Which nursing action is an example of teaching to a patients cognitive learning style quizlet?

A. It will allow patients to receive support from other patients in the group.

B. It will allow patients to express concerns.

C. It will allow patients to discuss personal and sensitive things.

D. It will help patients to learn from others' experiences.

E. It will help promote responsiveness, valuing others, and organization.

Rationale: If patients with depression sit in a group and interact with other patients who have similar symptoms, they receive support from other patients in the group. The group discussion helps them learn from the experiences of others and promotes responsiveness, valuing others, and organization. However, patients may not speak of their concerns or about sensitive topics in a group. For that, the nurse will need to have a one-on-one conversation.

Test-Taking Tip:Calm yourself during the exam by closing your eyes, putting down your pencil (or computer mouse), and relaxing. Take deep breaths for a few minutes (or as needed, if you feel especially tense) to relax your body and to relieve tension.

Pg. 349

A. "Teaching is most effective when it responds to the learner's needs."

B. "Teaching is a process of both understanding and applying newly acquired concepts."

C. "Teaching is the concept of imparting knowledge through a series of directed activities."

D. "Teaching is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills through an experience or external stimulus."

E. "Teaching consists of a conscious, deliberate set of actions that help individuals gain new knowledge, change attitudes, adopt new behaviors, or perform new skills."

Rationale: Teaching is most effective when it responds to the learner's needs. The learner's needs are assessed by asking questions and determining learner's interest. Teaching is the concept of imparting knowledge through a series of directed activities. Effective teaching consists of a conscious, deliberate set of actions that help the learners to gain new knowledge, change attitudes, adopt new behaviors, or perform new skills. Learning, not teaching, is a process of both understanding and applying newly acquired concepts. Likewise, learning is purposeful attainment of new knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills through an experience or external stimulus.

Pg. 338

Which nursing action is an example of teaching to a patient's cognitive learning style quizlet?

Rationale: The cognitive domain of learning involves discussion of specific patient concerns. Therefore, the action of the nurse teaching the patient orally about the use of the wheelchair is an example of the cognitive domain of teaching.

Which action is an example of cognitive learning quizlet?

Rationale: Cognitive learning involves the storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain, such as learning food portions to maintain a calorie count. Demonstrating how to change a wound dressing or care for an umbilical cord is an example of psychomotor leaning.

Which stage of cognitive learning involves the breakdown of information into organized parts quizlet?

Analyzing is the next level, which involves the breakdown of information into organized parts. Evaluating is the next level and is the ability to judge the outcome of a given process. Creating is the last level of cognitive learning. It is described as the ability to apply knowledge and skills to create something new.

During which stage of the grieving process does the patient begin to express emotions openly quizlet?

At which stage of the grieving process does the patient begin to express emotions openly? In the resolution stage of grieving, the patient starts expressing emotions openly. In the anger stage, the patient may avoid discussion of the illness.