Which of the following best describes the effects that new information technology has on society?

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15. Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has onsociety?Select one:a. It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.b. It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.c. It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.d. It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.e. It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

16.Which of the following best describes intellectual property?Select one:

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17.Which of the following best describes how new information systems result in legal grayareas?Select one:

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18.The strength of patent protection is that itSelect one:

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19.Taking the action that produces the least harm best describes theSelect one:a. Golden Rule.b. "no free lunch" rule.c. Risk Aversion Principle.d. Categorical Imperative.e. Utilitarian Principle.

20.Spamming raises the moral dimension ofSelect one:

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  • School Campbellsville University
  • Course Title CS 521
  • Pages 6

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15) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has onsociety?A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.Answer: B

16) The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to intellectualproperty involve which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?

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17) The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the reservation ofexisting values and institutions fall within which of the following moral dimensions of theinformation age?

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D) Accountability and controlE) Quality of lifeAnswer: E18) Which of the following isnotone of the current key technology trends that raises ethicalissues?

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19) Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central businessactivities of Double Click involve?A) Property rights and obligationsB) System qualityC) Accountability and controlD) Quality of lifeE) Information rights and obligationsAnswer: E

20) The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers ofdetailed information about individuals is known as which of the following?

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Short Answer QuestionsPlease provide short answers to the following questionsName of student: Prathyusha Aavula1.Explain how the Internet challenges the protection of individual privacy andintellectual property.

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Database management system

Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result?

Which of the following best describes how new information systems result in legal gray areas? It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

Which of the following is a data analysis technology that finds obscure connections between data in disparate sources?

NORA technology can take information about people from disparate sources and find obscure, nonobvious relationships.

Is a feature of law governed society and involves having laws that are known and understood?

Due process is a related feature of law-governed societies and is a process in which laws are known and understood and there is an ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws are applied correctly.

Is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place to determine responsibility for an action?

Accountability: A feature of systems and social institutions, accountability means that mechanisms are in place to determine who took responsible action and who is responsible for an action.