The appearance of celebrities, special half-time or intermission
performances or programs, and merchandise giveaways (e.g.,
baseballs given to the first 200 game attendees) are tools
commonly used to increase interest and game attendance. A
postgame dinner for the team players and their families does not
generate an increase in event attendance. Although distribution of
the sports program may generate interest, it does not necessarily
increase attendance. Many fans like to eat at a sporting event;
however, most do not attend primarily for food consumption and,
therefore, food is not a primary factor used to increase attendance
to particular sporting events.
SEMII - Obj 2.06
Part C: Explain considerations in using
special events as a sales-promotion strategy
Part D: Plan special events for
Define Special Event
• A special event is a one-time or infrequently
occurring event outside normal programs or
activities of the sponsoring or organizing body
• To the customer or guest, a special event is an
opportunity for a leisure, social or cultural
experience outside the normal range of
choices or beyond everyday experience
According to The Special Event guru
Types of Special Events
• Pre-game autograph session/meet & greet
• Pre/post- game concert for fans
– Blake Shelton concert prior to Belk Bowl in Charlotte
• Giveaways to fans
– Walk-In (first 100 people in the gate get free t-shirt)
– In-Stadium (pom-pom on every seat in the stadium)
• In-game contests
– Half-court shot for $1,000,000 during halftime of Final
Four game
• Community Service Project
– Donations for V Foundation collected at door
– Toy for Tots contribution gets discount on ticket
Benefits of Using Special Events
Creates excitement for main event
Builds additional fan base
Maintains existing fan base
Creates goodwill
Increases revenue (ticket, merchandise,
Barriers to Using Special Events
• Takes away attention from main event
• Disappointment from fans not included
– Not enough of the giveaway item for all the fans
that arrive early
– Traffic to bad to get to pre-game concert on time
• High cost of some events
– Paying performers
– Paying for giveaways
Creating Special Event Plans
• Develop strategies for success
– Define the purpose
– Start planning well in advance
– Think about evaluation process after event
• Make a detailed checklist to ensure organization
• Create a budget (and stick to it)
• Consider logistics
– Traffic, start/end time, shipment of giveaway items from
manufacturer, set-up/clean-up, staffing, etc
• Plan advertising/publicity
• Evaluate the event
– SWOT Analysis
Question # 1
An athletic shoe company that has no
association with the Olympic games runs a
television commercial congratulating a
track star for winning two gold medals. This
is an example of
A. sales promotion .
B. ambush marketing
C. Copyright infringement.
D. nondesignated sponsorship.
Question #2
Which of the following is an example of a viral
marketing strategy:
A. A blimp displaying a sporting-goods retail chain logo
flies over a football stadium.
B. A stadium banner shows a graphic of an ice-cold glass
of a favorite soft drink.
C. An e-mail sender asks the message receiver to forward
the message to 10 friends.
D. A local restaurant places a poster of a supplier's
product near the building entrance.
Question #3
Which of the following is an example of using a
special event as a sales-promotion strategy to
increase ticket sales:
A. Advertising prices in a community publication
B. Holding a contest during a game or performance
C. Using telemarketers to contact a target audience
D.Planning an interview with a popular columnist
Question #4
Which of the following is an example of a sales
promotion that uses a special event to increase high
attendance rates at a professional baseball game:
A. Baseball statistics and articles are printed in the team's
B. Free autographed baseballs are given to the first 100
attendees on little-league day.
C. The team's logo merchandise is sold in the retail store
located in the stadium.
D. Concession stands offer bundled food and beverage items
for a low price.
Question #5
What variable might increase attendance at a
professional soccer game?
A. A postgame dinner for team players and their
B. Mass distribution of the team's sports program
to the fans and media
C. Offering a wide variety of food and beverages at
the concession stands
D. A pregame autograph and photo session for fans
with the team's players
Thank you
• Any questions????

Which is an example of using a special event as a sales promotion strategy to increase ticket sales?

Which of the following is an example of using a special event as a sales-promotion strategy to increase ticket sales: Free autographed baseballs are given to the first 100 attendees on little-league day.

Which of the following is an example of publicity in the sport event industry?

Which of the following is an example of publicity in the sport/event industry? A local newspaper prints a human-interests story about a college volleyball player.

Which of the following is an example of a viral marketing strategy?

Which of the following is an example of a viral marketing strategy: An e-mail sender asks the message receiver to forward the message to 10 friends. What variable might increase attendance at a professional soccer game?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a full service advertising agency?

The main characteristics of a full-service advertising agency is that it: Does not limit its services to promotion. When should sport/event organizers consider hiring a promotional agency?