Which of the following factors is learned or gained through our environment and life experiences?

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Terms in this set (194)

Which of the following statements is true of the impact of the economic recession on consumers' mindset?

Consumers have begun to reevaluate their paradigm or the way they look at products.

The manner in which a company and its employees treat its customers when delivering the company's products or other deliverables is known as ____.


The process of correcting something that has gone wrong involving provision of a product to a client is called ____.

service recovery

The _____ includes an element of an organization that a customer experiences.

organizational culture

Which of the following is a component of a customer service environment?

Delivery systems

_____ is the term applied to an ongoing trend of information, knowledge and resource sharing around the world.


_____ refers to the relocation of business services by an organization from one country to another.


Service providers invest large amounts of money in training employees because ____.

they lose business and revenue if they do not meet the service expectations of customers

Who among the following is an example of internal customers?


The ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external clients in a manner that satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in positive word-of-mouth publicity and return business is called ____.

customer service

According to the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, wholesale trade, retail trade, finance, insurance and the federal government are examples of the ____.

public sector

_____ undertakes activities such as recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining qualified people.

Human resource

Analog Corp., a multinational software company, spends time and takes efforts to satisfy its clients by identifying their needs and establishing policies and procedures to support excellence in service delivery. In this case, Analog Corp. is most likely to be a(n) _____.

customer-focused organization

RedAngle Corp. is a company that allows its employees to set up home offices and communicate electronically to its corporate office. This is an example of ____.


Which of the following statements best describes the term "e-commerce?"

It refers to an entire spectrum of companies that market products and services on the Internet and through other technology.

Who among the following is an example of external customers?


Which of the following statements is true of successful organizations?

The members of the upper management make themselves clearly visible to front-line employees.

To ensure the success of an organization's customer service, a service professional should:

continually reevaluate what he/she does on a daily basis when dealing with customers.

_____ is defined as a group of processes in an organization that make service seamless to customers by ensuring that things work properly and the customer is satisfied.

Customer-friendly system

Which of the following statements is true of a top down-oriented organization?

Upper management is at the top of the hierarchy.

Emma is the manager of a small beauty salon. She deals with different kinds of customers and has to ensure that the customer needs are identified and satisfied. To develop an effective customer service, she should:

continually strive to gain new knowledge and skills and deliver the level of service equal to that offered by established salons.

_____ is used to describe the giving of decision-making and problem-resolution authority to lower-level employees in an organization.


Which of the following approaches helps companies develop an effective organizational culture?

Companies should recognize, appreciate, and regularly reward the performance of their employees.

A benefit for an organization that outsources its noncore positions is that:

the need to purchase and update computers and related equipment is eliminated.

In an organization, _____ are the task assignments that service providers assume.

employee roles

Which of the following statements is a disadvantage for a company that outsources jobs?

The potential to groom and hire from within an enculturated workforce decreases.

Which of the following is a characteristic of organizations that are highly committed to customer service?

They benchmark the successful practices of competitors.

The first step a company should take in creating or redefining its service environment is to:

create a plan to attract and hold its potential customers.

Daniel, a customer service executive, has received a call from Mrs. Karen Lynn, a customer, complaining about a problem with her refrigerator. Mrs. Lynn wants to get the refrigerator fixed at no additional cost. However, the warranty period for the appliance has expired. In this scenario, which of the following responses will demonstrate Daniel's commitment to customer service?

"Mrs. Lynn, what I can do to resolve this problem is to offer you a thirty percent discount on the repair costs and a two-year warranty on your appliance."

To promote a positive service culture, customer service professionals should always _____.

be well versed in the many facets of their organization and its operation, related industry topics, and the competition

Which of the following guidelines should customer service professionals follow to meet the expectations of customers?

Service professionals should strive to mask their feelings of anger, frustration, and pressure from customers.

Which of the following is the first step that an organization should take in creating or redefining its service environment?

Making sure it knows who its customers really are

Retail and service organizations should:

establish policies and procedures that are flexible.

The business of customer service ____.

is all about people

The response to a sender's message that allows both the sender and receiver to know that a message was received correctly is called

verbal feedback.

The silent bond built between two people as a result of sharing common interests is called ____.


Which of the following statements is true of the problems associated with channels of communication?

Written communication has the potential for misunderstanding of words.

Which of the following is an element of an interpersonal communication model?


_____ occurs when a customer converts messages received into familiar ideas by interpreting or assigning meaning.


Which of the following is most likely to lead to a communication breakdown?

Listen to me

Two-way communication involves ____.

an application of all the elements of interpersonal communication

Resentment, frustration and retaliation often result when employees believe their supervisor is ____.

misusing their power

Why is nonverbal feedback more powerful than spoken or written feedback?

Verbal feedback is often subject to interpretation

A communication delivered through speech or signals is known as ____.


When something goes wrong, a service provider should ____.

take responsibility and take appropriate action

Projecting a presence that is assured, confident and capable without appearing aggressive or arrogant is known as your level of ____.


Which of the following is most likely to cause conflict?

Dependent outcomes

To deliver quality service effectively, a service provider must ____.


Which of the following is an element of the PLAN guide to effective communication?

Nurture a continuing relationship.

Dialogue that is used to enhance relationships, show civility, and build rapport is called ____.

small talk

Recognition is:

a process that occurs in thinking when a previously experienced pattern, event, process, image, or object that is stored in memory is encountered again.

The brain can comprehend messages delivered at:

speeds four to six times faster than the average speaking rate.

Telling a customer, You really don't want that color, do you, Mrs. Brown? is a:

way to sound as if you are challenging the customer's decision making.

_____ is the primary means that many customer service professionals use to determine the needs of their customers.


Which of the following is a personal obstacle that can cause listening breakdown?

Hearing loss

Positive approaches to listening to a customer include:

turning off noisy equipment, facing the person, making eye contact and smiling.

An effective listener should be _____.


Mental factors that can cause a shift in focus in interacting with others are known as ____.

psychological distracters

In which of the following situations will you feel the need to refocus?

You answer a question incorrectly because you did not actually listen

What is the last phase of the listening process?


Close-ended questions are typically used to:

get one-syllable answers.

_____ is the phase of the listening process in which a listener focuses on a specific sound or message being received from the environment.


_____ is the ability to gain, store and retain information in the brain for later application.


_____ refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to a message originator.


In communication _____ relates to ensuring that verbal messages sent match or are in agreement with the nonverbal cues used.


Which of the following is an example of an external obstacle to listening?

Ringing phones

Because of past experiences with other customers, you may be tempted to:

make faulty assumptions.

As a service provider, one way to be nice to customers when they approach is to:

stand up if appropriate and offer assistance.

Holding hands near or over the mouth may present problems for those who ____.

rely on reading lips to understand messages

Nonverbal messages ____.

are likely to contradict or override verbal messages

Which of the following is an example of a negative nonverbal behavior?

Casual unkempt appearance

Which of the following is a behavioral difference between men and women?

Women claim small areas of personal space, whereas men claim large areas.

Which of the following is an example of negative nonverbal behavior?

Pointing a finger

Which of the following is a problem associated with nonverbal cues?

They are likely to be misinterpreted.

If service is going to be delayed or take longer than planned, ____.

notify the customer the reasons for delay and offer alternatives available

_____ refers to the outcome of people from various countries or backgrounds coming into contact with one another and potentially experiencing misunderstandings or relationship breakdowns.

Impact of culture

The process of clarifying a nonverbal cue that was received by stating what behavior was observed, giving one or two possible interpretations, and then asking the message sender for clarification is called ____.

perception checking

Groupings of nonverbal behavior, such as crossed arms and friendly touching, to indicate possible positive or negative intent are called ____.


_____ refers to the manner or clarity in which verbal messages are delivered.


In a board meeting, the chairman says "John is the pineapple of hard work". He obviously meant the word pinnacle and not pineapple. This is an example of ____.


The intimate distance which is typically reserved for family and intimate relationships is usually ____.

0 to 18 inches

If a service provider is to understand and serve people who might be different, they must first become aware ____.

that they are also very similar

Which of the following is true of gender communication?

Females tend to learn more nurturing and relationship skills early.

A generalization made about an individual or group that is not based on realty is called a:


An outcome to a disagreement in which both parties walk away feeling that they got what they wanted or needed is a:

win-win situation.

Jung explored human behavior and divided it into functions. One of them is ____.


One of the four behavior groups characterized as people-oriented, fun-loving, upbeat and extroverted is the _____ style.


_____ means deliberate discrimination against a person based on his or her age, race, sex, ethnicity, or ability level.

Disparate treatment

If you display a confident, possibly arrogant demeanor, you are most likely exhibiting a(n) _____ style.


If a rational style customer has intermittent eye contact, a strategy you may use is to:

listen actively.

How someone views an item, situation or others is called ____.


The persons who are most likely to have a functionally decorated office are those of the _____ style.


A nonverbal cue of someone who is expressive is a(n):

active body language.



The way a person acts or reacts under certain circumstances is known as ____.

primary behavior pattern


Avoiding anger and conflict


introvert and extrovert.

_____ style is one of the behavioral groups, characterized by a direct and no-nonsense approach to people.


Observable tendencies or descriptive terms that identify categories of human behavior are known as ____.

behavioral styles

If a decisive pattern customer directly places blame on you, the service provider, a strategy you may use is to:

be brief in offering solutions.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to communicate effectively with diverse customers?

Use care with nonverbal cues

Which of the following best defines modesty?

It refers to the way that cultures view propriety of dress and conduct.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively handle customers with vision disabilities?

When walking with someone who is blind, offer your arm.

Which of the following best defines diversity?

It refers to the characteristics, values, beliefs, and factors that make people different, yet similar.

_____ refers to a term coined by Tony Alessandra related to going beyond the step of treating customers the way you want to be treated, to the next level of treating them the way they would like to be treated.

Platinum Rule

Which of the following statements best define gender roles?

They refer to behaviors attributed to or assigned by societal norms.

Which of the following may be a result of applying your own cultural practices and beliefs to a situation involving someone from another culture?

Poor service

Keith, a middle-aged sales representative at NewGen, a sports apparel store often encounters customers from Generation Y. Which of the following approaches should Keith adopt to serve these customers better?

He must strive to cater to their wants and needs just like any other customer.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to build strong interpersonal relationships?

Present gifts to persuade various people in the organization that you are a friend of.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively handle people with hearing disabilities?

Use facial expressions and gestures to emphasize key words or express thoughts.

Which of the following statements is true of people from monochronic societies?

They tend to do one thing at a time.

A _____ is an online journal or diary that allows people to add content.


Which of the following factors that are learned or gained through our environment and life experiences are responsible for making a person unique?


Daniel, a customer care executive at Shopahol.com, an E-commerce site, receives a complaint from an elderly customer regarding a mismatch in the product delivered to him. While dealing with such a customer, Daniel should:

be careful not to let biases about older people interfere with good service.

James, a sales executive at Shop Stop, an apparel store encounters a German customer who is not familiar with English. The customer tries to communicate his requirements to James who tries to interpret what the customer expects. After interpreting the customer's needs, James seeks clarity to help understand the customer better. James is ____.

paraphrasing the customer's message

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively handle customers having expectations of privacy?


_____ are groups in which members are separate from their group and are responsible for their destiny.

Individualistic cultures

You can win the customer over by:

using a people-centered approach to problem analysis and problems solving.

Which of the following best defines talkative customers?

Customers exhibiting extroverted behavior and who are very people-oriented.

When a company provides what is promised, dependably, and with quality it is considered to be ____.


Before you get a customer to calm down, you should:


Which of the following is a benefit of exceeding customer expectations?

Goodwill and positive publicity

Which of the following work habits help build a good working relationship with internal customers?

Pitch in to help when you have spare time and your co-workers need any assistance

Identify the true statement of compensation from the following.

Customers should feel that the organization has suffered an equal loss.

People who have difficulty making a decision or making a selection when given choices of products or services are:

indecisive customers.

Peter, a customer-care executive of Homefort Inc., an electronics company, adopts the problem-solving process to find a solution to a complaint he received from a customer regarding the non-functioning of a microwave. After identifying the problem, what is Peter likely to do next?

Compile and analyze the data.

Which of the following is a good strategy for effectively handling rude or inconsiderate customers?

Don't resort to retaliation

The first step in the emotion-reducing model is to:


Which of the following is the final step in the problem-solving process?

Monitoring the results

Which of the following is a good strategy for effectively handling demanding customers?

Be professional and respect the customer

Which of the strategies should be adopted when a customer takes time to share a concern, complaint, or question?

Ensure that necessary follow-up actions begin once the transaction is completed.

The first phase in the service recovery process is to:

apologize, apologize, and apologize.

When a company provides caring, personalized attention to customers, recognizing both their human and business needs it is considered to be ____.


_____ technology involves using hardware and software delivered over a network, such as the Internet.

Cloud computing

When delivering service face-to-face with a customer, you should:

speak clearly, smile frequently, and use correct grammar.

_____ is a type of technology that allows online chats in real-time text transmission over the Internet between customers and service representatives.

Instant messaging

_____ refers to the practice of contracting with third-party companies or vendors outside the organization to deliver products and services to customers or produce products.


What is the disadvantage of technology that negatively impacts an employee?

It increases the risk of reassignment or dismissal.

_____ allows someone browsing the Internet to click on words or phrases, enter his or her phone number, and continue browsing.

Internet call-back technology

Which of the following is a function controlled by the computer telephony integration systems?

Screen population of customer data when the customer answers the phone.

Which of the following statements is true about the automatic number identification system?

It is pronounced as "Annie"

_____ refers to an abusive use of various electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited and indiscriminant bulk messages.


Which of the following statements is true about an automated computer telephone interview?

It is built around an advanced interactive voice response technology along with voice broadcasting technology.

_____ provide callers with a menu of options from which they can select by pressing a key on their telephone keypad.

Automated attendants

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to effectively use a voice mail?

Keep your outgoing message current

Which of the following statements best define offshoring?

It refers to the relocation of business services from one country to another.

Which of the following statements best define an automatic call distribution system?

It refers to a telecommunications system used by many companies in their call centers and customer care facilities to capture incoming calls and route them to available service providers.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted for successfully providing effective customer service over the telephone?

Always answer a phone call by the third or fourth ring.

Which of the following is a tip to be adopted for creating a positive telephone image?

Continually evaluate yourself since you are your own best critic.

Which of the following is a function of the customer relationship management software?

Automatically maintain a detailed audit history on customer accounts, transactions and individual events.

Which of the following statements best describes noise?

It refers to the physiological or psychological factors that interfere with the accurate reception of information.

_____ is likely to lead to customer relationship breakdowns.

Using pet phrases such as "cool" excessively

In most Western cultures, the typical period of time that is comfortable for holding eye contact is _____ seconds.

5 to 10

Which of the following is likely to damage the customer-provider relationship?

Using a lot of jargon

Identify the true statement of the problem-solving model.


Which of the following best defines prohibitions?

indecisive customers.

The _____ type of channel partnership involves signing agreements through which one organization creates a long-term alliance with another organization to brand, develop, or produce each other's products or services.


Which of the following best describes unsatisfactory service?

Service at this level is unacceptable and typically leads to a breakdown.

Which of the following categories of partners include organizations that are intricately meshed with another company's internal operations?


Which of the following is a channel partner that provides a distribution outlet or link for a company's products and services?


Which of the following best describes below average service?

Service at this level is not as expected and disappoints customers.

Which statement below is appropriate to use when you want to show appreciation?

It's nice to see you this morning.

A shortsighted view of customer interaction shows that:

a customer calls or comes in, service is provided, and then the customer goes away.

Which of the following is a tip to handle customers effectively?

Strive to provide exceptional service to win over the customer.

_____ conducted by greeters, hosts, or hostesses as customers leave a facility.

Exit interviews

Which of the following quickly gathers customer reactions to their service experience and is commonly found at restaurant tables and at point-of-sale locations?

Customer comment cards

Which of the following is an example of ethical behavior?

An employee who reports a theft carried out by another employee.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted to successfully build trust?

While communicating with the customer, project positivity and enthusiasm.

Which of the following best describes exemplary service?

Service at this level is out of the ordinary and unexpected.

Which of the following is the next step after identifying alternatives in the planning process model?

Select the best alternatives

Which of the following is an easy way to show respect to customers?

Stop talking when the customer begins to speak.

The system of identifying issues, determining alternatives for dealing with them, then selecting and monitoring a strategy for resolution is known as:


In customer service, relationships with customers are built on _____ the characteristics of others.


_____ style is one of the behavioral groups, characterized by a direct and no-nonsense approach to people.


The psychiatrist who did much research related to behavioral styles in the early 20th century is ____.

Carl Jung

_____ are informational or discussion websites that contain articles or comments posted in reverse chronological format on the World Wide Web.


Which of the following is a distinct advantage of using technology in organizations?

Information and services can be provided on demand to customers and a worldwide customer base can be developed.

Which of the following benefits does technology bring to employees?

It frees them from mundane tasks.

_____ refers to an abusive use of various electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited and indiscriminant bulk messages.


_____ is an electronic form of messaging between mobile, portable, or fixed devices over a telephone network.


Which of the following statements is true about social media?

It provides a wealth of opportunity for companies that want to share their message about products and services with the world.

_____ requires putting yourself in the customer's place and trying to relate to the customer's needs, wants, and concerns.


A passive physiological process of gathering sound waves and transmitting them to the brain for analysis is known as ____.


_____ refers to sending back verbal and nonverbal messages to a message originator.


_____ is often displayed through nonverbal cues (nodding or cocking of the head to one side or the other, smiling, or using paralanguage).


A _____ is an online journal or diary that allows people to add content.


People from polychronic societies are used to:

working toward long-term deadlines.

_____ are groups in which members are separate from their group and are responsible for their destiny.

Individualistic cultures

A _____ is a form of server software that allows nontechnical personnel to create and edit website pages using any web browser and without complex programming knowledge.


Which of the following strategies should be adopted to communicate effectively with diverse customers?

Use care with nonverbal cues

During the early days of business growth, many sold or bartered products from their homes in what became known as ____.

cottage industries

_____ is a term that describes an organization that uses knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage.

Learning organization

The means by which an organization effectively gets its products and services to customers is known as:

service delivery systems.

Internal employees or external consultants who pose as customers in on-site visits, over the telephone, or online to determine how well customers are being served are known as:

mystery shoppers.

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