Which of the following extensions is found on a script that needs to be run in a host environment such as Internet Explorer?

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Custom Script Extension for Windows

  • Article
  • 07/22/2022
  • 12 minutes to read

In this article

The Custom Script Extension downloads and runs scripts on Azure virtual machines (VMs). This extension is useful for post-deployment configuration, software installation, or any other configuration or management task. You can download scripts from Azure Storage or GitHub, or provide them to the Azure portal at extension runtime.

The Custom Script Extension integrates with Azure Resource Manager templates. You can also run it by using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, the Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machines REST API.

This article details how to use the Custom Script Extension by using the Azure PowerShell module and Azure Resource Manager templates. It also provides troubleshooting steps for Windows systems.



Don't use the Custom Script Extension to run Update-AzVM with the same VM as its parameter, because it will wait for itself.

Operating system

The Custom Script Extension for Windows will run on these supported operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2016 Core
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2019 Core
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2022 Core
  • Windows 11

Script location

You can set the extension to use your Azure Blob Storage credentials so that it can access Azure Blob Storage. The script location can be anywhere, as long as the VM can route to that endpoint (for example, GitHub or an internal file server).

Internet connectivity

If you need to download a script externally, such as from GitHub or Azure Storage, then you need to open additional firewall or network security group (NSG) ports. For example, if your script is located in Azure Storage, you can allow access by using Azure NSG service tags for Storage.

The Custom Script Extension does not have any way to bypass certificate validation. So if you're downloading from a secured location with, for example, a self-signed certificate, you might get errors like "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." Make sure that the certificate is correctly installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the VM.

If your script is on a local server, you might still need to open additional firewall or NSG ports.

Tips and tricks

  • The highest failure rate for this extension is due to syntax errors in the script. Test that the script runs without errors. Put additional logging into the script to make it easier to find failures.
  • Write scripts that are idempotent, so running them more than once accidentally won't cause system changes.
  • Ensure that the scripts don't require user input when they run.
  • The script is allowed 90 minutes to run. Anything longer will result in a failed provision of the extension.
  • Don't put reboots inside the script. This action will cause problems with other extensions that are being installed, and the extension won't continue after the reboot.
  • If you have a script that will cause a reboot before installing applications and running scripts, schedule the reboot by using a Windows Scheduled Task or by using tools such as DSC, Chef, or Puppet extensions.
  • Don't run a script that will cause a stop or update of the VM agent. It might leave the extension in a transitioning state and lead to a timeout.
  • The extension will run a script only once. If you want to run a script on every startup, use the extension to create a Windows Scheduled Task.
  • If you want to schedule when a script will run, use the extension to create a Windows Scheduled Task.
  • When the script is running, you'll only see a "transitioning" extension status from the Azure portal or CLI. If you want more frequent status updates for a running script, you'll need to create your own solution.
  • The Custom Script Extension doesn't natively support proxy servers. However, you can use a file transfer tool that supports proxy servers within your script, such as Invoke-WebRequest.
  • Be aware of non-default directory locations that your scripts or commands might rely on. Have logic to handle this situation.
  • The Custom Script Extension runs under the LocalSystem account.
  • If you plan to use the storageAccountName and storageAccountKey properties, these properties must be collocated in protectedSettings.

Extension schema

The Custom Script Extension configuration specifies things like script location and the command to be run. You can store this configuration in configuration files, specify it on the command line, or specify it in an Azure Resource Manager template.

You can store sensitive data in a protected configuration, which is encrypted and only decrypted inside the virtual machine. The protected configuration is useful when the execution command includes secrets such as a password or a shared access signature (SAS) file reference. Here's an example:

{ "apiVersion": "2018-06-01", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions", "name": "virtualMachineName/config-app", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', variables('vmName'),copyindex())]", "[variables('musicstoresqlName')]" ], "tags": { "displayName": "config-app" }, "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.Compute", "type": "CustomScriptExtension", "typeHandlerVersion": "1.10", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "settings": { "timestamp":123456789 }, "protectedSettings": { "commandToExecute": "myExecutionCommand", "storageAccountName": "myStorageAccountName", "storageAccountKey": "myStorageAccountKey", "managedIdentity" : {}, "fileUris": [ "script location" ] } } }


The managedIdentity property must not be used in conjunction with the storageAccountName or storageAccountKey property.

Only one version of an extension can be installed on a VM at a point in time. Specifying a custom script twice in the same Azure Resource Manager template for the same VM will fail.

You can use this schema inside the VM resource or as a standalone resource. The name of the resource has to be in the format virtualMachineName/extensionName, if this extension is used as a standalone resource in the Azure Resource Manager template.

Property values

NameValue or exampleData type
apiVersion 2015-06-15 date
publisher Microsoft.Compute string
type CustomScriptExtension string
typeHandlerVersion 1.10 int
fileUris https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/dotnet-core-sample-templates/master/dotnet-core-music-windows/scripts/configure-music-app.ps1 array
timestamp 123456789 32-bit integer
commandToExecute powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File configure-music-app.ps1 string
storageAccountName examplestorageacct string
storageAccountKey TmJK/1N3AbAZ3q/+hOXoi/l73zOqsaxXDhqa9Y83/v5UpXQp2DQIBuv2Tifp60cE/OaHsJZmQZ7teQfczQj8hg== string
managedIdentity { } or { "clientId": "31b403aa-c364-4240-a7ff-d85fb6cd7232" } or { "objectId": "12dd289c-0583-46e5-b9b4-115d5c19ef4b" } JSON object


These property names are case-sensitive. To avoid deployment problems, use the names as shown here.

Property value details

PropertyOptional or requiredDetails
fileUris Optional URLs for files to be downloaded. If URLs are sensitive (for example, they contain keys), this field should be specified in protectedSettings.
commandToExecute Required The entry point script to run. Use this property if your command contains secrets such as passwords or if your file URIs are sensitive.
timestamp Optional Change this value only to trigger a rerun of the script. Any integer value is acceptable, as long as it's different from the previous value.
storageAccountName Optional The name of storage account. If you specify storage credentials, all fileUris values must be URLs for Azure blobs.
storageAccountKey Optional The access key of the storage account.
managedIdentity Optional The managed identity for downloading files:

clientId (optional, string): The client ID of the managed identity.

objectId (optional, string): The object ID of the managed identity.

You can set the following values in either public or protected settings. The extension will reject any configuration where these values are set in both public and protected settings.

  • commandToExecute
  • fileUris

Using public settings might be useful for debugging, but we recommend that you use protected settings.

Public settings are sent in clear text to the VM where the script will be run. Protected settings are encrypted through a key known only to Azure and the VM. The settings are saved to the VM as they were sent. That is, if the settings were encrypted, they're saved encrypted on the VM. The certificate that's used to decrypt the encrypted values is stored on the VM. The certificate is also used to decrypt settings (if necessary) at runtime.

Property: managedIdentity


This property must be specified in protected settings only.

The Custom Script Extension (version 1.10 and later) supports managed identities for downloading files from URLs provided in the fileUris setting. It allows the Custom Script Extension to access Azure Storage private blobs or containers without the user having to pass secrets like SAS tokens or storage account keys.

To use this feature, the user must add a system-assigned or user-assigned identity to the VM or virtual machine scale set where the Custom Script Extension is expected to run. The user must then grant the managed identity access to the Azure Storage container or blob.

To use the system-assigned identity on the target VM or virtual machine scale set, set managedidentity to an empty JSON object.


{ "fileUris": ["https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/privatecontainer/script1.ps1"], "commandToExecute": "powershell.exe script1.ps1", "managedIdentity" : {} }

To use the user-assigned identity on the target VM or virtual machine scale set, configure managedidentity with the client ID or the object ID of the managed identity.


{ "fileUris": ["https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/privatecontainer/script1.ps1"], "commandToExecute": "powershell.exe script1.ps1", "managedIdentity" : { "clientId": "31b403aa-c364-4240-a7ff-d85fb6cd7232" } } { "fileUris": ["https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/privatecontainer/script1.ps1"], "commandToExecute": "powershell.exe script1.ps1", "managedIdentity" : { "objectId": "12dd289c-0583-46e5-b9b4-115d5c19ef4b" } }


The managedIdentity property must not be used in conjunction with the storageAccountName or storageAccountKey property.

Template deployment

You can deploy Azure VM extensions by using Azure Resource Manager templates. The JSON schema detailed in the previous section can be used in an Azure Resource Manager template to run the Custom Script Extension during the template's deployment. The following samples show how to use the Custom Script Extension:

  • Tutorial: Deploy virtual machine extensions with Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Deploy Two Tier Application on Windows and Azure SQL Database

PowerShell deployment

You can use the Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension command to add the Custom Script Extension to an existing virtual machine. For more information, see Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension.

Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> ` -VMName <vmName> ` -Location myLocation ` -FileUri <fileUrl> ` -Run 'myScript.ps1' ` -Name DemoScriptExtension

Additional examples

Using multiple scripts

In this example, you're using three scripts to build your server. The commandToExecute property calls the first script. You then have options on how the others are called. For example, you can have a master script that controls the execution, with the right error handling, logging, and state management. The scripts are downloaded to the local machine for execution.

For example, in 1_Add_Tools.ps1, you would call 2_Add_Features.ps1 by adding .\2_Add_Features.ps1 to the script. You would repeat this process for the other scripts that you define in $settings.

$fileUri = @("https://xxxxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/buildServer1/1_Add_Tools.ps1", "https://xxxxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/buildServer1/2_Add_Features.ps1", "https://xxxxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/buildServer1/3_CompleteInstall.ps1") $settings = @{"fileUris" = $fileUri}; $storageAcctName = "xxxxxxx" $storageKey = "1234ABCD" $protectedSettings = @{"storageAccountName" = $storageAcctName; "storageAccountKey" = $storageKey; "commandToExecute" = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File 1_Add_Tools.ps1"}; #run command Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> ` -Location <locationName> ` -VMName <vmName> ` -Name "buildserver1" ` -Publisher "Microsoft.Compute" ` -ExtensionType "CustomScriptExtension" ` -TypeHandlerVersion "1.10" ` -Settings $settings ` -ProtectedSettings $protectedSettings;

In this example, you might want to use a local Server Message Block (SMB) server for your script location. You then don't need to provide any other settings, except commandToExecute.

$protectedSettings = @{"commandToExecute" = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File \\filesvr\build\serverUpdate1.ps1"}; Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> ` -Location <locationName> ` -VMName <vmName> ` -Name "serverUpdate" -Publisher "Microsoft.Compute" ` -ExtensionType "CustomScriptExtension" ` -TypeHandlerVersion "1.10" ` -ProtectedSettings $protectedSettings

Running a custom script more than once by using the CLI

The Custom Script Extension handler will prevent rerunning a script if the exact same settings have been passed. This behavior prevents accidental rerunning, which might cause unexpected behaviors if the script isn't idempotent. You can confirm if the handler has blocked the rerunning by looking at C:\WindowsAzure\Logs\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension<HandlerVersion>\CustomScriptHandler.log and searching for a warning like this one:

Current sequence number, <SequenceNumber>, is not greater than the sequence number of the most recently executed configuration. Exiting...

If you want to run the Custom Script Extension more than once, you can do that only under these conditions:

  • The extension's Name parameter is the same as the previous deployment of the extension.
  • You've updated the configuration. You can add a dynamic property to the command, such as a timestamp. If the handler detects a change in the configuration settings, it will consider that change as an explicit desire to rerun the script.

Alternatively, you can set the ForceUpdateTag property to true.

Using Invoke-WebRequest

If you're using Invoke-WebRequest in your script, you must specify the parameter -UseBasicParsing. If you don't specify the parameter, you'll get the following error when checking the detailed status:

The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.

Virtual machine scale sets

If you deploy the Custom Script Extension from the Azure portal, you don't have control over the expiration of the SAS token for accessing the script in your storage account. The result is that the initial deployment works, but when the storage account's SAS token expires, any subsequent scaling operation fails because the Custom Script Extension can no longer access the storage account.

We recommend that you use PowerShell, the Azure CLI, or an Azure Resource Manager template when you deploy the Custom Script Extension on a virtual machine scale set. This way, you can choose to use a managed identity or have direct control of the expiration of the SAS token for accessing the script in your storage account for as long as you need.

Troubleshoot and support

You can retrieve data about the state of extension deployments from the Azure portal and by using the Azure PowerShell module. To see the deployment state of extensions for a VM, run the following command:

Get-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> -VMName <vmName> -Name myExtensionName

Extension output is logged to files found under the following folder on the target virtual machine:


The specified files are downloaded into the following folder on the target virtual machine:


In the preceding path, <n> is a decimal integer that might change between executions of the extension. The 1.* value matches the actual, current typeHandlerVersion value of the extension. For example, the actual directory could be C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.8\Downloads\2.

When you run the commandToExecute command, the extension sets this directory (for example, ...\Downloads\2) as the current working directory. This process enables the use of relative paths to locate the files downloaded via the fileURIs property. Here are examples of downloaded files:

URI in fileUrisRelative download locationAbsolute download location 1
https://someAcct.blob.core.windows.net/aContainer/scripts/myscript.ps1 ./scripts/myscript.ps1 C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.8\Downloads\2\scripts\myscript.ps1
https://someAcct.blob.core.windows.net/aContainer/topLevel.ps1 ./topLevel.ps1 C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.8\Downloads\2\topLevel.ps1

1 The absolute directory paths change over the lifetime of the VM, but not within a single execution of the Custom Script Extension.

Because the absolute download path might vary over time, it's better to opt for relative script/file paths in the commandToExecute string, whenever possible. For example:

"commandToExecute": "powershell.exe . . . -File \"./scripts/myscript.ps1\""

Path information after the first URI segment is kept for files downloaded via the fileUris property list. As shown in the earlier table, downloaded files are mapped into download subdirectories to reflect the structure of the fileUris values.


If you need help with any part of this article, you can contact the Azure experts at Azure Community Support.

You can also file an Azure support incident. Go to the Azure support site and select Get support. For information about using Azure support, read the Microsoft Azure support FAQ.


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