Which is the most important part of the process the organizational task or person analysis Why?


  • Training And Development Analysis

    “HR managers must be obsessive about linking individual and organisational development to the bottom line, ensuring that HRD programs deliver exactly what the b... ... middle of paper ... ... literature has emphasized the differing views of how effective training and development is to an organisation and its business strategic objectives. The training and development programs implemented “enhance employee performance at workplace, it updates employee knowledge and improves their personal skills and it helps in avoiding managerial obsolescence” (Kulkarni 2013, p. 142). Literature also provides evidence that “training enables the employees to develop their skills within the organisation, hence naturally helps to increase the organisation’s market value, earning power of the employees and job security of the employees.”(Kulkarni 2013, p. 142) Organisations’ that fail to implement proper and appropriate training and development activities, fail to compete in the modern business world and fail to adapt to changes that occur in the present and in the future

    • 1608 Words
    • 4 Pages

  • Human Resource Management

    Organizations rely on HR managers seek out and hire individuals who will fit into the plan outlined in the other two elements. These people must fit well in the organizational structure and be able to achieve the goals set forth by top managers. For as stated in the lesson text even the most capitol-intensive, best structured organizations ... ... middle of paper ... ...luation of a training program should focus on several criteria: participant reactions, learning, behavior changes on the job, and bottom line results. CONCLUSION Management is, by definition, getting things done through people. If managers are to increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve their organization's competitive advantage, they must focus on how to properly manage personnel.

    • 1565 Words
    • 4 Pages

  • The Evolution of Management Practices and Theories

    Now industries are constantly growing and are moving toward diverse learning processes. Serge, (1990) explains how organizational learning currently needs dedicated managers and leaders that are up to the task. As a result, competent managers are required to meet client needs. Modern management theory has produced managers that are able to implement change in organisations. Based on management expertise and knowledge, Pedler et al, (2001) came up with a list of attributes of an effective manager which comprised of proactivity, balance learning habit, problem solving, decision making and judgement making.

    • 2309 Words
    • 5 Pages

  • Control Process Analysis

    Effective control processes are essential to an organization. As they allow managers so that they can have confidence while implementing the process and procedures that can contribute significantly to the management of the organizations resources. Hence the management of the organization should ensure that... ... middle of paper ... ... in implementing control mechanisms that will help to measure the quality of products, at the time so that they are ready to evaluate the performance. CONCLUSION Effective control process in an organization would help in gathering information about the process and the employees, this can further help the management whilst taking important decisions in terms of establishing standards to meet standards, measuring the actual performance, as well as comparing performance with the standards. It can further help the companies in achieving their optimum goals so that they can take corrective actions as and when required.

    • 1297 Words
    • 3 Pages

  • Career Development Plan

    Locke (1968) stated that “goal setting is a cognitive process of some practical utility”. Therefore, we are going to use a practical approach to coaching and mentoring by determining the training needs and set objectives for these needs. Based on past sales reports, and analyzing the organizations needs, the long and short term objectives were examined and are convinced that the organization’s financial, social, human resources, growth, and market objectives need to be matched with the firm’s human talent, structure, climate, and efficiency. According to Nilson’s (1992) philosophy, “managers must focus on improving quality through training by focusing on improvement efforts; analyzing needs; removing obstacles; providing adequate training, trusting employees to exhibit excellence behavior; and making commitment to lasting improvements”. The specific goals of InterClean’s program focuses on the effectiveness of the sales and the sales management team to deliver quality products and solutions for the health care industry.

    • 1248 Words
    • 3 Pages

  • The Importance Of Human Resource Management

    Successful organizations have the same thing in common; they provide opportunities for leadership skill development. Human Resource plays an important role in developing leaders within the organization, and the department should be dedicated to provide support to individuals and departments, with learning opportunities, to cultivate their talent and leadership skills, so they can better serve the organization. Human Resources has a supportive role to help cultivate and develop talent with learning opportunities that focus on the enhancement of existing skills and acquisition of new skills, including the individuals leadership potential. Also, helping staff members adjust to their new set of responsibilities is a priority for the human resource

    • 950 Words
    • 2 Pages

  • Human Reource Development

    Introduction Human Resource Development (HRD) continues to go through the process of discovery and transformation. A debate has dominated the field of Human Resource Development about whether performance or learning is most important for the field. The performance view argues that the purpose of HRD is to improve organizational performance (Swanson & Arnold, 1996), whereas learning view contends that HRD should develop individuals who ultimately contribute to organizational prosperity. Nevertheless, all seem to agree that learning should be a vital component of HRD practice. The administration of the Human Resource Development component is important aspect of any organizational strategy.

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    • 5 Pages

  • The Training Practices of Results-Oriented Leader, by Clinton O. Longenecker

    The article identified organizational leaders as being ultimately responsible for ensuring that people are properly prepared to perform and that this is critically important. A systems approach to training was introduced which forces organizations and managers to effectively plan the training and can be helpful in removing the causes of ineffective training. In further describin... ... middle of paper ... ...ss of the training for the employees. Conclusion In summary, I believe that readers will find this article to be very intriguing and enlightening as they analyze and examine each point made by the author. This is an important and noteworthy article that if taken into consideration by organizational leaders today will change their viewpoint on the effectiveness and priority of training their employees to improve organizational performance.

    • 1488 Words
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    • 3 Works Cited

  • Human Resources Management: Analysis And Analysis Of Human Resource Management

    He shows how success is determined, by a firm's skill in attracting, developing, and retaining its human capital. How a firm's people are giving it a measurable advantage over the competition and how an organization's commitment to developing its people's abilities and skills is an obligation at all levels. Sims focuses on practical real-world human resources problems, and activities. It focuses on HRM tasks and responsibilities in ways that will give them new meaning and urgency. His book is essential for managers, and executives throughout the organization, and indeed throughout the entire economy 2- Book of Excellence in Human Resources Management: An Assessment of Human Resource Functions By Edward E. Lawler Iii, John W. Boudreau Summary of this book Achieving excellence in human resources management: The assessment of human resource function research.

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    • 5 Pages

  • Theories and Philosophies of Human Resources Development

    The more valuable the body of employees within an organization, the more profitable an organization can hope to be. It is the responsibility of the human resources department to maximize the potential for human assets and human capital development. Before effective development of human resources can begin, a thorough understanding of the organization must be obtained. I found Brache’s Enterprise Model to be an excellent tool in understanding the construct of an organization and how each component interacts with each other (Swanson & Holton, 2009, p.... ... middle of paper ... ...ources departments must then convey correct assertions to counteract unproductive and harmful beliefs, all while working to provide adequate training geared towards improving an organization’s human capital development. This course provided a very through look at the foundations of Human Resources Development.

    • 1330 Words
    • 3 Pages
    • 1 Works Cited

What is the importance of person analysis?

Person analysis is a phase of training needs analysis directed at identifying which individuals within an organization should receive training and what training they should receive. A person analysis identifies individuals who are not meeting the desired performance requirements or goals.

Which should be analyzed first in training needs assessment organization the task or the persons explain your answer?

Training needs analysis is the first and probably the most important step toward making sure your organizational training resources are used most effectively. Experts strongly recommend conducting a systematic and thorough training needs analysis.

What is the most important element of a needs analysis?

The most important element of a needs analysis is deciding which needs have the highest priority.

Which of the following analysis focuses on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the employee performing the job?

SWOT Analysis helps you to identify your organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.