Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to display uppercase letters?

20. The <meta> tag is coded in the ___________ section of a web page document.a. bodyb. headerc. footerd. DOCTYPE


21. Which of the following tags does not require a closing tag?

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22. Which of the following tags should NOT be located in the head section?

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23. Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to displayuppercase letters?

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Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to display uppercase letters?

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Web Design with HTML & CSS3: Introductory


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Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 8thEditionInstructor Materials Chapter 2 Test Bankb.type="U"c.type="letter"d.type="A"24.The purpose of the ________ element is used to configure the headings for a webpage document or section of a web page document.a.headingsb.navc. headerd. head

25.The purpose of the ________ element is to configure the footer information on aweb page document.

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26.The purpose of the ________ element is to contain the main content of a web pagedocument.

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Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 8thEditionInstructor Materials Chapter 2 Test BankTrue or False.27. The title element configures large, bold text at the beginning of the web pagedocument.

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28. Web pages have two sections: a head and a body.a. Trueb. False

Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 8thEditionInstructor Materials Chapter 2 Test BankAnswers.1. c2. a3. c4. b5. b6. b7. c8. d9. b10. d11. a12. b13. c14. b15. c16. c17. b18. c19. b20. b21. b22. b23. d24. c25. d26. d27. False28. True

From Belmont University with Dr. Simmons 1-62 are terms from the midterm. The rest of the terms come from after the midterm.

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<a href="news.htm">Important News</a>

Which tag is used to force the browser to display the next text or element on a new line?


Which of the following attributes would configure an ordered list to display uppercase letters?


A domain name is a unique text-based Internet address corresponding to a unique ________.

IP address

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

________ is a set of rules for exchanging files such as text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the Web.


launch the default e-mail application for the visitor's browser with your e-mail address as the recipient

The first widely used graphical web browser was developed at:


What type of HTML list will automatically place a number in front of the items?

ordered list

What tag pair is used to create a new paragraph?

<p> </p>

Use the ________ tag to associate a web page with an External Style Sheet.


When CSS is coded in the body of the web page as an attribute of an HTML tag it is called ________.


Use the ________ tag to configure a section of a web page that is physically separated from others.


Use the ________ property to configure bold text using CSS.


The declaration property used to set the text color on a web page is:


Select the code below that uses CSS to configure a background color of #eaeaea for a web page.

body {background-color:#eaeaea; }

#footer { font-size: small; font-style: italic;}

Select the code below that uses CSS to configure a class called "offer" with blue text that uses the Arial or sans-serif font typeface.

.offer { color:blue; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;}

Which CSS property configures the size of text?


Which CSS property configures the color of text?


CSS was first proposed as a standard by the W3C in ________.


Which CSS property can be used to configure italic text?


Use the ________ tag to code embedded styles on a web page

<style> .. </style>

The tag used to create a horizontal line on a web page is:


both using alt attributes and providing text links on the bottom of the page

image map

Use the ________ property to configure multiple backgrounds on an element.


Choose the attribute used to provide accessibility by configuring a text alternative that is available to browsers and other user agents that do not support graphics.


The process of ensuring that web pages coded with new or advanced techniques still are usable in browsers that do not offer support for the newer features is called:

progressive enhancement

Use the ________ attribute to display an image to the right of a block of text.


both Purchase a CD of graphics and Use a graphics application and create your own

Select the code below that will configure a background image called parchment.gif for a web page using CSS.

body {background-image:url(parchment.gif); }

A type of graphic that is best-suited to photographs is:


The HTML5 ________ element visually displays a bar that depicts a numeric value within a specified range.


Select the code below that uses CSS to eliminate the default border on an image configured as an image.

img {border: 0; }

thumbnail image

Select the code below that configures a background image to repeat horizontally across a web page.

background-repeat: repeat-x;

The ________ property configures a shadow effect on the text displayed within an element.


The Web Safe Color Palette is a collection of 216 colors that

display the most similar on both the Mac and PC platforms

Use the ________ property to configure rounded corners with CSS.


The ________ HTML5 element is used to tangential or supplemental content.


Choose the item below that is not an HTML5 element.


Use the ________ property along with the left, right and/or top property to precisely configure the position of an element.


Select the example below that configures a container to clear all floated elements that are within the container.

overflow: auto;

Use ________ positioning to slightly change the location of an element in relation to where it would otherwise appear when rendered by a browser.


When using the box model, the ________ is always transparent.


Use the ________ property to configure an image to use as a bullet point in an unordered list


Set list-style-type to the value ________ to hide the display of the list markers on an ordered list.


Use ________ positioning to configure the location of an element to remain the same and to not move even when the web page is scrolled within the browser viewport.


Choose the example below of a descendant selector that configures the anchor tags within the element assigned to the an id named special.

#special a

What is the term used to describe image file that contains multiple small graphics?


when linking to a page on an external web site

The ________ meta tag configures scale and dimension on mobile web page display.


________ will cause an object not to display.

display: none;

<a href="resume.html#school">Educational Background</a>


What is the purpose of the :content pseudo-element?

to generate content that is added to the web page document

A ________ determines the capability of the mobile device, such as screen resolution, and directs browsers to CSS.

media query

How would you define a fragment identifier at the top of a page, called "top"?

<div id="top">

The ________ attribute of the anchor tag can cause the new web page to open in its own browser window.


Components of responsive web design include:

fluid layout, flexible images, media queries

Select the true statement below.

Placing white space around graphics and headings helps them to stand out.

Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for web accessibility.

Web Accessibility Initiative

use frames whenever possible

both provide alternative text for the images and place text links at the bottom of the page

Select the most commonly used site organization for commercial web sites.


Select the true statement

Animation should be used only if it enhances your web site

Applying the design principle of ________ serves to add visual interest and draw attention.


The four principles of WCAG 2.0 are as follows:

perceivable, operable, understandable, robust

use a key phrase as a hyperlink


Use the ________ tag pair to configure table headings.

<th> </th>

Select the item below that lists elements used in an HTML table:

table, tr, td

To define the distance between the edges of each cell in a table use the ________ attribute.


The ________ is an attribute of the <table> tag that provides for accessibility.


<tfoot> .. </tfoot>

Which of the following CSS3 properties position the caption of a table?


A table with a width set to 600 pixels will look ________ on a monitor with resolution set to 640 x 480 than on a monitor with resolution set to 1024 x 768.


Which of the following CSS3 properties configure the alignment of text within a table?


Use the headers attribute on the ________ tag to correspond to the id attribute on a ________ tag.

<td> or <th>

The purpose of the ________ element is to describe the contents of a table


The ________ operating system(s) treat uppercase and lowercase letters differently.

both UNIX and Linux

Select the tasks that should be performed when a website is tested.

all of these

The Analysis Phase of a web site project determines

all of these

A long-standing methodology used to develop information systems is the

System Development Life Cycle

In the ________ Phase a prototype of the website will often be created.

Design Phase

The type of testing that observes how actual web page visitors use a website is called:

Usability testing

The file extensions .avi, .m4v, and .ogv are used for:

video files

The ________ element is a void element that specifies a media file and a MIME type.


The CSS3 ________ property allows you to rotate, scale, skew, or move an element.


Use the ________ attribute on a <video> tag to display an image that represents the movie.


Use the ________ parameter associated with an <object> tag to control whether an audio file starts to play as soon as the web page loads


the <object> tag

Select the true statement from those listed below.

Java applets may be contained in files with the .class extension

The following two attributes are required when configuring an <object> tag to provide media on a web page which will be displayed in Internet Explorer:

codebase and class id

The ________ defines every object and element on a web page.

Document Object Model

Select the technology that was developed by a joint effort between Netscape and Sun Microsystems.


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What type of HTML list would be the best to use to display a list of terms and their definitions?

There are three list types in HTML: unordered list — used to group a set of related items in no particular order. ordered list — used to group a set of related items in a specific order. description list — used to display name/value pairs such as terms and definitions.

What tag is used to declare the largest heading?

The heading elements are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 with H1 being the highest (or most important) level and H6 the least.

Which tag is used to force the browser to display the next text or element on a new line?

The <br> element has a single, well-defined purpose — to create a line break in a block of text.

Which of the following tag pairs emphasize text that is displayed in italic font style?

The <em> tag is used to define emphasized text. The content inside is typically displayed in italic.