Which Microsoft Windows feature provides centralized management and configuration of computers and remote users who are using Active Directory?

First things first, what is Group Policy? Group Policy is a feature of Windows that facilitates a wide variety of advanced settings that network administrators can use to control the working environment of users and computer accounts in Active Directory. It essentially provides a centralized place for administrators to manage and configure operating systems, applications and users’ settings.

Group Policies, when used correctly, can enable you to increase the security of user’s computers and help defend against both insider threats and external attacks.

In this blog, we will go through a detailed explanation of what Group Policies and GPOs are, and how system administrators can use them to help prevent data breaches.

A Group Policy Object (GPO) is a group of settings that are created using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Group Policy Editor. GPOs can be associated with a single or numerous Active Directory containers, including sites, domains, or organizational units (OUs). The MMC allows users to create GPOs that define registry-based policies, security options, software installation and much more.

Active Directory applies GPOs in the same, logical order; local policies, site policies, domain policies and OU policies.

Note: GPOs that are in nested OUs work from the OU closest to the root first and outwards from there.

Examples of GPOs

Group Policy Objects can be used in a number of ways that benefit security, many of which will be mentioned throughout this article. Below are a few more specific examples:

  • A Group Policy Object could be used to determine the home page that a user sees when they launch their internet browser after logging onto the domain.
  • Administrators can use GPOs to define which network connected printers appear on the list of available printers after a user in a specific Active Directory OU logs onto the domain.
  • Admins can also use GPOs to tweak a number of security protocols and practices, such as restricting internet connection options, programs and even screen time.

The order at which GPOs are processed affects what settings are applied to the computer and user. The order that GPOs are processed is known as LSDOU, which stands for local, site, domain, organizational unit. The local computer policy is the first to be processed, followed by the site level to domain AD policies, then finally into organization units. If there happen to be conflicting policies in LSDOU, the last applied policies wins out.

The short answer is yes. If you want to ensure that your data and your core IT infrastructure is set up in a secure way, then you probably need to understand how to properly use Group Policy.

It might surprise you to learn that Windows straight out-of-the-box isn’t exactly secure. There are numerous gaps in security, most of which can be addressed using GPOs. Without plugging these gaps, you leave yourself exposed to a plethora of security threats.

GPOs, for example, can help you implement a policy of least privilege where your users only have the permissions they require to do their job. They can do this through disabling Local Administrator rights globally in your network and grant admin privileges to individuals or groups based on their roles.

Group Policies can be used in numerous ways to bolster security, including disabling outdated protocols, preventing users from making certain changes and more. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Group Policy.

The benefits of Group Policy are not limited solely to security, there are a number of other advantages that are worth mentioning.

  • Password Policy: Many organizations are operating with relaxed password policies, with many users often having passwords set to never expire. Passwords that aren’t regularly rotated, are too simple or use common passphrases are at risk of being hacked through brute force. GPOs can be used to establish password length, complexity and other requirements.
  • Systems Management: GPOs can be used to simplify tasks that are at best mundane and at worst critically time consuming. You can save yourself hours and hours of time configuring the environment of new users and computers joining your domain by using GPOs to apply a standardized, universal one.
  • Health Checking: GPOs can be used to deploy software updates and system patches to ensure your environment is healthy and up to date against the latest security threats.

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I’d be lying if I said to you that GPOs were the magic bullet to keeping your data secure. There are a number of limitations that you need to be aware of before you start implementing them.

Firstly, the GPO editor isn’t the most user-friendly console that you’re likely to come across. A deep understanding of PowerShell will help make it easier to do all the GPO updates.

Speaking of GPO updates, they are undertaken randomly every 90 to 120 minutes whenever the computer gets rebooted. You can be specific with an update rate from 0 minutes up to 45 days. However, if you do specify 0 minutes, then by default the GPOs will attempt to update every 7 seconds, which is likely to choke your network with traffic.

GPOs are also not immune to cyberattacks. If an attacker wanted to change local GPOs on a computer in order to move laterally across the network, it would be very difficult to detect this without a Group Policy auditing and monitoring solution in place.

The Lepide’s Group Policy Auditing solution (part of Lepide Data Security Platform) will help you to get more visibility over the changes being made to your Group Policy Objects. Every time a critical change is made, Lepide will send the admin a real time alert and provide the option to roll back unwanted changes to their previous state; allowing admins to maintain a policy of least privilege and ensure the security policies of the organization remain intact.

Want to see how Lepide can help you to audit changes being made to GPOs and automatically disable the stolen account to stop the attack? Schedule a demo with one of engineer or download free trial to see the principle in action.

Parts of this article (those related to Windows 10 issues) need to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (September 2018)

Group Policy is a feature of the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems (including Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2003+) that controls the working environment of user accounts and computer accounts. Group Policy provides centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users' settings in an Active Directory environment. A set of Group Policy configurations is called a Group Policy Object (GPO). A version of Group Policy called Local Group Policy (LGPO or LocalGPO) allows Group Policy Object management without Active Directory on standalone computers.[1][2]

Local Security Policy editor in Windows 7

Active Directory servers disseminate group policies by listing them in their LDAP directory under objects of class groupPolicyContainer. These refer to fileserver paths (attribute gPCFileSysPath) that store the actual group policy objects, typically in an SMB share \\domain.com\SYSVOL shared by the Active Directory server. If a group policy has registry settings, the associated file share will have a file registry.pol with the registry settings that the client needs to apply.[3]

The Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) is not provided on Home versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11.

Group Policies, in part, control what users can and cannot do on a computer system. For example, a Group Policy can be used to enforce a password complexity policy that prevents users from choosing an overly simple password. Other examples include: allowing or preventing unidentified users from remote computers to connect to a network share, or to block/restrict access to certain folders. A set of such configurations is called a Group Policy Object (GPO).

As part of Microsoft's IntelliMirror technologies, Group Policy aims to reduce the cost of supporting users. IntelliMirror technologies relate to the management of disconnected machines or roaming users and include roaming user profiles, folder redirection, and offline files.


To accomplish the goal of central management of a group of computers, machines should receive and enforce GPOs. A GPO that resides on a single machine only applies to that computer. To apply a GPO to a group of computers, Group Policy relies on Active Directory (or on third-party products like ZENworks Desktop Management) for distribution. Active Directory can distribute GPOs to computers which belong to a Windows domain.

By default, Microsoft Windows refreshes its policy settings every 90 minutes with a random 30 minutes offset. On domain controllers, Microsoft Windows does so every five minutes. During the refresh, it discovers, fetches and applies all GPOs that apply to the machine and to logged-on users. Some settings - such as those for automated software installation, drive mappings, startup scripts or logon scripts - only apply during startup or user logon. Since Windows XP, users can manually initiate a refresh of the group policy by using the gpupdate command from a command prompt.[4]

Group Policy Objects are processed in the following order (from top to bottom):[5]

  1. Local - Any settings in the computer's local policy. Prior to Windows Vista, there was only one local group policy stored per computer. Windows Vista and later Windows versions allow individual group policies per user accounts.[6]
  2. Site - Any Group Policies associated with the Active Directory site in which the computer resides. (An Active Directory site is a logical grouping of computers, intended to facilitate management of those computers based on their physical proximity.) If multiple policies are linked to a site, they are processed in the order set by the administrator.
  3. Domain - Any Group Policies associated with the Windows domain in which the computer resides. If multiple policies are linked to a domain, they are processed in the order set by the administrator.
  4. Organizational Unit - Group policies assigned to the Active Directory organizational unit (OU) in which the computer or user are placed. (OUs are logical units that help organizing and managing a group of users, computers or other Active Directory objects.) If multiple policies are linked to an OU, they are processed in the order set by the administrator.

The resulting Group Policy settings applied to a given computer or user are known as the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP). RSoP information may be displayed for both computers and users using the gpresult command.[7]


A policy setting inside a hierarchical structure is ordinarily passed from parent to children, and from children to grandchildren, and so forth. This is termed inheritance. It can be blocked or enforced to control what policies are applied at each level. If a higher level administrator (enterprise administrator) creates a policy that has inheritance blocked by a lower level administrator (domain administrator), this policy will still be processed.

Where a Group Policy Preference Settings is configured and there is also an equivalent Group Policy Setting configured, then the value of the Group Policy Setting will take precedence.


WMI filtering is the process of customizing the scope of the GPO by choosing a (WMI) filter to apply. These filters allow administrators to apply the GPO only to, for example, computers of specific models, RAM, installed software, or anything available via WMI queries.

Local Group Policy (LGP, or LocalGPO) is a more basic version of Group Policy for standalone and non-domain computers, that has existed at least since Windows XP,[when?] and can be applied to domain computers.[citation needed] Prior to Windows Vista, LGP could enforce a Group Policy Object for a single local computer, but could not make policies for individual users or groups. From Windows Vista onward, LGP allow Local Group Policy management for individual users and groups as well,[1] and also allows backup, importing and exporting of policies between standalone machines via "GPO Packs" – group policy containers which include the files needed to import the policy to the destination machine.[2]

Group Policy Preferences are a way for the administrator to set policies that are not mandatory, but optional for the user or computer. There is a set of group policy setting extensions that were previously known as PolicyMaker. Microsoft bought PolicyMaker and then integrated them with Windows Server 2008. Microsoft has since released a migration tool that allows users to migrate PolicyMaker items to Group Policy Preferences.[8]

Group Policy Preferences adds a number of new configuration items. These items also have a number of additional targeting options that can be used to granularly control the application of these setting items.

Group Policy Preferences are compatible with x86 and x64 versions of Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista with the addition of the Client Side Extensions (also known as CSE).[9][10][11][12][13][14]

Client Side Extensions are now included in Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Originally, Group Policies were modified using the Group Policy Edit tool that was integrated with Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, but it was later split into a separate MMC snap-in called the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). The GPMC is now a user component in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and is provided as a download as part of the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista and Windows 7.[15][16][17][18]

Microsoft has also released a tool to make changes to Group Policy called Advanced Group Policy Management[19] (a.k.a. AGPM). This tool is available for any organization that has licensed the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (a.k.a. MDOP). This advanced tool allows administrators to have a check in/out process for modification Group Policy Objects, track changes to Group Policy Objects, and implement approval workflows for changes to Group Policy Objects.

AGPM consists of two parts - server and client. The server is a Windows Service that stores its Group Policy Objects in an archive located on the same computer or a network share. The client is a snap-in to the Group Policy Management Console, and connects to the AGPM server. Configuration of the client is performed via Group Policy.

Group Policy settings are enforced voluntarily by the targeted applications. In many cases, this merely consists of disabling the user interface for a particular function.[20]

Alternatively, a malevolent user can modify or interfere with the application so that it cannot successfully read its Group Policy settings, thus enforcing potentially lower security defaults or even returning arbitrary values.[21]

Windows 8 has introduced a new feature called Group Policy Update. This feature allows an administrator to force a group policy update on all computers with accounts in a particular Organizational Unit. This creates a scheduled task on the computer which runs the gpupdate command within 10 minutes, adjusted by a random offset to avoid overloading the domain controller.

Group Policy Infrastructure Status was introduced, which can report when any Group Policy Objects are not replicated correctly amongst domain controllers.[22]

Group Policy Results Report also has a new feature that times the execution of individual components when doing a Group Policy Update.[23]

  • Administrative Templates
  • Group Policy improvements in Windows Vista
  • Workgroup Manager
  1. ^ a b LLC), Tara Meyer (Aquent. "Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Multiple Local Group Policy Objects". go.microsoft.com.
  2. ^ a b Sigman, Jeff. "SCM v2 Beta: LocalGPO Rocks!". Microsoft. Retrieved 2018-11-24.
  3. ^ "[MS-GPOD]: Group Policy Protocols Overview". Microsoft. Section 1.1.5 Group Policy Data Storage. Retrieved 2020-02-22.
  4. ^ Gpupdate
  5. ^ "Group Policy processing and precedence". Microsoft Corporation. 22 April 2012.
  6. ^ "Group Policy - Apply to a Specific User or Group - Windows 7 Help Forums". www.sevenforums.com.
  7. ^ Archiveddocs. "Gpresult". technet.microsoft.com.
  8. ^ "Group Policy Preference Migration Tool (GPPMIG)". Microsoft.
  9. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows XP (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  10. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  11. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows Vista (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  12. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows Vista x64 Edition (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  13. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows Server 2003 (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  14. ^ "Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB943729)". Microsoft Download Center.
  15. ^ Microsoft Group Policy Team (2009-12-23). "How to Install GPMC on Server 2008, 2008 R2, and Windows 7 (via RSAT)".
  16. ^ Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista
  17. ^ Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems
  18. ^ Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7
  19. ^ "Windows - Official Site for Microsoft Windows 10 Home & Pro OS, laptops, PCs, tablets & more". www.microsoft.com.
  20. ^ Raymond Chen, "Shell policy is not the same as security"
  21. ^ Mark Russinovich, "Circumventing Group Policy as a Limited User
  22. ^ "Updated: What's new with Group Policy in Windows 8". 17 October 2011.
  23. ^ "Windows 8 Group Policy Performance Troubleshooting Feature". 23 January 2012.
  1. "Group Policy for Beginners". Windows 7 Technical Library. Microsoft. 27 April 2011. Retrieved 22 April 2012.
  2. "Group Policy Management Console". Dev Center - Desktop. Microsoft. 3 February 2012. Retrieved 22 April 2012.
  3. "Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Multiple Local Group Policy Objects". Windows Vista Technical Library. Microsoft. Retrieved 22 April 2012.
  4. "Group Policy processing and precedence". Windows Server 2003 Product Help. Microsoft. 21 January 2005. Retrieved 22 April 2012.

Wikiversity has learning resources about Group Policy

  • Official website
  • Group Policy Team Blog
  • Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows and Windows Server
  • Force Gpupdate

Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Group_Policy&oldid=1083614439"

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Group Policy provides centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users' settings in an Active Directory environment. A set of Group Policy configurations is called a Group Policy Object (GPO).

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