Which of the following best describes the relationship between state boards of education and state offices of education?



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Introduction to Teaching, 4th Ed Kauchak, Eggen Pearson

Terms in this set (56)


Which of the following terms best fits the idea of "descriptions of moral standards for good behavior?"

Of the following, which is the most important teacher role?

Creating productive learning environments

Which of the following is the best description of the No Child Left Behind Act?

It is an accountability reform sponsored by the federal government

According to surveys conducted by the National Education Association, which are the two most important reasons people give for choosing to teach?

Working with young people and contributing to society

Which of the following statements best describes the importance of knowledge of content (such as knowledge of history) in being an effective teacher?

Knowledge of content is one of the essential kinds of knowledge that effective teachers possess.

The small percentage of cultural minorities in the teaching force has some school leaders concerned. Which of the following is the most commonly cited reason for this concern?

Research indicates that the minority student population is rapidly increasing, and leaders believe they need minority teachers as role models.


Experienced teachers who provide guidance and support for beginning teachers are most commonly called:


A collection of work samples from your teacher preparation program that you can submit to document your skills and abilities when you apply for a teaching position is best described as a

zero-tolerance programs

Automatic suspensions that result from school disruptions, evidence of alcohol or other drug use, or bringing weapons to school are most commonly labeled:

In a survey of middle school students, what percent reported being bullied in their school?


At-risk students

The description "students who are in danger of failing to complete their education with a level of skills necessary to survive in a modern society" best describes which of the following?

Socioeconomic status influences learning through which of the following ways?

Parental attitudes and values; Interaction patterns in the home; Physical and safety needs

multicultural education

"A variety of strategies schools use to accommodate cultural differences and provide educational opportunities for all students" is best described as:

Which of the following is not a component of ethnicity?

Socioeconomic status

Which of the following statements illustrates the relationship between culture and ethnicity?

Ethnicity is a part of culture

The attitudes, values, customs, and behavior that characterize a social group is best described as:


Of the following, the group that has the most influence on young students' personal and social development is:


Changes in our personalities and our ability to manage our feelings best describes which of the following?

Personal development

According to a research study cited in your text, what percentage of students admit to cheating?


Students' changing conceptions of right and wrong best describes which of the following?

Moral development

Which of the following is the best description of the common school movement?

A historical attempt to make education available to all children in the United States

Which of the following statements best describes the contribution of the Land Ordinance of 1785 to education in America?

It was the law that set aside land that would be used to financially support public education.

Public school officials are not allowed to mandate prayer in their schools. Which of the following best explains why officials are not allowed to mandate prayers?

The First Amendment to the Constitution that established the principle of separation of church and state

Which of the following best describes the legal action that resulted in every state in the United States now having its own office of education?

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which said that areas not assigned to the federal government would be the responsibilities of the states.

At a most basic level, philosophy is often described as:

a search for wisdom

Of the following, the most commonly voiced criticism of social reconstructionism is

It has abandoned schools as places for learning, instead using schools for political purposes.

A teacher who believes that students are best educated when they study the ideas that have endured through history, such as math, science, and great literature, is most strongly guided by


"A framework for thinking about educational issues and a guide for professional practice" best describes which of the following?

A philosophy of education

A geographical area given the legal responsibility for education within its borders is best described as a

school district

Of the following, which best approximates the percentage of the money allocated to education that is actually spent on instruction?


The person(s) given the ultimate responsibility for a school's operation is/are the:


Middle schools are designed to help students

navigate the rapid social, emotional, and intellectual changes of adolescence.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between state boards of education and state offices of education?

State boards make policies, and state offices implement policies for individual states.

The person or persons most responsible for establishing and maintaining high expectations for teachers and students is:

the principal of the individual school.

Vouchers are a method of school choice. A voucher is

a check or document that parents can use to purchase educational services.

Which of the following is the largest source of educational funding?

State revenue sources

Which of the following is the best definition of ethics?

Principles used to decide whether or not acts are right or wrong

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between teachers' legal responsibilities and their ethical responsibilities?

Legal responsibilities describe what teachers must do (such as protecting students' safety), whereas ethical responsibilities describe what teachers should do (such as objectively presenting both sides of a controversial issue).

Teachers' rights to choose content and teaching methods based on their professional judgment is best described as:

academic freedom

A process designed to ensure that teachers are competent and morally fit to work with youth is best described as


Topics teachers decide to leave out of the courses of study are best described as making up which of the following:

The null curriculum

Which of the following best describes the explicit curriculum?

What students learn that is found in their textbooks

Which of the following best describes instruction?

The ways teachers help students reach learning goals

Which of the following statements best describes curriculum?

Learning goals and the reasons the goals have been selected

Which of the following best describes a productive learning environment?

A classroom environment that is orderly and focuses on learning.

Which of the following is not an outcome of effective management?

Greater obedience and conformity

The amount of time a teacher or school designates for a topic or subject matter area is called:

allocated time

Teachers' responses to the misbehavior of students best describes

classroom discipline

Which of the following is the best definition of effective teaching?

Teaching that maximizes learning for all students

Of the following, what is the best description of learning objectives?

Statements that specify what students should know or be able to do with respect to a topic

Of the following, which is the best definition of assessment?

The process teachers use to gather information and make decisions about students' learning progress

Which of the following is most important when teachers prepare and organize learning activities?

Finding or creating high-quality examples and problems

Of the following, which is the best explanation for why classroom assessment is so important?

It helps teachers determine how much each student has learned.

According to your text, portfolios are a form of

formal assessment

Asking students to demonstrate skills similar to those required in real world settings best describe

performance assessments

Which of the following are sources of information that are used in informal assessments?

Walking among students as they work on a seatwork assignment; Hearing students' responses to questions; Observing student behavior on the playground; Hearing a teacher describe a student's achievement from the previous year

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