Which of the following concepts refers to group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks?

Instrumental leadership. Group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks. Expressive leadership.

Which type of leadership focuses on the completion of tasks?

Instrumental leadership focuses on achieving goals. Leaders who are dominantly instrumental work to maintain productivity and ensure that tasks are completed. They make good managers because they get the job done.

What is the term for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks? instrumental leadership.

Which of the following concepts refers to group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks group of answer choices?

What is the term for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks group of answer choices Democratic leadership authoritarian leadership expressive leadership instrumental leadership? Instrumental leadership. Group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks. Expressive leadership.

What is group leadership in sociology?

Group Leadership. Often, larger groups require some kind of leadership. … Leadership function refers to the main focus or goal of the leader. An instrumental leader is one who is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.

Which type of leader encourages everyone?

Democratic leaders encourage group participation in all decision making.

Which type of leader encourages everyone in a group to participate in decision making?

Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership or shared leadership, is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process.

What are the 3 main types of leadership?

Leadership style is a leader’s approach to providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. In 1939, psychologist Kurt Lewin and a team of researchers determined that there were three basic leadership styles: Authoritarian (Autocratic), Participative (Democratic) and Delegative (Laissez-Faire).

What are the 4 types of leadership?

  • Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership. An autocratic leader centralizes power and decision-making in himself. …
  • Democratic or Participative leadership. Participative or democratic leaders decentralise authority. …
  • The Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership. …
  • Paternalistic leadership.

What is the best leadership style?

Democratic leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority they’ll need to use wisely in future positions they might hold. It also resembles how decisions can be made in company board meetings.

Which type of leadership style takes charge?

The authoritative leader knows the mission, is confident in working toward it, and empowers team members to take charge just as she is. The authoritative leader uses vision to drive strategy and encourages team members to use their strengths and emerge as leaders themselves.

What is every society’s most important primary group?

Which of the following is every society’s most important primary group? … peer group.

What is an example of secondary group?

Secondary groups are also groups in which one exchanges explicit commodities, such as labor for wages, services for payments, etc. Examples of these would be employment, vendor-to-client relationships, a doctor, a mechanic, an accountant, and such.

What is leadership in a group?

Leadership Overview

A group leader must be responsible for not only participating in the group and ensuring that the group’s goal is attained, but also for motivating the team, delivering success, and being a resource that group members can reach out to for help.

What do you mean by group leadership?

In other words, team leadership is the management of a group of people to achieve the desired result. The leader must motivate and inspire confidence in the members of the group.

What are the types of group leadership?

  • Autocratic. …
  • Authoritative. …
  • Pacesetting. …
  • Democratic. …
  • Coaching. …
  • Affiliative. …
  • Laissez-Faire.

What is the term for a group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks?

What is the term for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks? instrumental leadership.

Which concept refers to a social group with only two members?

A social group with only two members is called a. dyad.

What do sociologists call two or more people who identify and interact with one another group of answer choices?

In the social sciences, a social group can be defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity.

Which type of leadership style focuses on instrumental concerns making decisions and ensuring group members obey?

As the name suggests, authoritarian leaders issue orders and assigns tasks. These leaders are clear instrumental leaders with a strong focus on meeting goals.


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