Which NTFS permission allows you to take ownership of a folder on an NTFS volume?

* When you move files and folders to a different partition, they inherit the permissions of the destination folder

Introduction When you copy or move a file or folder, the permissions may change depending on where you move the file or folder. It is important to understand the changes that the permissions undergo when being copied or moved.

Effects of copying files When you copy files or folders from one folder to another folder, or from one and fo|ders partition to another partition, permissions for the files or folders may change.

Copying a file or folder has the following effects on NTFS permissions:

■ When you copy a folder or file within a single NTFS partition, the copy of the folder or file inherits the permissions of the destination folder.

■ When you copy a folder or file to a different NTFS partition, the copy of the folder or file inherits the permissions of the destination folder.

■ When you copy a folder or file to a non-NTFS partition, such as a FAT partition, the copy of the folder or file loses its NTFS permissions, because non-NTFS partitions do not support NTFS permissions.

Effects of moving files To copy files and folders within a single NTFS partition or between NTFS and fo|dere partitions, you must have Read permission for the source folder and Write permission for the destination folder.

When you move a file or folder, permissions may change, depending on the permissions of the destination folder. Moving a file or folder has the following effects on NTFS permissions:

■ When you move a folder or file within an NTFS partition, the folder or file retains its original permissions.

■ When you move a folder or file to a different NTFS partition, the folder or file inherits the permissions of the destination folder. When you move a folder or file between partitions, Windows Server 2003 copies the folder or file to the new location and then deletes it from the old location.

■ When you move a folder or a file to a non-NTFS partition, the folder or file loses its NTFS permissions, because non-NTFS partitions do not support NTFS permissions.

Effects of copying and moving within volumes

To move files and folders within an NTFS partition or between NTFS partitions, you must have both Write permission for the destination folder and Modify permission for the source folder or file. The Modify permission is required to move a folder or file, because Windows Server 2003 removes the folder or file from the source folder after it copies it to the destination folder.

The following table lists the possible copy and move options and describes how Windows Server 2003 treats the compression state of a file or folder.

Action Result

Copy a file or folder within a volume Move a file or folder within a volume Copy a file or folder between volumes Move a file or folder between volumes

Moving and copying NTFS protected files is similar to moving and copying a compressed file. When you copy a protected file to a folder on the same, or a different volume, it inherits the permissions of the target folder.

However, when you move a protected file to a different location on the same volume, the file retains its access permission setting as though it is an explicit permission.

When data is moved within the same volume, the data is not actually relocated, the pointer to it is merely changed and that is why it retains the ACL (Access Control List).

Troubleshooting access to files and shared folders

A problem with a user accessing shared folders is often caused by underlying network connectivity problems. Make sure you check basic network connectivity first, before looking at NTFS permissions.

Then check:

  • Windows shares allowing minimum access
  • User rights recently denied to groups
  • Permission changes assigned to parent folders

In a large environment with many users and groups, it is important to maintain a structured user and group design and folder hierarchy.

When a user creates a file or folder, Windows 2003 automatically assigns Full Control permissions to the creator/owner. Full Control allows the user to assign permissions to other users for the files he or she creates.

If the ownership of a file or folder needs to change, you can replace the existing owner with your own account or with one of the groups you are a member of. You must have Full Control or the special permissions "Take Ownership" to be able to take ownership of a file or folder. Users who have the "Restore files and directories" privilege can assign ownership to any user or group.

In Windows, permissions are available on every file, folder, registry key, printer and Active Directory object. However, in this article we’ll be concentrating on NTFS file and folder permissions. These permissions are available on NTFS file systems but not on FAT based file systems.

Permissions define what a user can and cannot do with a file or folder. For example, they may be used to allow some users to read a file and disallow others from reading it. They could also be used to stop some users deleting or modifying files etc.

Basic Permissions

There are basic and advanced permissions.

The basic permissions map to one or more advanced permissions. For example, if you set the basic Read permission on a file then it means you have the following advanced permissions: List Folder/Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes and Read Permissions. Basic permissions provide a simpler and less granular way to set permissions. Another way to think of it is that basic permissions are groups of advanced permissions.

The basic permissions are:

Full Control: Users can read, modify, add, move, and delete files, as well as their associated properties and directories. In addition, users can change permissions settings for all files and subdirectories.

Modify: Users can view and modify files and file properties, including deleting and adding files to a directory or file properties to a file.

Read & Execute: Users can run executable files, including scripts.

Read: Users can view files and file properties.

Write: Users can write to a file.

Advanced Permissions

The advanced permissions are:

Traverse Folder/Execute File: For folders: Traverse Folder allows or denies moving through folders to reach other files or folders, even if the user has no permissions for the traversed folders. (Applies to folders only.) Traverse folder takes effect only when the group or user is not granted the Bypass traverse checking user right in the Group Policy snap-in. (By default, the Everyone group is given the Bypass traverse checking user right.) For files: Execute File allows or denies running program files. (Applies to files only). Setting the Traverse Folder permission on a folder does not automatically set the Execute File permission on all files within that folder.

List Folder/Read Data: List Folder allows or denies viewing file names and subfolder names within the folder. List Folder only affects the contents of that folder and does not affect whether the folder you are setting the permission on will be listed. (Applies to folders only.) Read Data allows or denies viewing data in files. (Applies to files only.)

Read Attributes: Allows or denies viewing the attributes of a file or folder, such as read-only and hidden. Attributes are defined by NTFS.

Read Extended Attributes: Allows or denies viewing the extended attributes of a file or folder. Extended attributes are defined by programs and may vary by program.

Create Files/Write Data: Create Files allows or denies creating files within the folder. (Applies to folders only). Write Data allows or denies making changes to the file and overwriting existing content. (Applies to files only.)

Create Folders/Append Data: Create Folders allows or denies creating folders within the folder. (Applies to folders only.) Append Data allows or denies making changes to the end of the file but not changing, deleting, or overwriting existing data. (Applies to files only.)

Write Attributes: Allows or denies changing the attributes of a file or folder, such as read-only or hidden. Attributes are defined by NTFS. The Write Attributes permission does not imply creating or deleting files or folders, it only includes the permission to make changes to the attributes of a file or folder.

Write Extended Attributes: Allows or denies changing the extended attributes of a file or folder. Extended attributes are defined by programs and may vary by program. The Write Extended Attributes permission does not imply creating or deleting files or folders, it only includes the permission to make changes to the extended attributes of a file or folder.

Delete Subfolders and Files: Allows or denies deleting subfolders and files, even if the Delete permission has not been granted on the subfolder or file. (Applies to folders.)

Delete: Allows or denies deleting the file or folder. If you do not have Delete permission on a file or folder, you can still delete it if you have been granted Delete Subfolders and Files on the parent folder.

Read Permissions: Allows or denies reading permissions of the file or folder, such as Full Control, Read, and Write.

Change Permissions: Allows or denies changing permissions of the file or folder, such as Full Control, Read, and Write.

Take Ownership: Allows or denies taking ownership of the file or folder. The owner of a file or folder can always change permissions on it, regardless of any existing permissions that protect the file or folder.

Assigning, Allowing and Denying Permissions

Permissions are assigned explicitly or by inheritance. For example, a file could inherit its permissions from its parent folder. This makes managing permissions simpler as you only need to change one folder’s permission instead of all the files in a folder. You can also set explicit permissions for a file or a folder. For example, a file could still inherit its permissions from its parent folder but you may also want to give extra permissions to a specific user.

You can allow or deny a permission. Deny beats Allow if they are applied on the same file or folder. If the permissions are inherited, then the Allow and Deny work a bit differently. It is based on a hierarchy:

  1. Explicit Deny
  2. Explicit Allow
  3. Inherited Deny
  4. Inherited Allow

These are checked, by Windows, from first to last, and once one is matched then that security is used. For example, if the inherited permissions on a file are that you are denied read permission, but you are explicitly given read permission on the file, then that explicit permission overrides the inherited deny permission.

The security applies to both users and groups. Users can be members of one or more groups. For example, you could have a group for accountants, editors, programmers, etc. You can then base your permissions on groups instead of specific users. This makes managing the permissions much simpler as a new employee can simply be added to the appropriate groups. They can then access files and folders based on their group and no permissions need to be changed.

Files and folders have ownership. When a file or folder is created Windows gives Full Control to the owner (the creator of the file or folder). You can change ownership, but the user or group changing the ownership needs the Full Control or Take Ownership permission.

What is the permission that allows you to take ownership of files?

An administrator. By default, the Administrators group is given the Take ownership of files or other objects user right. Anyone or any group who has the Take ownership user right on the object.

Which of the following NTFS permissions will allow a user to take ownership of a file or folder?

There are three types of share permissions: Full Control, Change, and Read. Full Control: Enables users to “read,” “change,” as well as edit permissions and take ownership of files. Change: Change means that user can read/execute/write/delete folders/files within share.

Which NTFS permission is used for folders only?

Traverse Folder / Execute File - Traverse Folder allows or denies moving through folders to reach other files or folders, even if the user has no permissions for the traversed folders (applies to folders only). Execute File allows or denies running program files (applies to files only).

Which of the following NTFS permissions will allow a user to take ownership of a file or folder Mcq?

A - The Full control permission allows you to read, write, modify, and execute files in a folder; change attributes and permissions; and take ownership of a folder or the files within it.


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