Which managers are typically responsible for the development and execution of strategic plans quizlet?

Field studies
- Conducted in actual organizations
- Usually involves surveying employees, but could involve an experimental design
- A particular population will be divided into a treatment group and a control group

Laboratory studies
- Consist of manipulation groups and control groups
- Can often help determine causal rather than simple correlation relationships
-Controlled conditions - high degree of internal validity but potentially low generalizability

Case studies
- In depth description of a single company or industry
- Involve a great deal of detail about the topic being studied, but difficult to generalize to other areas

- Technique used to summarize what other researchers have found on a given topic
- Variables from several studies are weighted and analyzed to determine if the effects

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Which managers are typically responsible for the development and execution of strategic plan?

One of the most important roles of the CEO and the senior leadership team is to develop and successfully execute their company's strategic plan.

Which of the following levels of management is responsible for developing the strategic plan?

Since it involves various aspects of planning it is done by top level managers of organisation.

Who is usually responsible for an organization's strategic plan quizlet?

One of the primary responsibilities of managers is to set goals for where the organization or department should go in the future and plan how to get there. Top managers are typically responsible for establishing strategic goals and plans that reflect a commitment to both organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

What is strategic planning in most organizations who is responsible for strategic planning?

Strategic planning is a process in which an organization's leaders define their vision for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives. The process includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realized so that the organization can reach its stated vision.