Which of the following can be used to provide visual contrast and important resting points for the reader?

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1 point

Using short paragraphs will help you improve the readability of your business messages because

they can help you emphasize your ideas.

they won't intimidate typical readers.

they're easier to read than long paragraphs.

all of the above.


1 point

Informative headings and subheadings

are unnecessary in business documents, as descriptive headings are sufficient.

are less helpful to readers than descriptive headings.

guide readers to think a certain way about the topics covered.

are easier to write than descriptive headings.


1 point

To make your message more interesting and accessible, you should use as many design elements and decorative touches as possible.




1 point

Using white space in a document

provides visual contrast and important resting points for your readers.

means that you're not including sufficient facts and details.

is only an option when you can't use color.

makes your document look drab and unappealing.


1 point

You can count on grammar checking software to ________ when you want to revise a message you've written.

assess the readability of your message

determine whether you've stated your message clearly and completely

highlight potential concerns, such as passive voice and long sentences

show proposed changes and a history of revisions


1 point

Skilled business writers

vary the length of their sentences to maintain reader interest and convey information effectively.

never use sentences that contain fewer than 10 words.

use long sentences to emphasize important information.

keep their sentences to an average length of 40 words or fewer.


1 point

For general business messages, gear your writing toward readers at the

first-grade to fourth-grade level.

twelfth-grade to fourteenth-grade level.

eighth-grade to eleventh-grade level.

fifth-grade to sixth-grade level.


1 point

If you're sending extremely large files, you should

use overnight delivery to send a hard copy rather than sending them electronically.

send duplicate copies as email attachments to ensure that they reach your audience.

always send them as MS Word attachments.

consider using recordable media such as DVDs or a file-hosting site.


1 point

The middle section of a message has the greatest impact on the audience.




1 point

When you're creating a list for a business document,

keep in mind that the items need not be parallel.

always use bullets, rather than numbers or letters.

make sure it contains at least 7 items.

include a short sentence or paragraph to introduce the list.


1 point

"Visible to the eye" is an example of

a cliché.

the passive voice.




1 point

Short words are generally more vivid and easier to read than long words.




1 point

Business writers use bulleted and numbered lists for all of the following reasons except

adding decorative elements to their messages.

helping readers locate key points.

sequencing their ideas.

heightening the visual impact of their ideas.


1 point

Because the first thing that readers will notice about your message is its appearance, you should pay special attention to design and page layout.




1 point

With more complex messages, it is a good idea to set aside a first draft for a day or two before beginning the revision process.



Which of the following design elements creates visual contrast and resting points for the reader?

White space provides visual contrast for your readers, and gives them a resting point. White space includes the open area surrounding headings, margin areas, the vertical space between columns, the space created by ragged line endings, and indents or extra space between paragraphs.

How can you improve the readability of your business messages briefly explain your answer?

Improving the Readability of your Business Message.
Use varying sentence lengths- This helps to keep the readers interest as well as helps to control emphasis. ... .
Keep paragraphs short- Long paragraphs can look overwhelming and can be hard to read for anyone. ... .
Use lists and bullets- Lists are a helpful tool..

Which of the following should be the main focus of revising your message quizlet?

Which of the following should be the main focus of revising your​ message? The general purpose of a message identifies what you hope to accomplish with the message and what your audience should do or think after receiving your message.

In what way do informative headings help the reader save time quizlet?

Headings also control the reader's attention, making the text easier to read and helping the audience find the parts they need to read—or skip. Finally, headings help readers make connections between subordinate ideas and main ones. Briefly explain the difference between descriptive headings and informative headings.


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