Which of the following best describes a reason that a president might choose to make an executive agreement with a foreign nation rather than a treaty?

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Terms in this set (55)

The Speaker of the House is not explicitly responsible for

tallying how members plan to vote on a bill

Citing an increasing cost of entitlement programs, Congress cuts spending on scientific research. In this scenario, discretionary spending of this type will continue to decrease unless which of the following occurs?

The medicare budget is reduced

Which of the following is consequence of the House of Representatives having 435 members and the Senate having 100 members?

Senators tend to have more influence over legislation and get more media attention individually because there are less of them.

Which of the following statements accurately describes why the Senate has continued to respect the practice of Senate "holds"?

Placing limits on Senate "holds" may increase the likelihood of filibusters taking place.

Meeting with leaders from every country, the President signed off on a treaty created to reduce carbon emissions throughout each country of the planet. The regulations created after this treaty would go on to restrict heavily the businesses of the United States on how much they are able to emit from factories, cars, and industry. The President, upon returning home, is faced with conservative backlash that hopes to stop the President by having what happen?

Having the senate reject the ratification of the treaty.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding floor debate in the Senate and House of Representatives?

Senate: Debate rules favor deliberation

House of Representative: Debate rules favor speed of action

Which of the following best explains the reason for less cloture votes on cabinet secretaries and federal reserve board members than judicial appointments?

There are less cabinet secretaries and members of the federal reserve board, which equates to less appointments needing cloture votes to move the approval forward.

Given their six-year term of office, Senators can afford to take a longer view on policy, especially when it comes to

foreign affairs

Which of the following accurately summarizes the entities involved in Baker v. Carr (1962)?

The plaintiff was the former mayor of a small town near Memphis, and the defendant was the Tennessee Secretary of State.

Which of the following statements accurately describes why many are in favor of divided government?

The proliferation of undesirable legislation and excessive spending can be kept to a minimum.

Which of the following statements accurately describes how the selection of chairpersons to both standing committees and select special committees empowers the Speaker of the House in the policy-making process?

The speaker of the House can satisfy the majority party by making sure that the bills they submit are passed in a timely fashion.

Which of the following most clearly states the outcome of Shaw v. Reno (1993)?

Redistricting plans based on race must be held to a high standard of scrutiny under the fourteenth amendment and ensure compliance with the voting rights act of 1965.

Which of the following best summarizes the debate reflected in Baker v. Carr (1962)?

Is the redistricting of state legislative districts a justiciable question?

Which of the following is not one way that the legislative process is slowed down?

The House of Representatives' cloture procedure

Shaw v. Reno (1993) reflects what shift in American political beliefs?

Redistricting based on racial considerations should come under close scrutiny.

Which of the following is a consequence of partisan gerrymandering?

Incumbents for the House of Representatives are more likely to have very safe seats without much competition from challengers.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a facet of the policy-making process in the U.S. House of Representatives?

Committee action in the House of Representatives is more influential than floor action in rendering a final decision on legislation.

The 1919 political cartoon is a commentary about the contentious fight over the Versailles treaty between Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (pictured) and President Woodrow Wilson. Use the cartoon and your knowledge of US government and politics to answer the question below.
Which of the following is an accurate statement relevant to the topic of this political cartoon?

Treaty ratification relies upon favorable consideration from the Senate Foreign Relations committee.

Which of the following most clearly states the outcome of Baker v. Carr (1962)?

The redistricting of state legislative districts is justiciable by the Federal Courts.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a legislator exhibiting the trustee model of representation?

A legislator casts his or her vote against the wishes of his or her constituency but to satisfy the national interest.

The outcome of Shaw v. Reno (1993) rests most heavily on which of the following clauses manifested in the U.S Constitution?

The Equal Protection Clause.

The concurring opinion in Baker v. Carr (1962) is most closely associated with which judicial principle?

"One Person, One Vote"

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act that created a framework to systematically reduce the federal debt. Which of the following statements best explains why it received bi-partisan support?

High federal budget deficits were believed to be unsustainable and a danger to the nation.

In which o the following situations is a president most likely to be successful in getting his legislative agenda passed by Congress?

The president's approval rating among likely voters is over 70 percent.

The dissenting opinion in Baker v. Carr (1962) is most closely associate with which judicial interpretation?

Judicial Restraint.

Which of the following best describes a reason that a president might choose to make an executive agreement with a foreign nation rather than a treaty?

The Senate is evenly split between the president's party and the opposition party.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison the formal and informal powers of the presidency?

Row A. (formal: veto, informal: executive order)

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of actions taken by the president that best represents the formal and informal powers of the presidency.

Row C. (Formal: The president orders SEAL team 6 to raid a known terrorist camp, Informal: the President informs congress within 48 hours of his order to SEAL team 6 to raid a known terrorist camp)

Imagine the following scenario:
The president is a Republican with an open seat on the Supreme Court to fill.
The President has a voter approval rating of 40%
The midterm election is 60 days away.
Congress has the following party breakdown:

If you were a political strategist employed by the president, what advice would you give the president to best enable his/her policy agenda to have the best chance of success after the election?

Campaign vigorously for Republicans in the Senate facing reelection to maintain your ability to seat a justice of your choice on the court.

Imagine the following congressional makeup before a Midterm Election:

And then this congressional makeup after the Midterm Election:

If the sitting president is a Republican, which of the following is the most accurate explanation of the results above?

Before the mid-term the president had a greater chance of fulfilling his/her policy agenda than after the election.

Based on Federalist No. 51 and your knowledge of the Vietnam War era which of the following best describes the impact of the War Powers Act (1973)?

The declaration was created to check the president's power to commit troops to a conflict not sanctioned by the Congress.

"But quitting the dim light of historical research..." Alexander Hamilton- Federalist No. 70

Based on the excerpt above, which statement below would the author most likely agree with?

Including a constitutional provision to include a council that had to approve presidential actions would be a mistake.

"But quitting the dim light of historical research..." Alexander Hamilton- Federalist No. 70

Which of the following best summarizes Hamilton's argument?

A single chief executive is the most efficient and most sensible approach to governance.

"But quitting the dim light of historical research..." Alexander Hamilton- Federalist No. 70

Which of the following constitutional provisions would replace a division of executive power into a plurality of executives to check the power of a single chief executive?

The "advise and consent" power given to the U.S. Senate in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

"To enable the court to issue a mandamus to compel the delivery of the..."
Marbury v. Madison (1803)

The Courts' power of judicial review was established by the... As referenced in the excerpt from Marbury above, which provision of the Constitution did the Court find that the Judiciary Act of 1789 had violated?

The ability of congress to change the supreme court's original jurisdiction.

"Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive..."

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper: No. 78 (1788)

Which of the following best describes what Hamilton means in the excerpt above when he says that the judiciary has no influence over "the sword"?

The judiciary must rely on the executive to enforce its decisions.

"Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive..."

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper: No. 78 (1788)

Which of the following is the concern of the Anti-Federalists regarding the Constitution that Hamilton is responding to with his argument in the excerpt above?

The extent of the powers of the unelected members of the judiciary.

Groups that advocate for which of the following would be most likely to oppose the expansion of judicial review implied by Marbury v. Madison?

Judicial Restraint.

Which of the following gives the best justification for the Supreme Court's power of judicial review as established by the landmark supreme court case Marbury v Madison?

Vested Power.

Which of the following would be the direct result for a justice if he or she were to break the "good behavior" requirement of Article III of the Constitution?


Which of the following best describes a major assumption made by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78?

The judiciary would remain the weakest of the three branches of the national government.

Which of the following is the MOST effective strategy for the Executive Branch to use to end an investigation by another federal department?

Fire the head of that department.

The broad grants of power to implement legislation given to the bureaucracy by Congress often include powers which are classified as quasi-legislative. Which of the following represents an example of the bureaucracy exercising quasi-legislative powers?

The EPA imposes regulations on businesses that are designed to limit air pollution.

Which of the following actions of the President may be taken to limit the regulatory power of the Environmental Protection Agency?

Appoint a new head of the EPA that shares similar beliefs on regulations.

Which of the following best illustrates the discretionary authority of the department of education?

Reducing the income qualifications for educational grants to attend college.

Which of the following statements provides an accurate comparison of enumerated and implied powers of Congress as specified by the U.S. Constitution?

Enumerated: Congress institutes formal copyright law.

Implied: Congress establishes the national park system.

the president and the defense department have made it a major priority to increase the size of the feet to counter new threats in the Pacific. Which of the following strategies would best suit the Armed Services Committee in its oversight role of the military?

The committee should launch an independent, Government Accounting Office (GAO) investigation of the defense contractor.

The primary purpose of which of the following amendments was to limit the impact of a specific decision of the Supreme Court and thus act as a check on the judiciary?

16th amendment.

Which of the following represents an exercise of the discretionary authority of the department of transportation?

Prohibiting passengers from bringing weapons in carry-on luggage on airplanes.

The constitution provides multiple methods through which the branches of government can limit the power of other branches. Which of the following represents one of the methods by which the impact of a Supreme Court decision can be limited by another branch?

Congress can propose a constitutional amendment.

The House committee on Appropriations has concerns about the extravagant spending taken by the Department of Defense on an expanse of new tanks. Which of the following is the best course of action for the committee to take in investigating this matter?

The committee can bring in the Secretary of Defense for a hearing to ask questions on the new tanks.

Which of the following is the most accurate interpretation of the political cartoon?

Ethics rules are not effectively enforced against banks by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Which of the following is best illustrated in the cartoon?

Policy-making within an iron triangle.

Which of the following most accurately describes a way that an issue network might participate in the policy-making process?

The Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council combine with other environmental groups to petition the Environmental Protection Agency to increase water quality standards.

In which of the following ways can interest groups most effectively exercise influence over the federal courts?

Form a PAC that donates campaign funds to help elect particular Senate candidates.

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