Which of the following are departments in an organization? (check all that apply)


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Which of the following are departments in an organization? (check all that apply)

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Chapter 1: The Life, Times, and Career of the Salesperson Assignment

The sales process typically begins with determining the prospect or the customer. Arrange the steps that follows this step of the sales process in the order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.) 1. Planning and determining the approach 2. Making the sales presentation 3. closing the sales presentation 4. following up with the customer and servicing them
Which of the following are the deadly sins of business selling? (Check all that apply.) 1.Lack of dependability 2.Unprofessional conduct 3. Lack of product knowledge 4. Time wasting
True or false: Often the need to gather and organize information shortens the duration of the sales process. False
A salesperson's sequential series of actions that leads toward the customer taking a desired action and ends with a follow-up to ensure purchase satisfaction is known as the ___. Blank 1: sales Blank 2: process
Match the deadly sins of business selling Time wasting Making unannounced sales visits
Match the deadly sins of business selling Poor planning Making a sales call without doing necessary homework
Match the deadly sins of business selling Pushiness Following practices such as backdoor selling and prying to find out a competitor's prices
Match the deadly sins of business selling Lack of dependability Failing to stand behind the product, clearly communicate, and honor promises
Match the deadly sins of business selling Unprofessional conduct Showing behaviors such as knocking competitors and drinking excessively at a business lunch
Match the deadly sins of business selling Unlimited optimism Promising anything to get a purchase order
Which of the following are goals of using technology in the sales process? (Check all that apply.) 1. To help salespeople increase the pace with which they can spot and qualify leads 2. To help salespeople report new sales to their firm
In business, a traditional definition of _____ refers to the individualized communication of information to persuade a prospective customer to buy something—a good, service, idea, or something else—that satisfies that individual's needs. personal selling
In the context of professional selling, which of the following is indicated by Gallup's survey poll of Americans? People believe that traditional salespeople prioritize their self-interest.
The channel structure used to transfer products from an organization to its customers is referred as ___. Distribution
The value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product is known as ___. Price
True or false: Often the need to gather and organize information shortens the duration of the sales process. False
As per the definition adapted by (ASTD), the holistic business system required to effectively develop, manage, enable, and execute a mutually beneficial, interpersonal exchange of goods and/or services for equitable value is called _____. American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) Professional selling
In the context of business, which of the following are true of the traditional definition of personal selling? (Check all that apply.) 1. It involves an individual helping another individual, such as a salesperson working with prospects to examine their needs. 2. It involves sales-related communications between a seller and a buyer.
True or false: The term "product" refers to only goods and not services. False
True or false: According to research, only 7 percent of all marketing majors choose sales as their first job. False
Who among the following salespeople most likely follows the Core Principles of Professional Selling? Omar who considers customer service the most important aspect of selling
Which of the following departments of an organization primarily determines a product's initial price? The corporate marketing department
What are the Core Principles of Professional Selling? (Check all that apply.) 1. To professionally represent the selling firm 2. To unselfishly serve the buyer or buying firm
In business, a traditional definition of _____ refers to the individualized communication of information to persuade a prospective customer to buy something—a good, service, idea, or something else—that satisfies that individual's needs. personal selling
Select all that apply In the context of sales as a profession, which of the following are findings of various research and studies? 1. Workers across various occupations suggest that 41 percent of their time is spent on sales-like activities. 2. Sales is the first occupation chosen by as many as 60 percent of all business majors.
Identify the major components of a sales cycle, which is the customer relationship process used by salespeople to build long-term relationships. (Check all that apply.) 1. Obtaining commitment for purchase from customers 2. Examining customer needs 3. Providing customers with excellent service 4. Offering product benefits to customers
Zachary is a senior salesperson for an automobile manufacturer. Identify the guidelines that he should follow to be considered a professional and respected by his customers and competitors. (Check all that apply.) 1. He should avoid disposing of his conscience when working. 2. He should never forget a customer after closing the sale. 3. He should actively participate in community affairs and help improve his community.
Patricia Aburdene's Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism outlines new forces that will shape salespeople's jobs. According to this book, today's greatest megatrend is _____. spirituality
In the context of a sales cycle, the _____ is at the center of the sales solar system. customer
Priya is a key account salesperson for a machinery manufacturer. Identify the guidelines that she should follow to be considered a professional and respected by her customers and competitors. (Check all that apply.) 1. Refrain from taking advantage of a customer by using unfair, high-pressure techniques. 2. Have an intimate knowledge of her company, its products, and her industry. 3. Ensure that customer information is kept confidential.
What should be the main goal of business? To change the marketplace and workplace into an environment where all are treated as they would like to be treated
The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large are referred to as _____. marketing

Which of the following are departments in an organization?

Common departments include Marketing, Finance, Operations management, Human Resource, and IT. These five divisions represent the major departments within a publicly traded company, though there are often smaller departments within autonomous firms.

Which of the following are departments in an organization quizlet?

Most organizations have six departments: research & development, production, marketing and sales, accounting and finance, human resources, and information system.

Which of the following are common departments found in an organization quizlet?

Common departments found in an organization include Accounting, Management Information Systems, Operations Management, and Delivery. Almost all organizations today have an internal IT department, often called Information Technology (IT), Information Systems (IS), or Management Information Systems (MIS).

Which of the following are types of unstructured data check all that apply?

Examples of unstructured data are:.
Rich media. Media and entertainment data, surveillance data, geo-spatial data, audio, weather data..
Document collections. Invoices, records, emails, productivity applications..
Internet of Things (IoT). Sensor data, ticker data..
Analytics. Machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI).

What data types are typically found in the human resources department?

It includes data such as individual employee information, benefits information, payroll information, time cards, confidential employee and employer documentation, and more.