Which of the following are true about a large majority of emerging adults perceptions about drinking?

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Terms in this set (109)

D). Poverty

Two of the most important influences on children's health are prevention and:

A). Parental monitoring
B). Avoiding accidents
C). Immunization
D). Poverty

D). Accidents

Which of the following is the leading cause of death in children?

A). Infectious disease
B). Secondhand smoke
C). Poisoning
D). Accidents

B). Not drinking when driving
C). Driving at safe speeds
D). Not smoking around them

Parents may protect their children's health by doing which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A). Never getting upset in front of them
B). Not drinking when driving
C). Driving at safe speeds
D). Not smoking around them

C). Parental monitoring

Which of the following has been linked to health-enhancing behavior and reduced risk taking in adolescence?

A). Social anxiety
B). Peer pressure
C). Parental monitoring
D). Adolescent independence

A). They have more chronic health problems
C). They have a higher mortality rate
D). They are more likely to be obese

In comparing the health of emerging adults with the health of adolescents, which of the following statements are true regarding emerging adults? (Select all that apply)

A). They have more chronic health problems
B). They have a better diet
C). They have a higher mortality rate
D). They are more likely to be obese
E). They have higher rates of physical activity

Blank: poverty

Prevention and ___________ are two of the most important components of children's health

A). Unexpected falls
B). Vehicles accidents
D). Poising

The most common forms of accidents that happen in infancy include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A). Unexpected falls
B). Vehicles accidents
C). Sudden infant death syndrome
D). Poisoning

B). Smoke

Children are more likely to exhibit symptoms of wheezing and asthma when living with parents who:

A). Fight
B). Smoke
C). Exercise
D). Drink

Blank: Chronic

_____________ disorders have a slow onset and a long duration

A). Peers
B). Schools
D). Families

Which of the following are social contexts that influence adolescent health? (Select all that apply)

A). Peers
B). Schools
C). Religious rites
D). Families

C). Men are more likely than women to have fatal chronic disorders such as cancer and coronary heart disease

Which statement is true regarding chronic disorders?

A). Women are less likely than men to have nonfatal chronic conditions such as arthritis and bursitis
B). Hypertension is the leading chronic disorder in middle adulthood for both men and women
C). Men are more likely than women to have fatal chronic disorders such as cancer and coronary heart disease
D). The three most common chronic disorders in middle adulthood is the same for females and males

D). Males in emerging adulthood

Which of the following groups has the highest mortality rate?

A). Males in adolescence
B). Females in adolescence
C). Females in emerging adulthood
D). Males in emerging adulthood

C). Poverty

Two of the most important influences on children's health are prevention and:

A). Parental monitoring
B). Avoiding accidents
C). Poverty
D). Immunizations


True or False: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of dearth for adults over the age of 75

A). Increase exercise
B). Improved diets
C). Decreased rates of smoking

Many cardiovascular problems in middle age can be reduced by which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A). Increase exercise
B). Improved diets
C). Decreased rates of smoking
D). Hormone replacement therapy

A). Late adulthood

Chronic disorders are most common in:

A). Late adulthood
B). Adolescence
C). Early childhood
D). Middle adulthood

C). Heart conditions

Which of the following is/are the most common on the chronic conditions associated with the greatest limitations on work?

A). Arthritis
B). Diabetes
C). Heart conditions
D). Asthma

B). Increase

Starting in middle adulthood, chronic disorders:

A). Retain the same level of risk as in early adulthood
B). Increase
C). Decrease
D). Are common

C). Arthritis

Zack experiences inflammation of his joints as well as pain, stiffness, and problems moving his legs. Zack is showing signs of having

A). Sarcopenia
B). Diabetes
C). Arthritis
D). Osteoporosis

A). Cancer

The leading cause of death in middle-aged adults between the ages of 65 and 74 is

A). Cancer
B). Heart disease
C). Influenza
D). Pneumonia

D). Eliminating alcohol consumptions

A recent study found that all of the following were associated with a disease in deaths from cardiovascular disease, EXCEPT:

A). Exercising
B). Diet
C). Quitting smoking
D). Eliminating alcohol consumptions

B). Epilepsy

Which of the following chronic conditions is LEAST likely to limit the everyday activities or work of adults over the age of 65?

A). Arthritis
B). Epilepsy
C). Asthma
D). Diabetes

B). Amyloid plaques

Osteoporosis is related to deficiencies in each of the following EXCEPT:

A). Vitamin D
B). Amyloid plaques
C). Estrogen
D). Exercise

B). Exercise
C). Weight reduction
D). Joint replacement
E). Aspirin

Which of the following are helpful in the treatment of arthritis symptoms? (Select all that apply)

A). Radiation therapy
B). Exercise
C). Weight reduction
D). Joint replacement
E). Aspirin


True or False: Due to the decrease in cardiovascular disease, cancer is now the leading cause of death in middle-aged and older between 65 and 75

A). Dementia

Neurological disorders in which the primary symptoms involve deterioration of mental functioning are classes under the global term

A). Dementia
B). Alzheimer
C). Epilepsy
D). Osteoporosis

A). Progressive brain damage
B). Gradual deterioration of memory
D). Gradual deterioration of language

Which of the following are characteristics of Alzheimer disease (Select all that apply)

A). Progressive brain damage
B). Gradual deterioration of memory
C). Reversible brain damage
D). Gradual deterioration of language

D). Memory

Alzheimer disease is caused by a deficiency in the brain messenger chemical called acetylcholine, which is very important in

A). Digestion
B). Peripheral nerves
C). Somatic nerves
D). Memory

A). Marked stoop

Which of the following is most often the result of osteoporosis?

A). Marked stoop
B). Muscle loss
C). Neurological disorder
D). Dementia

Blank: ApoE4

The allele that has proven to be a risk factor for Alzheimer disease is the ________ gene

A). Many of the same habits that lead to cardiovascular disease risk for Alzheimer disease
B). A healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of Alzheimer disease

Regarding lifestyle factors and the risk of Alzheimer disease, which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)

A). Many of the same habits that lead to cardiovascular disease risk for Alzheimer disease
B). A healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of Alzheimer disease
C). Smoking, while it increases risk for cardiovascular disease, is not associated with Alzheimer disease

A). Inability to care for oneself
B). Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
D). Inability to recognize familiar people

Symptoms of dementia include which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A). Inability to care for oneself
B). Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
C). Inability to overcome chronic fatigue
D). Inability to recognize familiar people

Blank: mild cognitive impairment

One risk factor for Alzheimer disease is ___________, a transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging and very early. Alzheimer disease and other dementias

Blank: 10

It is projected that ___________ million baby boo,res will develop Alzheimer disease in their lifetime

D). Drugs from Alzheimer disease that treat the cause of the disease

Which statement is FALSE regarding drug treatment for Alzheimer disease?

A). Drugs for Alzheimer disease slow down the progression of the disease
B). Several drugs have been approved to treat Alzheimer disease by increasing acetylcholine in the brain
C). The drugs used to treat Alzheimer disease appear to improve memory
D). Drugs from Alzheimer disease treat the cause of the disease

B). Acetylcholine

The primary cause of Alzheimer disease is a deficiency in the brain messenger chemical called

A). Amyloid
B). Acetylcholine
C). Hormone
D). Thalamus

Blank: respite

__________ care involves services that provide a temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities and illnesses

B). The interaction of lifestyle and genes

The development of Alzheimer,er disease is most likely influenced by

A). Genetic influence solely
B). The interaction of lifestyle and genes
C). Lifestyles primarily
D). The interaction of environment and lifestyle

D). Degeneration of dopamine-productions neurons in the brain

Which of the following factors triggers Parkinson's disease?

A). An increase in acetylcholine receptors in the brain
B). A decrease of interleukin-6 in the brain
C). Temporary obstruction of blood vessels
D). Degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain

B). Improve their cardiac functioning through diet, drugs, and exercise

One of the best strategies for preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease in people who are at risk is to

A). Set up systems of care as if they already have the disease
B). Improve their cardiac function through diet, drugs, and exercise
C). Take amyloid plaque-bursting drug therapies
D). Improve their memory functioning through crosswords and sudoku

B). Stimulating the brain appears to help some individuals with Parkinson disease
C). Stem cell transplantation shows a lot of promise as a treatment for Parkinson disease

Regarding the treatment of Parkinson disease, which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)

A). High doses of vitamins decrease the muscle tremors and improve movement ability for those with Parkinson disease
B). Stimulating the brain appears to help some individuals with Parkinson disease
C). Stem cell transplantation shows a lot of promise as a treatment for Parkinson disease


True or False: Mild cognitive impairment is the precursor for Alzheimer disease in all cases

Blank: acetylocholine

Several drugs that have been approved by the FDA to treat Alzheimer disease work to improve memory and other cognitive functions by increasing levels of ___________ in the brain

B). Caregivers of Alzheimer patients need a break from providing chronic care
C). Family can become emotionally and physically drained from providing care to an Alzheimer patient

Which of the following statements are true about caring for people with Alzheimer disease? (Select all that apply)

A). Caring for someone with Alzheimer disease presents less of a burden than caring for someone with cancer
B). Caregivers of Alzheimer patients need a break from providing chronic care
C). Family can become emotionally and physically drained from providing care to an Alzheimer patient
D). Caring for a family member with Alzheimer disease has a positive impact on the caregiver's health-related quality of life

A). Muscle tremors
B). Slowing of movements
C). Partial facial paralysis

Which of the following are symptoms of Parkinson disease?

A). Muscle tremors
B). Slowing of movements
C). Partial facial paralysis
D). Numbness on one side of the arm or leg

B). Dopamine agonists and L-dopa

Which of the following is the main treatment for Parkinson disease?

A). Acetylcholine agonists
B). Dopamine agonists and L-dopa
C). Interleukin-6 inhibitors
D). Daily exercise

Blank: three

A healthy 1-year-old weights ___________ times more than they did at brith

D). 1 year

Even if an infant has begun eating other foods, expert recommend that the mother continue to breast feed until the baby is at least ___________ old

A). 3 months
B). 1 month
C). 6 months
D). 1 year

Blank: Respite

_____________ care involves services that provide relief for those

D). Cardiovascular disease

Breast-fed children are less likely to develop all of the following EXCEPT:

A). Middle ear infections
B). Diabetes
C). Allergies
D). Cardiovascular disease

A). Neglectful caregivers
E). Conditions of poverty

What are the two common factors in the development of eating problems in infants? (Select all that apply)

A). Neglectful caregivers
B). Lack of proper guidelines for infant nutrition
C). Genetic problems
D). Bad-testing baby food
E). Conditions of poverty

A). At risk of becoming overweight

A child whose BMI is at the 85th percentile would be

A). At risk of becoming overweight
B). Overweight
C). Obese
D). At risk of being underweight

Blank: six months

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently reconfirmed its recommendation of exclusive breast feeding in the first ___________ of a baby's life

A). 14 percent

In 2015-2016, approximately what percentage of children 2 to 5 years old was classified as obses

A). 14 percent
B). 9 percent
C). 6 percent
D). 2 percent

C). Fewer gastrointestinal infections
D). Reduced risk for type 1 diabetes in childhood
E). Less chance of become interested overweight or obese

Which of the following are outcomes of breast feeding for children? (Select all that apply)

A). Better cardiovascular function
B). Improved cognitive development
C). Fewer gastrointestinal infections
D). Reduced risk for type 1 diabetes in childhood
E). Less chance of become interested overweight or obese

D). 50

What is the recommended number of calories per day for each pound an infant weights?

A). 30
B). 100
C). 25
D). 50

C). Height and weight

Body Mass Index (BMI) is computed with a formula that involves which character is statistically of the individual?

A). Height and waist circumference
B). Weight and waist circumference
C). Heigh and weight
D). Age and fat level measured in blood

B). U.S. high school stud dents decreased their intake of fruits and vegetables

What were the findings of the National Youth Risk Survey of U.S. high school students from 1999 through 2013?

A). U.S. high school students ate about the same amount of fruits and vegetables
B). U.S. high school students decreased their intake of fruits and vegetables
C). U.S. high school students increased their intake of fruits and vegetables

C). For the first four to six months of life

How long should an infant consume only breast milk or formula (i.e. no other food) for nutrients and energy?

A). For the first eight months of my life
B). For the first four to six months of life
C). For the first year of life
D). For the first two to four months of life

Blank: increased slightly

The percentage of U.S. children who are overweight has ____________ in recent decades

D). Participation in team sports

According to one study, which of the following factors in an adolescent's life was the strongest predictor of lower risk for being overweight and obese?

A). Physical education programming
B). Long daily walks
C). Active screen time
D). Participation in team sports

D). Behavioral therapy

What aspect of successful weight loss programs requires participants to keep weight loss diaries and give them rewards for meeting goals?

A). Experimental learning
B). Humanism
C). Psychoanalysis
D). Behavioral therapy

Blank: increased

The percentage of overweight 12-to 19-year-old Americans ________________ (increased/decreased) from the early 1990s through 2014

A). A pattern of binge-and-purge eating

Which of the following is NOT one of the main characteristics of anorexia nervous ?

A). A pattern of binge-and-purge eating
B). A distorted body image or not recognizing the seriousness of current low weight
C). An intense fear of weight gain or behavior that interferes with gaining weight
D). Restricted energy intake leading to significantly low body weight

A). Family dinner
D). Team sports

Which of the following have studies shown to protect against the development of overweight and obesity in adolescents? (Select all that apply)

A). Family dinners
B). Eating disorder prevention
C). Active screen time
D). Team sports
E). Unsupervised exercise quotas

A). Hypnosis

Successful weight loss programs for adolescents combine each of the following EXCEPT:

A). Hypnosis
B). Calorie restriction
C). Exercise
D). Behavioral therapy

B). Perfectionism

Which of the following tends to be a common personality trait among anorexics?

A). Rebelliousness
B). Perfectionism
C). Orderless
D). Nonconformity

C). A sense of lack of control during eationg

Each of the following are linked with anorexia nervous a EXCEPT:

A). Obsessive thinking about weight
B). Seeing oneself as fat even when dangerously thin
C). A sense of lacking of control during eating
D). Compulsive exercise

Blank 1: anorexics
Blank 2: bulimics

___________ control their eating by restricting it, but most ___________ cannot do so

A). Overweight

People with binge eating disorder are frequently

A). Overweight
B). Perfectionist
C). Men
D). Controlled

C). They are more likely to become overweight or obese adults

What is the likely outcome who rank above the 95th percentile on the body mass index?

A). They are more likely to have social anxiety disorder
B). They are more likely to become underweight adults
C). They are more likely to become overweight or obese adults
D). They are more likely to have a healthier adulthood

D). African American Females

In 2016, when both gender and ethnicity were considered, which of the following had the highest rate of obesity in the United States?

A). Asian American males
B). Non-Latino White males
C). Latinas
D). African American Females

Blank: 40

For individuals who are 30 percent overweight, the probably of dying in middle adulthood increases by ___________ percent

A). Non-Latino White
C). Competitive and high-achieving
D). Adolescent or young adult female
E). From well-educated, middle- or upper-income family

Which of the following are characteristics of those with anorexia nervous? (Select all that apply)

A). Non-Latino White
B). From lower-income family
C). Competitive and high-achieving
D). Adolescent or young adult female
E). From well-educated, middle- or upper-income family
F). African American female

B). Examining the risk of obesity in children with one or two obese parents, as compared to children with parents who are not obese
D). Inbreeding animals to be obese

Which of the following are research strategies that have been used to determine the impact of heredity on obesity? (Select all that apply)

A). Evaluating the rates at which overweight individuals visit their doctors
B). Examining the risk of obesity in children with one or two obese parents, as compared to children with parents who are not obese
C). Conducting observational research on choices siblings make in the lunchroom
D). Inbreeding animals to be obese

B). Fall within a normal weight range

Those with bulimia nervosa typically

A). Are dangerously underweight
B). Fall within a normal weight range
C). Can be classified as obese
D). Are in the overweight range

A). Increased bone strength
D). Lowered blood pressure
E). Decreased obesity

Researchers have found that aerobic benefits which of the following in children and adolescents? (Select all that apply)

A). Increased bone strength
B). Decreased peer relations
C). Slowed creativity
D). Lowered blood pressure
E). Decreased obesity

Blank: binge eating disorder

Individuals with _________ engage in recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food during which they feel a lack of control over eating

C). 40 percent

In 2016, approximately what percentage of U.S. adults were classified as obese?

A). 21 percent
B). 44 percent
C). 40 percent
D). 57 percent

A). The risk of obesity may be reduced with exercise
C). Moderate-to-vigorous exercise is recommended
D). Exercise helps prevent heart disease

Which statements are true regarding the benefits of exercise? (Select all that apply)

A). The risk of obesity may be reduced with exercise
B). Exercise only has benefits for younger adults
C). Moderate-to-vigorous exercise is recommended
D). Exercise helps prevent heart disease

C). Diabetes
D). Cardiovascular disease
E). Hypertension

Obesity is linked to an increased risk of which of the following? (Select all that apply)

A). Alzheimer disease
B). Low blood pressure
C). Diabetes
D). Cardiovascular disease
E). Hypertension

Blank: exercise

Researchers have found that ___________ improves longevity in older adults

A). Lack of knowledge about the importance of nutrition and exercise

Which of the following is NOT commonly believed to be an environmental factor that has had an impact on the dramatic increase in obesity over the last century?

A). Lack of knowledge about the importance of nutrition and exercise
B). Declining physical activity
C). Greater availability of energy-saving devices
D). Greater availability to high-fat food

D). Large muscles, especially in the arms and legs

Children need daily exercise because of the development of:

A). Small muscles, especially in the hands and feet
B). Brain chemicals, especially endorphins
C). Brain synapses, especially in the frontal lobes
D). Large muscles, especially in the arms and legs

B). Aerobic activity
D). Resistance training
E). Stretching

Which of the following types of exercise do gerontologists recommend for older adults?

A). Parkour exercise
B). Aerobic activity
C). High-impact aerobic classes
D). Resistance training
E). Stretching

C). Marijuana

What illicit drug is most widely used in the United States?

A). Ecstasy
B). Cocaine
C). Marijuana
D). Tranquilizers

B). Moderate and intense

Physical and psychological gain are most likely to be produced by exercise that is:

A). Safe
B). Moderate and intense
C). Mentally challenging
D). Mild and easy

C). Sizable declines in adolescent alcohol use have occurred in recent years

Which of the following statements is true about adolescent alcohol use?

A). Almost no high school sessions polled have been in a vehicle with a drugged or drinking driver
B). Binge drinking among teenagers is on the rise
C). Sizable declines in adolescent alcohol use have occurred in recent years
D). Females are more likely than males to engage in binge drinking

C). Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than two times more likely to die than those in the medium fitness group
D). Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than three times more likely to die than those in the high fitness groups

In a large longitudinal research study of 10,000 men and women followed over 8 years, participants were divided into low, medium, and high fitness levels. What did the study fine? (Select all that apply)

A). There were no substantial differences among the fitness groups with regard to longevity
B). Fitness level had dramatic effects on longevity, but for men only
C). Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than two times more likely to die than those in the medium fitness group
D). Those in the low fitness (sedentary) group were more than three times more likely to die than those in the high fitness groups


True or False: The United States has the highest adult obesity rate in the world

Blank: resistance

Accelerated muscle loss in old age can be most helped by ____________ exercise

Blank: highest

The United States has one of the _____________ (highest/lowest) rates of adolescent drug use of any industrialized natino

A). Cigarette smoking peaked in 1996 and then gradually declined

Which of the following statements most closely fits with the trends associated cigarette smoking in the Unite States?

A). Cigarette smoking peaking in 1996 and then gradually declined
B). Cigarette smoking increased each year after 1996
C). Smoking rates have remained steady since 1996
D). Cigarette smoking was at its lowest point in 1996

Blank: binge

Having five or more drinks in a row in the last two weeks is referred to as ____________ drinking

B). The contents of the vapor are not regulated
D). Most e-cigarette vapor contains nicotine

Which of the following are true about the vapor from e-cigarettes? (Select all that apply)

A). Users of e-cigarettes do not inhale the vapor
B). The contents of the vapor are not regulated
C). The contents of the vapor are not regulated
D). Most e-cigarette vapor contains nicotine

A). Examining the risk of obesity in children with one or two obese parents, as compared to children with parents who are not obese
C). Inbreeding animals to be obese

Which of the following are research strategies that have been used to determine the impact of heredity on obesity? (Select all that apply)

A). Examining the risk of obesity in children with one or two obese parents, as compared to children with parents who are not obese
B). Conducting observational research on choices siblings make in the lunchroom
C). Inbreeding animals to be obese
D). Evaluating the rates at which overweight individuals visit their doctors

C). Early onset of drinking was linked to increase risk of heavy drinking in middle age

Research revealed which of the following regarding early substance use?

A). Early onset of drinking was not linked to increased risk of heavy drinking in middle age
B). Early onset of drinking was linked to decreased risk of heavy drinking in middle age
C). Early onset of drinking was linked to increase risk of heavy drinking in middle age

B). As gangrenous
C). With disapproval

Since the mid-1990s, how have most adolescents perceived smoking? (Select all that apply)

A). With acceptance
B). As dangerous
C). With disapproval
D). As commonplace
E). As popular

Blank: frequency

The ___________ of family dinners can influence an adolescent's likelihood of having substance abuse problems

D). It is perceived as giving some social and coping benefits
E). It is largely acceptable and seen as common

Which of the following are true about a large majority of emerging adults' perceptions about drinking? (Select all that apply)

A). It is mostly frowned upon, especially binge drinking
B). It is only done by a small minority
C). It happens mostly in private, not in social situations
D). It is perceived as giving some social and coping benefits
E). It is largely acceptable and seen as common


True or False: Adolescents currently vape far more nicotine than they smoke cigarettes

Black: Binge

______________ drinking (having five or more drinks in a row) by high school seniors decreased from 1980 to 2016

D). Decreased their use of alcohol and drugs somewhat

Research has shown that, by the time emerging adults have research their mid-twenties, many have

A). Dramatically decreased their use to alcohol and drugs
B). Maintained their level of alcohol and drug use
C). Increased their level of alcohol and drugs
D). Decreased their use of alcohol and drugs somewhat

A). Low parental support
B). Having a friend who smokes
C). A weak academic orientation

Which of the following are risk factors for becoming a regular smoker? (Select all that apply)

A). Low parental support
B). Having a friend who smokes
C). A weak academic orientation
D). Not participating in organized sports

A). Drug use

Educational success has a protective role in reducing adolescents'

A). Drug use
B). Social media use
C). Social stagnation
D). Behavioral problems

C). 20 percent

What percent of college students reported that they abstain from drinking alcohol?

A). 75 percent
B). 50 percent
C). 20 percent
D). 10 percent

Blank: declined

Overall rates of drinking among college students, including binge drinking, have _________ in recent years


True or False: Alcohol use peaks in emerging adulthood and then declines somewhat by the mid-twenties

B). Missing classes
C). Unprotected sex
D). Physical injuries

Which of the following are consequences of heavy drinking in emerging adults? (Select all that apply)

A). Being underweight
B). Missing classes
C). Unprotected sex
D). Physical injuries

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