Which of the following does not accurately describe what we mean when we say that language is personal quizlet?

The word communication comes from the Latin communicare, which means

"to make common."

Which of the following is the least public form of communication?


James is at home watching a politically oriented discussion show on cable TV. One of the commentators is making arguments that are faulty, which makes James very angry. But James cannot express that to the commentator on TV. James is feeling the frustrations of which context of communication?

mass context

Dialogic communication is best described as


Saying "uh huh" to indicate you understand is using what is classified as a

nonverbal code

Li, Sarena, and Elini are having an in-depth conversation about a previous relationship that was abusive. Each of the women is participating equally. What type of descriptor most accurately describes this conversation?


Carmella and Jésus are sitting in a coffee shop having a friendly conversation. What descriptor of their communication interaction is most accurate?

dyadic communication

When you do not listen well because you are daydreaming, it is because of

semantic distractions

A person groups stimuli into meaningful units during which part of perception?


If I notice that Heng and Yolanda are often together and I "fill in" my inference that they are now lovers, then I am illustrating the concept of perception called


Which of the following is the best example of selective attention?

Select one:
a. She immediately spotted the guy with the earring who looked so much like someone she had known before.
b. They agreed with each other because they both liked the idea of government ownership of basic industry.
c. He was an expert "body man" in a chop shop; she was a hair stylist in the low-rent district.
d. They fought constantly over how the children should be disciplined.


Which of the following activities does NOT occur in perception?

Select one:
a. exploration
b. interpretation
c. organization
d. selection


Which of the following would NOT be an example of an identity factor that affects perception?

Select one:
a. mental distractions such as daydreaming
b. a transgender identity
c. a background in Roman Catholicism
d. a woman who weighs ninety-seven pounds


The idea that our past experiences lead us to see the world in a particular way that is difficult to change is called

perceptual constancy

According to the textbook, first impressions

are based on comparisons to ourselves

Perception checking is a skill that helps us

understand another person and his or her message more accurately

Which of the following is an example of indexing?
Select one:
a. Fords get great gas mileage.
b. My Shih Tzu chews on everything. Does yours do that as well?
c. Everyone in the Midwest farms.
d. All landlords are unhelpful.


Which of the following statements is descriptive as opposed to evaluative?

Select one:
a. That test was the toughest torture I've experienced.
b. The test made my hair stand on end.
c. I counted twenty questions of which I was uncertain.
d. I think I flunked the test because it was unfair.


Language that puts down people for being young or old is

ageist language

The same bottom-feeding fish known as bullheads in Minnesota are called catfish in Ohio. This language phenomenon is classified as


Which of the following is NOT an example of a cliché?

Select one:
a. "You only get out of it what you put in it."
b. "Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot."
c. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
d. "No pain, no gain."


Which of the following examples best depicts the denotative meaning of a word?

Select one:
a. Abortion is the murder of a fetus.
b. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy in the first trimester.
c. Abortion is the last-ditch birth control.
d. Abortion is the death of a human soul.


Which of the following does NOT accurately describe what we mean when we say that language is personal?

Select one:
a. We each have different vocabularies.
b. We develop our own expressions to describe our own reality.
c. We have different levels of experience that limit or expand our capacity to communicate ideas and things.
d. We each have developed language without the influence of our age, gender, or personality.


Paraphrasing is the act of

repeating what you think you heard in your own words.

Which of the following statements about distance is FALSE?

Select one:
a. Women exhibit discomfort at the small space they are allowed by others.
b. Women and children are given little space in our American culture.
c. Women and children desire more relational closeness than do males in our society.
d. Men tend to take more room because they are usually bigger in height and weight.


Which of the following findings is true of the relationship between dress and personality?

Select one:
a. People who dress with comfort in mind tend to be low in self-control and introverted.
b. People who dress in a decorative style tend to be unsociable and intellectual.
c. People who are conformist in dress are expressive, dominant, and unrestrained in social situations.
d. People who conform to current styles seek to be accepted and liked.


Which statement about nonverbal use of space is FALSE?

Select one:
a. Strangely enough, people tend to stand close together in a large space like an auditorium.
b. Strangely enough, people tend to stay farther apart in small places like elevators.
c. Middle-class suburbanites in the United States tend to have open backyards, but people in Latin America tend to have walls.
d. Americans tend to stand much closer to each other than do people from most other countries.


Kelly is listening intently to her friend, Sheri, talk about her boyfriend who is leaving for a year to serve in the Army. Kelly says "mmm-hmm" during the conversation to show Sheri that she is listening. She is communicating using

paralinguistic features

In reference to chronemics, polychronic people might ________, whereas monochronic people might ________.

arrive and leave late; arrive and leave on time or early

Upon walking into a crowded bar on a Friday night, Daniel begins to get uncomfortable because it is so crowded. There are many people very close to him and some even bumping into him as they pass. These people are in Daniel's

intimate space.

Which statement about clothing and the perceptions of others is NOT verified by research?

Select one:
a. Clothing affects others' impression of status.
b. Clothing and artifacts are unrelated to how acceptable we find other people to be.
c. Clothing is often cited by women as the most important characteristic when describing another's popularity.
d. Brightly colored clothing is associated with sophistication, immorality, and physical attractiveness.


Which type of nonverbal communication occurs when you send the same message both verbally and nonverbally?


Which of the following is a limitation of short-term memory?

can only hold five to nine "bits" of information on average

Which two concepts seem most closely related?

Select one:
a. egocentrism and personal bias
b. defensiveness and self-focus
c. experiential superiority and defensiveness
d. personal bias and defensiveness


Which of the following is not necessarily part of the process of listening?

Select one:
a. The stimuli are picked up by the ear.
b. The nerves transmit sensations to the brain.
c. The brain assigns meanings to the stimuli.
d. The receiver responds with a return message.


Which of the following statements about active listening is FALSE?

Select one:
a. Active listening is "involved listening with a purpose."
b. Active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing.
c. Active listening is characterized by movement, change, and responsiveness on the part of the listener.
d. Active listening implies feedback to the speaker.


"You need to remember this because it will be on the quiz." What type of lecture cue is this statement?


The phrases "This will be on your quiz Friday" and "The second type of listening is..." are examples of

lecture cues

One of the suggestions for being a better listener in the workplace is to "plan for nuggets." The strategy recommended for doing this involves

using a separate column in your notes

Which of the following is essential to demonstrating active listening?

Sit or stand so you are directly facing the speaker.

Which of the following best exhibits critical thinking?

Select one:
a. You are able to memorize what you hear.
b. You are able to recall most of what you listen to.
c. You are able to interpret what you hear and apply it to other knowledge.
d. You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message.


A relationship in which the two people are very similar is called

a symmetrical relationship

In which stage of how friends develop do people think of themselves as friends and begin to establish their own private ways of interacting?

nascent friendship

What is one strategy for appropriate self-disclosure in interpersonal relationships?

Reveal information to others as they reveal information to you

Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages in interpersonal relationships?

Select one:
a. social penetration
b. relational development
c. relational deterioration
d. relational maintenance


Which of the following is a reason people terminate relationships?

Select one:
a. aggressiveness
b. compliance-gaining
c. personal idioms
d. behavioral flexibility


In relationships, formalized patterns of actions or words that are followed regularly and are indicators of relational uniqueness are called


The opposite of defensive communication is

supportive communication

Rashi and Anita marry because they are of the same cultural background. This is most likely what type of relationship?


Relationships in which the two people are not romantically involved but have a sexual relationship are called

friends with benefits

A dispute between people in a relationship that arises from differing ideas, needs, desires, or interest


The emotional meaning or the secondary association triggered in most people by a word


A dispute between two people

interpersonal conflict

A dispute within a group

intragroup conflict

A dispute between two or more groups

intergroup conflict

Discord within yourself

intrapersonal conflict

A disagreement that has not yet become a conflict

latent conflict

A dispute that has erupted into actual conflict

emergent conflict

growth in the intensity of a dispute


a long standing dispute in which parties are entrenched in their positions and a re extremely resistant to change

intractable conflict

a conlflict resolution style in which you ignore, deny, or chose not to deal with an issue


a conflict resolution style in which you view conflict as a contest you strive to win


1. An organization with this orientation generates and distributes power and control within society.
a. economic
b. political
c. pattern maintenance
d. integration


1. Information flows in an organization through patterns of relationships known as
a. communication networks.
b. organizational communication.
c. objective statements.
d. pattern maintenance.


1. When information is transferred formally between a worker and his or her boss, which type of communication takes place?
a. horizontal
b. societal
c. political
d. upward


1. When preparing for and taking part in an interview, you should
a. dress a bit more casually than you expect the interviewer to dress.
b. ignore the job description, because the interviewer will tell you about the job's duties.
c. avoid using strong eye contact.
d. ask and answer questions effectively and ethically.


1. Which workplace communication competence category includes behaviors surrounding giving and receiving feedback?
a. organizing
b. immediacy
c. relationship maintenance
d. information sharing


1. By smiling, gesturing, and using facial expressions in the workplace to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others, you are enacting
a. immediacy.
b. management.
c. ambiguity.
d. preparation.


1. Which technique of conflict management is used to maintain relationship harmony but stifles creative dialogue and decision making?
a. compromise
b. accommodation
c. avoidance
d. collaboration


1. Customer service representatives may use which of the following compliance-gaining strategies, in which the representative implies that it is immoral not to comply?
a. promises
b. pre-giving
c. threats
d. moral appeals


1. Conflict in the workplace can be
a. destructive.
b. neither a nor b.
c. productive.
d. both a and b.

a and b

1. If your boss tells you that you can leave work early on Fridays if you go on a date with him or her, he or she is utilizing a type of sexual harassment called
a. quid pro quo sexual harassment.
b. hostile work environment sexual harassment.
c. emotional labor.
d. nothing; it is not sexual harassment.


An amount of information that exceeds an individual's capacity to read and respond in an adequate and timely manner.

information overload

groups of individuals who interact and cooperate with one another in a structured way for a shared purpose


the paths along which messages travel in an organization

communication channels

the formal and informal communication that affects the functioning of an organization

organizational communication

the communication htat takes place betwen employees with the organization

internal communication

communication with the public and the media that goes outside the organization

external communication

the official structure in an organization through which messages flow

formal communication network

the spontaneous way in which messages flow through and organization

informal communication network

an informal communication network in which messages or gossip are passed from person to person


the unique character and set of assumptions and values that represent the collective attitudes and behavior of people in an organization

organizational culture

the method of becoming familiar with the way an organization operates and what behavior is acceptable or permitted in that enviornment

socialization process

the passing of messages from high to lower levels within an organization

downward communication

What is the definition of language quizlet?

Language. The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. The Human Language Faculty.

Which of the following are functions of language quizlet?

Terms in this set (8).
Instrumental. Using language to get something done, to carry out business. ... .
Control. Using language to control others behaviour, making them act the way that we want. ... .
Information. Using language to pass information. ... .
Expression. ... .
Social Contact. ... .
Stimulation. ... .
Role-related. ... .
Alleviation of Anxiety..

Which of the following are the primary social functions of language?

The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release.

What is the study of the origin of language called quizlet?

What is the study of the origin of language called? glottology.