Which method should HR employee to support an international assignee during their assignment?

Approaches to Global Assignments

Organizations select one of two approaches...

    1. strategic-systematic
    2. tactical-reactive

Approach to global assignments as long-term investments. It's goal is to develop future executives with global perspectives and to implement competitive strategies. They disseminate information worldwide through the organization. 

Approach to global assignments as short-term expenses. Focuses on a quick-fix approach to a short-term problem in a foreign operation. Fails to systematically integrate the worldwide organization. 

This strategy may choose average and good performers as assignees and send the assignees to another country to manage a project. 

This strategy will use a wide variety of assignment types, send high-potential managers and top executives as assignees, and views assignments as leadership, career and organizational development opportunities. 

An employee from an organization's home country assigned to relocate to an international jurisdiction for an extended period of time, generally two ore more years. This is not someone who self-selected to live and relocate to another country. 

An employee who is being reassigned to an international jurisdiction. 

Employees who spend their entire careers in international assignments, moving from one locale to another. 

Employees who are hired locally in subsidiary countries. Also called host-country nationals. 

Employees who are on assignment for less than a year but more than a few weeks, often moving without family. 

Employees who are traditional expatriates on full relocation assignments lasting from 1-3 years. 

Employees who are hired ad hoc or contract workers hired for a single assignment. 

Alliance described as the refusal to assimilate into the local culture

Alliance described as a full embrace of local culture and work modes. 

The Global Assignment Process

A sequential, multi-step process in selecting, preparing, deploying, managing and repatriating assignees, at least for assignments that are strategic of are intended to last several months or years. 

Global Assignment Process

The first step in the global assignment process and is one of the most important determinants of success. This ensures that the organization has the right people, in the right place, at the right times. 

Four Keys to Assessment & Selection

The four keys to this step in the global assignment process are...

    1. develop the selection criteria
    2. involve the right people
    3. choose the best selection methods and tools
    4. complete the assessment and make a recommendation

Management & Assignee Decision

Second step in the global assignment process in which the organization needs to engage in due diligence regarding the costs, benefits, logistics, and other aspects of the global assignment. 

This is developed in the second stage of the global assignment process (management and assignee decision) and guides the assignment process and clarifies both the organization's and the assignee's expectations of the assignment situation. 

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

This is developed in the second stage of the global assignment process (management and assignee decision) and stipulates the business aspects of the assignment as well as compensation, benefits and local work rules.

Pre-Departure Preparation

Third stage of the global assignment process in which the assignee should have the practical knowledge and day-to-day survival skills they will need during the first months in teh host country. This includes visas/work permits, taxation considerations, security briefings, and cross-cultural counseling. 

Approach to handling taxes for international assignees in which the employee is responsible for any taxes incurred. 

Approach to handling taxes for international assignees in which each expatriate employee negotiates his or her own tax approach with the company.

Approach to handling taxes for international assignees in which the organization calculates the assignee's hypothetical tax had he or she remained at home, compares it with actual taxes paid abroad, and reimburses any disparity. The assignee keeps any difference from assignment in a low-tax country.

Approach to handling taxes for international assignees in which the organization ensures that the assignee's tax situation is neither better nor worse that it would have been at home. A hypothetical home country tax is withheld; the employer pays or reimburses foreign taxes.

Fourth stage of the global assignment process in which the assignee adapts to the new location. 

Distinct phase of adaptation to a new location in which everything is new and exciting, and everyone is pleased that they made the decision to come abroad. 

Distinct phase of adaptation to a new location in which the challenges of living and working abroad become clear.

Distinct phase of adaptation to a new location in which the assignee is learning the nroms and patterns of host-country behavior and how to get things done. This does not occur naturally but takes interest and motivation.

Distinct phase of adaptation to a new location in which assignees are able to participate fully and comfortably in the host culture. Also called the "biculturalism" stage.

The reintegrating of employees back into the home country after an international assignment. It includes adjustment to the new job and readjustment to the home culture and conditions. 

The assignee's movement to a new location or new position within the home country upon assignment completion. 

Two Aspects of Global Assignment Completion

Either repatriation or redeployment

Which is the best option to help an international assignee rapidly acclimate to the new country's culture?

Which is the best option to help an international assignee rapidly acclimate to the new country's culture? Secure a specialized third-party vendor to provide the assignee with a customized settling-in program.

How does HR support strategic management in a global organization?

HR can support strategic management by helping create global strategy, aligning HR activities with it, adapting them to local needs, and enhancing communication between the organization and its stakeholders.

Which stage of the global assignment process should criteria for the ideal expatriate candidate be defined?

13. During which stage of the global assignment process should criteria for the ideal expatriate candidate be developed? The criteria and standards should be defined in the assessment and selection stage. These criteria help narrow the focus for successful candidates.

Why is a well crafted global letter of assignment a key part of the assignment plan?

Why is a well-crafted global letter of assignment a key part of the assignment plan? It addresses the terms and conditions of the assignment. Rationale: A letter of assignment evolves from the assignment plan and addresses the business aspects of the assignment as well as compensation, benefits, and local work rules.