Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of imaginary audience

Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of imaginary audience

Quiz Early Childhood Adolescence

HSCO 502-DO6

Human Growth and Development

Question 1

2 out of 2 points

At what age would a young child typically show self-recognition, the ability to

recognize themselves in a mirror?



By 18


Question 2

2 out of 2 points

Piaget’s description of the differences between preoperational thought

(characteristic of preschool aged children) and concrete operational thought

(characteristic of elementary school aged children), includes which of the following?



Preoperational thought is centered, but concrete operational

thought is decentered.

Question 3

2 out of 2 points

A cognitive change during middle childhood that is characterized by improved

declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge is know as





Question 4

0 out of 2 points

Video response. Review the video on, page 215 of your book; from the 3 statements

select which one(s) are correct.

Statement 1: The boy is reciting an audio biological memory of the event based on

episodic memory.

Statement 2: The boy is using schematic representation of the event to form a


Statement 3: The boy is demonstrating declarative knowledge about facts and




Statement 1 is


Question 5

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to the moral self:



Moral development and religious experience are equivalent, in order

to develop morally, own must have a religious affiliation.

Question 6

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of the imaginary audience quizlet?

Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of the imaginary audience? A sense of shame.

Which parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents?

Chapter 10 Question #2: Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents? Authoritative.

Which of the following widely held assumptions about children's cognitive development was derived from Jean Piaget?

Which of the following widely held assumptions about children's cognitive development was derived from Jean Piaget? Children construct their knowledge.

Is the brain structure that connects the left and right hemisphere leading to more efficient information processing?

The corpus callosum connects the two halves of the brain and delivers messages from one half of the brain to the other.