Which of the following claims about the TYR TRP2 and TRP1 mammalian genes is most likely to be accurate?

Which of the following best predicts the phenotype of an individual who is homozy-gous for this TYR mutation?A.The mutation will cause a single amino acid change in the TYR protein,which will not be enough to disrupt its function. Therefore, those with thismutation will produce melanin in the hair, skin, and eyes and tan inresponse to UV radiation.B.The mutation will cause a single amino acid change in the TYR protein,leading to a nonfunctional TYRprotein. Therefore, those with thismutation will lack melanin in the hair, skin, and eyes and will not tan inresponse to UVradiationC.The mutation will change all subsequent amino acids in the TYRprotein,leading to nonfunctional TYRprotein. Since the TRP1 and TRP2 geneswere not affected, the TRP1 and TRP2 proteins will fill the role of the TYRprotein. Therefore, those with this mutation will produce melanin in thehair, skin, and eyes in response to UV radiation.D.The mutation will change all subsequent amino acids in theTYRprotein,leading to nonfunctionalTYR.

Which of the following claims about the TYR TRP2 and TRP1 mammalian genes is most likely to BR accurate?

Which of the following claims about the TYR, TRP2, and TRP1 mammalian genes is most likely to be accurate? The TYRTYR, TRP2TRP2, and TRP1TRP1 genes may be located on different chromosomes but are activated by the same transcription factor. Keratinocytes do not express the MITFMITF gene.

Are TYR TRP2 and TRP1 on the same chromosome?

The TYR , TRP2 , and TRP1 genes are identical genes since they are activated by the same transcription factor. The TYR , TRP2 , and TRP1 genes may be located on different chromosomes but with identical operator sequences.

Which of the following best supports the claim that binding of miRNA miRNA Delta to the miRNA miRNA binding site inhibits translation of gene Q mRNA mRNA?

Which of the following best supports the claim that binding of miRNA‑delta to the miRNA binding site inhibits translation of gene Q mRNA? When the miRNA binding site sequence is altered, translation of Q mRNA occurs in the presence of miRNA-delta.

Which of the following claims best explains why keratinocytes do not produce melanin quizlet?

Which of the following claims best explains why keratinocytes do not produce melanin? Keratinocytes do not express the MITF gene. In mammals, the dark color of skin, hair, and eyes is due to a pigment called melanin. Melanin is produced by specialized skin cells called melanocytes.


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