Which of the following best describes the relationship between governors and their executive officers quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (30)

    Which statement best describes the salary of the governor?
    A. The Texas governor is one of the highest paid governors in the nation.
    B. The Texas governor's salary is a little above the national average.
    C. The Texas governor's salary is a little below the national average.
    D. The governor's salary is the same as that of the lieutenant governor.


    Which of the following Texas governors was the first to be elected to two consecutive four-year terms?
    A. William Clements
    B. E. J. Davis
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Rick Perry


    The powers of the Texas governor are considered to be __________.
    A. extensive compared to the powers of a third of other state governors
    B. weak compared to the powers of other state governors
    C. about the same as those of 80 percent of all state governors
    D. about the same as those of most state governors


    The primary role of the executive branch of Texas government is to __________.
    A. say what the law is
    B. carry out laws
    C. make laws
    D. interpret the law


    Most people who work in Texas government acquire their positions as a result of __________.
    A. patronage
    B. the merit system
    C. political considerations
    D. nepotism


    Frank is an alumnus of the University of Texas at Austin and has made a lot of money in the oil and gas industry. He always wanted to serve as a UT Board of Regent, a gubernatorial appointment. To improve his chances to receive the appointment, Frank can __________.
    A. work hard on a person's gubernatorial campaign
    B. pay his dues and start doing political party work, such as block walking
    C. make a significant campaign contribution to the candidate most likely to win the governor's race
    D. make a significant campaign contribution to his political party


    Which of the following Texas governors had the most ethnically diverse group of appointees?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    __________ serves as an informal check on the Texas governor's appointment powers.
    A. Overlapping terms of board members
    B. The requirement of gaining approval of two-thirds of the senate
    C. The inability of a governor to remove a prior governor's appointees
    D. Senatorial courtesy


    Which statement best describes the governor's appointment powers?
    A. A governor can remove his appointees with approval of two-thirds of the senate.
    B. A governor can remove his appointees and the appointees of prior governors with approval of two-thirds of the senate.
    C. With approval of two-thirds of the senate, a governor can only remove his predecessor's appointees but not his own.
    D. A governor can remove his own appointees with only a simple majority vote of the senate.


    The power of the governor to institute martial law in response to insurrection or natural disaster is based on the governor's constitutional __________ power.
    A. military
    B. law enforcement
    C. legislative
    D. message


    Which statement best describes the power of the governor to call a special session?
    A. The governor can only call a special session two times between legislative sessions.
    B. The governor must get the approval of the speaker of the house and lieutenant governor before calling a special session.
    C. The governor can call an unlimited number of special sessions.
    D. The governor cannot keep the legislature in special session more than 90 days in any calendar year.


    Which statement best describes the Texas governor's use of the veto over the past 75 years?
    A. Almost 80 percent of governors' vetoes have been overridden by the legislature.
    B. Governors have rarely used the veto power.
    C. Only once has a governor's veto been overridden by the legislature.
    D. There has been about a 50-50 split between sustained vetoes and veto overrides.


    Which of the following Texas governors allowed the largest number of bills to become law without his or her signature?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    During economic hard times, governors have found it necessary to transfer or withhold funds from an agency. Whose approval must a governor obtain before this can happen?
    A. the lieutenant governor
    B. the speaker of the house
    C. both the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house
    D. the Legislative Budget Board


    Why does the governor have significant influence over the judiciary?
    A. The governor is the top elected official and can sway public opinion about the judiciary.
    B. The governor is head of the state party and in that role can endorse judicial candidates for office.
    C. The governor can raise much more money than any judicial candidate can, he or she can donate money to judicial candidates.
    D. The governor has the power to fill judicial vacancies at the district level and above.


    Which of the following Texas governors introduced graft into the pardoning process, resulting in the removal of significant clemency powers from the governor?
    A. Miriam Ferguson
    B. Bill Clements
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Ann Richards


    Which of the following best describes the relationship between clemency power and the governor's office?
    A. The governor only has clemency power to release a person from jail for good cause.
    B. The governor only has clemency power to pardon a convict.
    C. The governor only has clemency e power to parole a convict.
    D. The governor only has clemency power to issue a 30-day reprieve in death penalty cases.


    When did the Republican Party take control of both Texas's governorship and its legislature for the first time since Reconstruction?
    A. 1978
    B. 1994
    C. 2002
    D. 2010


    Governor __________ ran for president in 2012.
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    Which governor was the first to establish an online presence?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    Governor _________ is known for having integrated himself/herself into the legislative process.
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    With which of the following countries does Texas enjoy a special relationship?
    A. Great Britain
    B. Canada
    C. Japan
    D. Mexico


    Which of the following is a factor in the strong trade relationship between Texas and Mexico?
    A. a free trade deal
    B. Texas oil companies' control of Mexico's oil resources
    C. the historical and cultural ties between the two countries
    D. Rick Perry visits to Mexico to confer with its leaders


    Which Mexican president was angry that Texas executed a Mexican citizen?
    A. Enrique Peña Nieto
    B. Felipe Calderón
    C. Vicente Fox
    D. Ernesto Zedillo


    Which of the following countries did Governor Abbott visit, to the consternation of fellow Republicans?
    A. Mexico
    B. Cuba
    C. El Salvado
    D. Venezuela


    The framers of the Texas constitution envisioned that the governor would__________.
    A. be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office
    B. not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office
    C. grow the power of the office over time
    D. work closely with legislative leaders


    Which of the following reflects the informal power of the governor?
    A. vetoing a bill
    B. calling the legislature into special session
    C. appointing someone to a commission
    D. building on the perception of the governor as the state leader


    How many appointees does the governor make to boards, commissions, and judicial vacancies?
    A. about 3,000
    B. about 5,000
    C. about 7,000
    D. about 10,000


    Richard recently worked on Greg Abbott's winning reelection campaign. After the election, the governor approached Richard and asked him whether he wanted to work in the governor's office, and, if so, in what area he would like to work. Richard studied communications in college, where he became interested in the movie industry. Given Richard's interest, which organization should Richard ask to be appointed to?
    A. Policy Office
    B. Administrative Office
    C. Texas Film Commission
    D. Legislative Office


    Which of the following offices is responsible for ensuring that the Texas governor's policies are implemented?
    A. Policy Office
    B. Legislative Office
    C. Administrative Office
    D. General Service Commission


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