Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support quizlet?

Source: Senator Joseph McCarthy, The Congressional Record

During the early 1950s, which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

a. Widespread concern about the military-industrial complex
b. Attempts to rein in the power of the executive branch
c. Strong domestic opposition to the Korean War
d. Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order

d. Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order

Source: Senator Joseph McCarthy, The Congressional Record

Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support?

a. The free speech movement
b. Restrictive immigration quotas
c. The Great Migration
d. The growth of the American labor movement

b. Restrictive immigration quotas

Source: The Southern Declaration on Integration, March 11, 1956

The author of the quote above most directly attacks

a. the efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals
b. decision-makers in each of the three branches of government
c. desegregation of the U.S. military
d. The doctrine of states' rights

a. the efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals

Source: The Southern Declaration on Integration, March 11, 1956

The argument in the passage above is most clearly a demand for the reinstatement of which prior historical development?

a. Restrictive immigration quotas
b. Prohibition
c. Plessy v. Ferguson
d. The Harlem Renaissance movement

c. Plessy v. Ferguson

Source: Levittown Advertisement, 1950s

During the 1950s, which group most directly challenged the portrayal of American life depicted in the illustration above?

a. Artists and intellectuals
b. Political conservatives
c. Private-sector businesses
d. "Sun Belt" migrants

a. Artists and intellectuals

Source: Levittown Advertisement, 1950s

The creation of the type of society depicted in the image above was possible because of

a. the dismantling of the New Deal.
b. strict environmental regulations.
c. the suburbanization of the the middle class.
d. conservative victories on taxation.

c. the suburbanization of the the middle class

Source: Charles D. Jackson, "The Sputnik Crisis: The Beep Heard 'Round the World."

Which challenge faced by the United States in the 1950s and 1960s best exemplified the concerns articulated in the quote above?

a. The U.S. struggle for global leadership
b. The rise of the U.S. military-industrial complex
c. The process of decolonization and shifting alliances
d. The end of détente

a. The U.S. struggle for global leadership

Source: The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society

The author of the above most likely

a. supported conservative tax policies and economic deregulation.
b. assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice.
c. was satisfied with the social programs of the Great Society.
d. condemned violent protests.

b. assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice.

Source: The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society

What future activity was LEAST consistent with the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

a. The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies
b. Demands for social justice for minority groups
c. Nonviolent protests for African American civil rights
d. Passionate demonstrations against the Vietnam War

a. The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies

Source: The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society

What earlier movement is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the quote above?
a. Social Darwinism
b. Populism
c. The second party system
d. Manifest Destiny

b. Populism

Source: President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at University of Michigan, 1964

Which of the following resulted from the efforts described in the passage above?

a. Increased military spending
b. Increased funding of social programs
c. Congressional indifference to voting rights
d. New laws restricting Asian and Hispanic Immigration

b. Increased funding of social programs

Source: President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at University of Michigan, 1964

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American History?

a. Debates about the multiethnic and multiracial nature of American society
b. Debates about the definition and extension of democratic ideals
c. Debates about the assimilation of immigrants into American society
d. Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power

d. Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power

Source: President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at Johns Hopkins University, 1965

The passage above was most clearly a response to

a. the lack of Republican and Democratic party support for the policy of containment.
b. debates over the methods used to root out communism within the United States.
c. growing public protests against the conflict in Vietnam.
d. concerns about the growth of a "military-industrial complex."

c. growing public protests against the conflict in Vietnam.

Source: President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at Johns Hopkins University, 1965

In the excerpt above, President Johnson drew an analogy between the conflict in Vietnam and the struggle of

a. Americans to adapt to growing economic inequalities.
b. African Americans for civil rights and racial injustice.
c. rebellious youth against cultural conformity.
d. gays and lesbians for greater social economic equality.

b. African Americans for civil rights and racial injustice.

Which event was the most likely catalyst for the ideas expressed in the passage above?

Which event was MOST LIKELY catalyst for the ideas expressed in the passage above? American victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898. The rights of indigenous peoples to choose their own form of government free from imperialistic control.

Which of the following best explains a historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s that the excerpt does not address?

Which of the following best explains a historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s that the excerpt does not address? Economic booms encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region.

Why was the 1963 March on Washington significant in the history of the civil rights movement quizlet?

Why was the 1963 March on Washington significant in the history of the civil rights movement? Conflicts between moderate and militant activists signaled an emerging rift in the larger civil rights movement. In his famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr.

Which of the following arguments about southern society in the late 1800s could the excerpt's point of view best be used to support?

Which of the following arguments about Southern society in the late 1800s could the excerpt's point of view best be used to support? Southern African Americans secured new constitutional rights and opportunities.